The first one hundred and sixty-four chapters King is mighty!

Black dark tyrannical tiger family.

It is the Race that is best at fighting in Demon Race Five Great Imperial Clan.

Even the Ancient Divine Elephant Clan Powerhouse, the single-round combat power is far less than the black dark tyrannical tiger.

The dark dark tyrannical tiger, with Tiger’s Attack Power Explosive Power and destructive power, is the deserved king of Demon Race.

The Black Tiger, who played against Old White, is also the backbone of the Black tyrannical tiger. It is also a powerful Powerhouse.

Old White 猿 Although he has a lot of experience in combat, he is old.

Blood gas is declining, and Strength is not as good as before.

Killing a dozen rounds has already made a difference.

The Black Tiger is more and more brave. After nearly 20 rounds, it has already injured Old White.

At the time of the Old White 猿difficult situation, the Black Tigers deceived themselves, and the method was very ruthless, and it was almost the same as Old White.

This move is implemented.

Don’t say Old White, who is injured at the moment, even if the blood is returning to the peak of Old White, you don’t want to peel off the skin!

Zhao Fang didn’t want to intervene.

He is not familiar with Old White and is not guilty of their existence of being more terrifying than Xiang Chu.


Killed Xiang Chu on the same day, it is entirely the credit of natural array.

Although the god Ape Mountain vein is also a good place, it is amazing.

There is no natural array.

Zhao Fang really wants to be on the Black Tiger, it will be very bad!

But DD


“congratulations Player, triggers Task ‘unified 猿’.”

“Task Objective: Pressing White, Long Arm Spirit Ape, Three Eyed Spirit Ape, King Kong Spirit Ape, Flying Spirit Heavenly Ape, Integrating the Monkey Family.”

“Task deadline: one month.”

“Task Level : a.”

“Task Reward: 50 experience points, billions supreme coins, big holy return card, Radiant Divine Monkey bloodline, Long Arm Spirit Ape bloodline, Three Eyed Divine Ape bloodline, Flying Spirit Heavenly Ape bloodline.”

“Accept/Reject ?”


“damn it, this reward is poisonous Ah!”

According to Zhao Fang, he did not want to take over the Task.

Integrating the apes family, he has no problem.

The key is reward.

“Dammit, what do I have to do with so many bloodlines?”

That being said.

Zhao Fang still confirmed acceptance.

“The ant’s legs are also small pieces of meat. If you bump into it, then rise from here!”

Zhao Fang made up his mind.

At the moment when Black Tiger prepares for a serious injury Old White, he is suddenlyd roared.

“this King Flower Curtain Cave Monkey King Sun Wukong is here, you are impudent!”

One finger Body Lock points out, Black violent tiger figure a pause.

Zhao Fang Void Hand A scratch, Old White 猿’s silhouette, disappeared in place.

The Black Tiger attacked nothing, but it was empty!


Black tyrannosaur reacted extremely fast, turned to look at Zhao Fang, the tiger’s eyes were slightly stunned, and the coldness was cold. “Trivial Tier-3 splashed the monkey, and dared to break this King major event ?court death!”

While speaking, Black violent tigers stepping on the sky, filled with the darkness of the Monster Force fluctuation, the move is very ruthless, to win the Zhao Fang life!

“King be careful !”

Old White yelled, the figure suddenly rose a dozen feet, turned into a white Giant Ape, blocked in front of Zhao Fang.

“Stop!” Zhao Fang sipped.

Pū chī !

Black violent tiger claws, shredded Old White 猿 half body, flesh and blood, the intestines flow out, looks extremely infiltrating.

“Lord White Ape !”

The ape monkey on the ground saw this scene, his eyes were red, and he was suddenly roared and rushed up.

Demon Ox will give them a chance, with a big hand, behind thousands of Demon Ox, as dark as the sky, drowning the apes in the night.

“哼!act recklessly !”

Black tyrannosaur coldly snorted, raising his hand, it is necessary to explode Old White 猿 the other half.

“This King lets you stop, you didn’t hear it?”

The sound of the cold ice, with a strong baleful qi, suddenly came from Old White 猿behind.

Black violent tiger disdain, simply did not pay attention.

However the next moment.

Its eyes condensed, and the eyes of the eyes were shocked.

A dark spear head, silent, appears in front of him.

Then, let the light shine!

In the ear, a faint voice is heard.

Antiquity Slaughter Immortal !

Then, the thick and faint rays of light penetrated the body of the Black Tiger.

Rays of light are exhausted.

Black tyrannosaurus was sifted into a sieve, bloody and fuzzy, aura no!


In Old White, Demon Ox will be shocked and the body of the Black Tiger will suddenly burst.

A muffled sound of heaven and earth.

Strong aftershocks, many Demon Ox monkeys die innocently!

This is also a loss in the air.

If it is on the ground, the Demon Race will be more and more!

Demon Ox will have some incredible looks at this scene, muttering: “Is the tiger dead?”

It is stupid there, forgetting to attack!

Other Demon Ox, like the Body Lock Technique, is a silly look at the bloody rain that falls in the air, one piece of the face of the cow, full of shock, even a fearful look!

The monkeys were also shocked.

But Old White’s reaction was extremely fast, and the other monkeys woke up, making a burst of excitement and rushing to the dazzling Demon Ox.

On the spot, I killed a lot of daemons.

Demon Ox will be furious but will not fight again.

“The tyrannosaur is Tier-4 Middle Stage peak. Strong is stronger than me. It is the biggest card of my trip. I was shot to death by this golden monkey with only Tier-3 aura…”

After Demon Ox will compare, the heart will retreat.

After the battle, I will quickly escape.

“Can you escape?”

Zhao Fang sneered, God Slayer Spear waved, scared Demon Ox maddened the complexion, did not dare to stay in the little bit, cast the fastest speed of life, rushing out of the mountains.

Looking at the silhouette of Demon Ox, Zhao Fang complexion is indifferent.

He did not pursue.

At this moment, the state is losing money. Even if you catch up, you may not be able to leave Demon Ox. It will be the best choice to scare him away!

Demon Ox will escape, and the other Demon Ox will have no heads, and will be killed by the fierce and violent monkeys, leaving nearly a thousand bodies, and Cangjie will withdraw from the Ape Mountain.

After killing Demon Ox, the monkeys screamed and cheered.

“King mighty!”

Old White 猿 one knee kneel down , expression is sincere and full of respect.

“King mighty!”

The other monkeys saw this scene, hesitated, and they continued to follow.

Although Zhao Fang is outside the Tier-3 Vicious Beast aura.

Putting it in the monkey group is just a trivial one.

But witnessing Zhao Fang killed Black, they have no monkeys, dare to Xiao Fang.

Kill the tiger monkey!

Zhao Fang, with Strength, shocked the group of monkeys without wariness.

“take this.”

Zhao Fang looks at Old White. There is only half of the bloody body left, brows slightly wrinkle, take out a Flesh Rebirth Pill.

“Human’s Pill Medicine?”

Old White has seen monkeys, and after seeing Pill Medicine, both eyes little bright.

There is no hesitation, after taking it, take it directly.

In the horror of many demon monkeys, Old White smashed the half of the body, recovering with the speed visible to the naked eye, just a moment of skill, it will be restored!


Old White was also shocked.

After the reaction, knees kneel down, with one kind of very respectful and sincere tone, said: “many thanks King !”

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