The first one hundred and seventy-one chapters are in danger!

“So, the King Kong Spirit Ape family really wants Destruction Long Arm Spirit Ape, White, and even Three Eyed Spirit Ape, Flying Spirit Heavenly Ape, to become the real hegemon of the Yi?”

Zhao Fang suddenly asked.

“That is natural…”

Violent Battle King Kong replied casually.

After answering this, I found the trap in Zhao Fang’s discourse.

“Who damn said to Destruction Three Eyed Spirit Ape, Flying Spirit Heavenly Ape?”

Violent Battle King Kong glares at Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang smiled and didn’t care. “You said, all the Dais on the scene, heard! How? Grand King Kong Spirit Ape One of the four King Kong’s Violent Battle King Kong, just a dare to do the goods. ?”


Violent Battle King Kong has red eyes.

As can be seen from its name, this fellow is very good in combat.

But the brain is not so good.

Simple, it’s stupid!

By Zhao Fang, the original brain is not good for it, the whole body is soaring, it seems to take action at any time.

But it didn’t take action.

Staring at Zhao Fang, shouted: “The monkey, who are you?”

It’s basically stupid, but it can be seen that Zhao Fang is not a common generation.

Otherwise, White Ape King and Long Arm Ape King, grand two kings, will not be so respectful to a mixed monkey.

“What are you? Also know the name of this King?” Zhao Fang looked indifferent and dismissive.

“Violent Battle King Kong, let King Kong come out and greet my Dai King.”

Old White 猿said solemnly.

The scene was awkward.

“What identity of this old monkey, I dare to let us get out of the game, it is impatient.”

“You oh, didn’t you see that it was Old White?”

“What Old White is, isn’t it a white monkey?”

“Old White, that’s the last love of the big king, one of the oldest Monsters of the entire Yi ethnic group. According to the seniority, even if we see it by Patriarch, we must respectfully call a white uncle.

“It’s an Old Monster, no wonder it’s so arrogant!”

King Kong Peak has a lot of discussion.

Violent Battle King Kong grumbled said: “Old White Hey, you have to rely on the old and the old, in my Demon Race, Strong for the sake, the generation is a fart, we Patriarch has not found you trouble, you are sent to the door, see how Grandfather 斩You old monkey!”

Old White doesn’t care about the provocation of Violent Battle King Kong, just indifferently said: “The mad war, your master? We both hit the door, it still doesn’t appear?”

“Hey, pack up an old man, I can solve it with a mad battle, why do I have to take action?”

“Yes? Is it really not necessary to take action, or can’t take action?”

“what did you say?”

“Demon Ox those fellows, but they are all people who are going back and working with them, you will not have a good end!”

Wen Yan, Violent Battle King Kong complexion changed again.

Look like a knife, and look at Old White. “Old monkey, what do you know?”

King Kong Peak group monkey startled.

They are not stupid.

Looking at the reaction of Violent Battle King Kong, you know that they are sure to have something to do with King.

“King, it seems that we are coming.”

Old White turned and turned to Zhao Fang said with a laugh.

“indeed so.”

Zhao Fang nod, “Being hit by two big Yi people, life and death is a one-shot, only Violent Battle King Kong is a supporter. It seems that King Kong Spirit Ape has a big problem.”

“Hey, that’s King. I think, against you, this is just enough!” Violent Battle King Kong IQ suddenly went online.

“is it?”

Zhao Fang smiled and saw Long Arm Ape King.

Long Arm Ape King figure Move around and head straight to King Kong Peak where Violent Battle King Kong is located.

Also starting, there are Zhao Fang, as well as two big Yi Powerhouses.

Although the middle of the Blue Dragon Lake was broken by the Blue Jiao Dragon King, the gap was quickly filled by three peaks with the efforts of the Long Arm Spirit Ape Powerhouse.

On the endless blue Dragon Lake, a bridge that leads directly to King Kong Peak.

The Long Arm Spirit Ape, a two-headed Powerhouse, follows the bridge of the mountain, trailing the Long Arm Ape King, and simultaneously kills the other side.

Long Arm Ape King has played against Violent Battle King Kong halfway through their path.

Violent Battle King Kong is a group of King Kong Spirit Ape, except for the King Kong King, the strength of the strength of the strongest.

Compared with the long Arm Ape King, the combat power is not too much.

The battle between the two Spirit ape is amazing!

In this way, there is no three days and three nights, and there is no way to win or lose.

Zhao Fang glanced at it and pointed it out with a finger, and sipped in his mouth: “Lock!”

Long Arm Ape King has already received Zhao Fang’s voice, and in the Violent Battle King Kong figure, all of a sudden, directly killing the killing move.

With both arms, hold the body of Violent Battle King Kong and tear it hard.

Pū chī !

Violent Battle King Kong Fleshy Body collapsed, only the Core mixed with Remnant Spirit turned into a silver mans, fled to King Kong Peak abyss.

While fleeing, shouting: “Patriarch save me!”

Although it is not clear, he is obviously indistinguishable from the Long Arm Ape King, but in the blink of an eye, he was torn by Long Arm Ape King.

But the instinct that Death passed, let it forget to think about it, go crazy, and flee to King Kong Peak abyss, as if there are powerful people to protect it.

Long Arm Ape King is also stunned.

Unexpectedly, it was so easy, it shredded the Fleshy Body of Violent Battle King Kong.

When it was amazed, I saw the Core Silver Mang of Violent Battle King Kong, in the eyes flashed an indifferent killing intent, “Violent Battle King Kong, you repeatedly commit me to the arms of the Yi people, kill me clansman countless, today, Use your life to pay homage to my family!”

Long Arm Ape King Expand speed and chase it up.

The two-nation coalition forces that went halfway to the bridge of the mountain peaks were delighted to see this scene.

Especially the Tong Yi people, it is a burst of excitement and roaring.

“Through the arm, don’t chase!”

Old White yells.

Unfortunately, it reminds me that it is too late, long Arm Ape King has disappeared into King Kong Peak.


Old White looks at Zhao Fang, face shows the color of worry.

“It’s fine, with the ability of the King Kong Spirit Ape, who can threaten it, and only King Kong, but the probability of their two encounters should not be high.”

“Hopefully!” Old White smiled.

Zhao Fang just stepped into King Kong Peak.

King Kong Peak abyss, a burst of gold-sharp violent, “Long Arm Ape King, you dare to hurt me subordinate, court death!”

The word ‘dead’ came out, and the thick king dignity aura came out.

Many demon monkeys are whitened by this mixed drink, panic-stricken.

Old White is also complexion greatly changed, “Not good, This is the voice of King Kong.”

“It’s not just it!” Zhao Fang faintly, the figure speeds up.

Old White is a glimpse.

To be aware, after the King Kong King, there are also three tyrannical aura, its sly face, how ugly it is, and how ugly it is.

“King Kong, the king, and the other three of the four King Kong… they have appeared together, through the arms, critical!”

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