The first thousand one hundred and eighty chapters attacked the Yi people!


“Being flying is actually the devil king Sir!”

In the Demon Ox group, an incredible exclamation broke out.

They are unable to believe.

The Demon Ox family is second only to the second Powerhouse of the cattle Demon King, and the Purple Devil King is actually injured by an old man.


Even more shocking is still behind.

Looking at the fierce man who will blast the purple sable king.

All of Demon Ox’s faces were shocked and a trace of doubt.

Standing opposite the Purple Devil King, it is not a Powerhouse, but an old man.

An old-fashioned, seemingly old-fashioned, old-fashioned, old-fashioned Old White 猿.

“Who is this fellow?”

“It seems to be the old king of the Bais.”

“No, White Ape King is just the ordinary Tier-4 Middle Stage, and it’s old. Even a Demon Ox can’t tie Sir, how can it be a slamming devil.”

“It must be the reason of sneak attack.”

Demon Ox, who can’t understand, will think that Old White is a clever sneak attack.

Only some of the spiritual wisdom of the very high Demon Ox, see some clues, gaze slightly.

‘Even if it is a sneak attack, if the gap between the two sides is too big, the devil king Sir will be injured again? ‘

‘This old man…not simple! ‘


The dust is flying.

The purple scorpion demon king reappeared, and a pair of purple cicadas flashed cold and chill.

“Yuan Hong?”

The purple devil king starts to talk, the voice is full of uncertainty.

“it’s me.”

The old king is faint with with a laugh. “I didn’t expect that after so many years, I could still meet old friends.”

“I didn’t expect that your old man would step into the Tier-4 Late Stage.”

The purple scorpion demon king said this, the audience was amazed.

Tier-4 Late Stage ……

For Demon Race, it is a watershed Realm.

In Demon Race, Tier-4 Initial Stage and Middle Stage are a lot of bad streets.

Only Tier-4 Middle Stage peak can be called a Powerhouse.

And reach the Tier-4 Late Stage.

It can be said that the founding of a generation of masters.

It is the most exclusive of the family of Peak.

Once there is Tier-4 Late Stage oversee, the entire community will change dramatically.

The reason why the Yi people were stared at by the cattle Devil Race.

It is because the group does not have a Tier-4 Late Stage.

But now, the old Old White, who has unknowingly stepped into the Tier-4 Late Stage, is amazed by the Purple Devil King.

“It’s no wonder that this old man can hurt the devil king Sir, and it also entered the Tier-4 Late Stage…”

A lot of Demon Ox suddenly realized that the tone is full of envy envy.

“Hey, this old Initial Entry Tier-4 Late Stage will not be the opponent of the Devil King Sir.”

“Yes, give it sneak attack can not heavy injury Devil King, it seems that the gap between them … very big Ah!”

Demon Ox talked a lot.

Old White did not hear the Buddha, still holding hands, a pair of senior high-profile.

The Purple Devil King is immersed in one piece of the cow’s face, staring at the old king for a moment, and said: “Old White, look at the past, and surrender him, this King does not pursue the offense of your Dai!”

The purple scorpion king refers to Zhao Fang said.

In its view, this is already its biggest concession.

Old White 猿 If you will come, you should obediently hand over Zhao Fang.

Otherwise, even if it is Tier-4 Late Stage, it really has to annoy the Demon Ox family, and there is absolutely no end.


What it didn’t think of was.

Old White stunned with the slightest hesitation and refused.

“impossible !”

“The original can also be seen in the old friends, give you a way to live, you are looking for dead end, you can’t blame me…”

The purple devil king is extremely angry and laughs. In its identity, saying just now, it is already a great face for Old White, the new Tier-4 Late Stage.

I never thought that the old king would not cherish it.

“If that’s the case, then fight! Earth doesn’t know how your old man has broken through Tier-4, how to unite the five people who fight each other…”

“But these are no longer important…”

The purple sable demon king’s eyes are purple and more and more prosperous.

“It really doesn’t matter.”

Old White took out the Barbarian Monarch Bone Staff, and in the disdainful eyes of the Purple Devil King, he took the action and was as thrilling as he was, and went straight to the Purple Devil King.


The Purple Devil King was swept by a group of gangsters and flew out.

The whole scene is dead!

If the first time is said to be flying, it can be interpreted as being caused by sneak attack, but this is the second time…

This is a positive confrontation, in the case of the preparation of the Purple Devil King.

“how can it like like this?”

The Purple Devil King also wants to understand.

Just then, the bone stick fell again.


The continuous and dense sticks hit the sound, and the purple scorpion king was beaten.

The silence of the whole game.

No one expected that Demon Ox, the second Powerhouse, had a smashing demon king who had a Fearful Might, and was beaten by an old man.

Even if they see it with their own eyes, they are also unable to believe.


The purple scorpion king is on a small mountain peak.

After reversing the retreat, roll up Berserk aura, so that it is in the all of a sudden, the hill peak Boom bursts into a countless gravel, and the purple scorpion king is in the most abyss.

All Demon Ox is dumbfounded!


It didn’t take long for the gravel to stir up, and the tall, black-headed cow with eyes like a purple jade-like broke through the stone.

“Old White, you succeeded in angering this King, this King wants to kill you!”

The purple scorpion king roared.

The purple scorpion king, revealing the bloodline Divine Ability, is comparable to the 8-Star God King Late Stage.

Old White 淡 looks indifferent, holding hands and standing, not hiding.

At the arrival of the purple scorpion king, the Old Bar slammed the Barbarian Monarch Bone Staff, bursting out like a ray of light, the rays of light turned into a huge bone phantom, and the head knocked on the sable The cow head of the devil king is above.

The Purple Devil King is directly injured by this stick!

“how can it be !”

This is the last thought before the singular demon king coma.

At the scene, if you are cold!

Even if it is Demon Ox, it will be wide-eyed and unbelievable.

“Hey, the king of the king, you can offend.”

Old White 猿 Bar Barbarian Monarch Bone Staff , expression indifference.

“Dayu Wang? Who? It won’t be White Ape King himself?”

“Is it impossible, is that Tier-3’s miscellaneous monkey?”

“I have a big grass, this must not be true!”

Demon Ox will roll the inner thunder, unable to believe.

“King, how do they deal with it?”

The eight-armed respectful look at Zhao Fang, simple, confirms the status of Zhao Fang.

“Dammit, father has a hallucination! This is not true!”

“I also have auditory hallucinations.”

Demon Ox are heartbroken. Hey, cannot to believe.

“It’s useless!”

Zhao Fang indifferently said.

“hēi hēi, ok, I know!”

The eight-armed poop is said with a laugh, and the black-and-white fire sticks up the flames, and will rush toward Demon Ox 2nd Rank Demon Ox.

These Demon Ox will have been seriously injured, and they have witnessed the scene that the Purple Devil King was severely wounded by the old king, and his heart was hit by 10,000 tons of crit.

Didn’t think of it at all, the eight arms dare to kill themselves!

This Rank is the same as the cow Devil Race completely torn the dough, irreconcilable until death!

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