The first one hundred and eighty-two chapters of the Qingfeng Mountain, the cattle Demon King

Cow Devil Race.

As one of the new Ten Great Kings in Demon Race.

Demon Ox, on the overall Strength, is inferior to other royals.

But because of the violent violent war, there are few Races dare to provoke them.

Cattle Devil Race is located in the ‘Qingfeng Mountain’.

In the Hundred Thousand Great Mountains, the breeze mountain is considered to be the middle mountain range.

“King, King, major event is not good!”

In the quiet breeze mountain, a sudden sound of fire was heard.

Followed by.

A tall, fur-like satin, two horns such as a sharp black bull, runs fast in the breeze.

Finally, I stayed in front of the luxurious luxury Palace, which was built on the hollow of the mountain.

Palace doorway.

There are quite a few Demon Ox Powerhouse handles.

But no one blocked the big black cow.

The big black cow rushed into the Palace.

Main Hall Two rooms, simple furnishings, only some stone tables and benches.

Separate the Demon Ox family of Powerhouses.

As for the forefront, the slightly extravagant stone bench is sitting on a sturdy body, black and night, emits the terrifying aura’s tiger head man.

The tiger head man slightly closed the eyes, it seems to be in the false, and it seems to be practicing, the powerful aura like the sea, a ** baptism of the Main Hall.

Let the extraordinary banquets in the past become an extraordinary silence.

No one dares to start to talk.

Only the top one man and one woman do not care about this.

Man wears a pair of water-milled silver-lighted iron helmets, wearing a golden yellow gold armor, a foot-tipped foundation suede boots, and a waistband with three lions.

Eyes such as the mirror, eyebrows like red, mouth and blood, teeth and copper plate.

At first glance, it is no different from the average person class.

But obviously, it is not human.

On top of its head, there are two diamond horns.

This pair of horns flashes the black mans.

Adding endless power to it.

It is the owner of the Qingfeng Mountain, the king of the Demon Ox family Supreme.

Qing Lei Niu Demon King.

Also known as the cow Demon King.

As for the side of it, the beautiful women like humans are a big beauty of the Fox family.

But in her body, apart from the faint fox smell, she couldn’t see anything related to the fox.

What is even more shocking is that.

This fox is actually Tier-4 Middle Stage.

In the big black bull stumbled into the before, the tiger head man is talking to the cattle Demon King about the things that the ‘Wan demon assembly’ needs to pay attention to.

With the cry of the big black cow.

The man’s head was lightly snorted, and some were unhappy, and then closed his eyes.

The cow Demon King lost his face in front of the tiger head man. After seeing the big black cow, the complexion turned black and the sound was cold. “Say!”

The big black cow is often accompanied by the cow Demon King. Knowing that it looks so like, it is a dissatisfaction.

Cried quickly, “King, Demon Ox broke the bloodline jade plate of twelve, thirteen…”

Cattle Demon King slightly frowned.

Losing six Demon Ox in a row will be a big loss for the Demon Ox family.

Compared to the conversation between himself and Hutou man, it is obviously trivial.

“Just for this little thing?” Cow Demon King is more and more unhappy.

The big black cow heard the chill in the cow Demon King’s words, and quickly cried, “The bloodline jade plate of the purple devil king Sir is also broken!”


The cow Demon King slammed on the stone bench in front of him, and the stone bench smashed immediately. “Do you say it again?”

The tiger head with his eyes closed, opening the eyes eyes, also looking at the big black cow.

Being stared at by two Powerhouses, Rao is also a Tier-4 existence, and is also scared, panic-stricken. “King is angry, I personally confirmed that the purpleline jade plate of the Purple Devil King has broken. !”

“impossible !”

Cow Demon King shook his head. “Purple is my family, second only to this King’s existence. Unless it is the old old Powerhouse take action of the Ten Great Kings family, no one can keep it, saying, where the sable went! ”

“Purple King seems to have gone to King Kong Peak.”

“King Kong Peak ?King Kong Spirit Ape’s site?”

Cow Demon King raised his eyebrows, in the eyes flashed a trace disdain, “This is even moreposable! The Yi people are so weak, even a Tier-4 Middle Stage peak’s 猿Royal Capital does not, how can killed purple?”

“Is it?”

Tiger head man suddenly started to talk, “If it is a Yi, it is not impossible!”

“én? Tiger brother, what do you mean?” Cow Demon King startled, look at the tiger head man.

“My brother, in the Dai… was killed!”

The tiger head man is concise and sly, and his eyes are cold.

“What! Someone dared to start with Dark Tyrant Tiger Clan, are they tired?”

The cow Demon King is even more angry.

Growing up and chilling eyes swept to the audience. “It seems that this King has some little Dais! Vanguard officer, the order, Demon Ox army, and this king to the Ping!”

“Yes!” The big black cow was like a big man, and he quickly retired.

“Niu brother, although the Yi people do not repeat the peak shape, but after all, it was one of the Ten Great Kings, and even out of the big king this Rank is not a small class.” Tiger head man.

“Yeah.” Cow Demon King faint nod, there is not much concern in the eyelids.

Demon Ox is a squadron, except for some Demon Ox who stayed in the breeze hill.

Most of the adult Demon Ox, with the cattle Demon King, is ready to level the Yi.

This line.

Also accompanied by the black dark tyrannical tiger family Powerhouse.

Cow Demon King, black dark tyrannical tiger ……

There are two Powerhouses in existence, and all Demon Ox feel that the Yi people will be destroyed!


What makes them unexpected is.

They just left the breeze hill, and at the entrance to the mountains, came across the goal of their trip.

Yi people!

The densely packed apes appear at the entrance to the Qingfeng Mountain, and the number is even more than the Demon Ox.

Cow Demon King startled.

I did not expect that the Yi people actually came to the door.

It laughed loudly, and the sound of the mountain was shocked.

“ha ha ……this King is not mistaken, the five-powerhouse Powerhouse, actually came! In human terms, this is really a break from the iron shoes, it takes no effort.”

The cow Demon King is full of laughter and full of disdain for the Dai.

Although the Yi people were once one of the Ten Great Kings, after being kicked off by the Ten Great Kings, there was no powerful king.

It is also based on this.

Cow Demon King, and even other Demon Race, for the Yi, are extremely contemptuous and disdainful.

“No, the eight-armed king, the immediate breakthrough Tier-4 Late Stage, and the long Arm Ape King…”

Black dark tyrannical tiger is proficient in combat. For all kinds of aura, it is very familiar, just a little Sense, it is different from the long arm Ape King.

“Tier-4 Late Stage ?”

“On the aura alone, it’s just a short breakthrough!”

“Is it because they set up ambush?”


Wen Yan, the cow Demon King blinking cold light, staring at the long Arm Ape King and the eight arms, said coldly, “this King is not easy to read your breakthrough level 4 Late Stage, give you a chance to live, kill Old White 猿, And other kings, this King can put you in the door wall, lest you die!”

I heard this.

Old White, etc. Five Great, all laughed.

The smile is raging and full of ridicule!

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