The end of the first thousand one hundred and ninety-nine chapter Poison Bird King

Unequaled Killing Blade !

Evil Ashes Blade !

Profound Bright Blade !

Nine Lives Blade!

With the Great Accomplishment Blade Grand Dao activate, the four knives, their might, have already surpassed the day of Liu Batian, and changed to the ordinary Tier-4 Late Stage.

Sun Yuan Fleshy Body is strong.

But it is too close to Zhao Fang.

There is no chance to dodge at all.

Directly by this bullying absolute kill in the four-knife.

The first knife, tearing open the cyan shield on his body.

The second knife, at its chest, leaves a right-angled terrifying knife.

The third knife, also kneeling on the chest, left a left oblique terrifying knife.

Form a cross pattern.

The fourth knife, slanting and squatting, almost split Sun Yuan into two halves.

When the blood is shining, the dead silence on the scene.

All Demon Races are all scared!

Including the eagle carving Patriarch.

He never dreamed of dreaming.

It took him 20 years of hard work and devoted himself to Sun Yuan, who cultivated all the resources of the family. He wanted to make a blockbuster, and at the same time, Dewe Race took back his thunder Eagle Clan.

I did not expect it.

In this way, Zhao Fang has a casual four-knife, no pressure to crush?

“This how can it be? It must be my eye!”

The Patriarch heart is bleeding, unable to accept this painful reality.


Sun Yuan’s rainbow flashes, low-lying, within the body has countless road lightning spewing out.

Lightning swam, instantly forming a small Lei Hai in its surrounding zhangdred zhang (333m) circumference.

Zhao Fang is also surrounded by this piece of Lei Hai.

“I want to kill you!”

The tyrannical cold voice, issued from Sun Yuankou.

“It depends on whether you have this ability!”

Zhao Fang faintly smiled.

Just about to dispatch the Grand Dao of Fire, the pain of an indistinct came from the ear: “Kill, kill me!”

Zhao Fang expression A positive.

He heard that This is the voice of Sun Yuan.

“I was sculpted by Patriarch. When the slave was manipulated, the divine sense was branded, and the self-consciousness was suppressed by the brand. Just now four knives, bruised the brand, so that I can self-consciousness, can be a short recovery…”

Seems to know Zhao Fang thought, Sun Yuan explained.

“If I don’t kill me completely, wait until it kills my last consciousness, I really become his slave. With this, I would rather die!”

Sun Yuan’s voice is full of pain.

Zhao Fang picked up his eyes and looked at Lei Hai. He saw that at the end of Lei Hai, the face was stunned and Sun Yuan was struggling.

Zhao Fang sighed softly. “I have a law that will save you! But there is a condition…”


Outside Lei Hai.

“ha ha, Sun Yuan wants to use all his strength, the little monkey is dead, dead!”

The Patriarch is like a madman, yelling, and there is no such thing as the length of a family. It is like a proud villain.

boom! boom!

Inside Lei Hai, a sudden burst of Red power, a hot aura, with the emergence of that force, all over the audience.

“This is Grand Dao of Fire’s aura…”

Heavenly Demonic Marten Family has long eyes, slowly said.

“Hey, even the Grand Dao of Fire is useless. Sun Yuan’s Azure Tree is already Great Accomplishment, plus the nourishment of Thunder array, natural thunder, and it’s common…”

Poison Bird King disdains, but before he finishes, Lei Hai is violently vibrating.

next moment.

Burning and emits hot aura’s flame, surrounded by the entire Lei Hai.

The flame of the all-a sudden, the Patriarch horror found that Sun Yuan’s aura disappeared.

“Grass, This is what’s going on?”

The Patriarch was unable to sit still.

Sun Yuan is his biggest card.

If there are any three long and two short, let alone suppress the Five Great, unified Demon Race.

Just because he had despised the emperor and roared Five Great Patriarch, it was a crime of death.

蛊 Pa Patriarch panicked.

He quickly used the divine sense to brand Sense.

After a while, his complexion was defeated, and he was still more painful than the dead mother. “The brand is not, aura disappeared? Isn’t Sun Yuan dead?”

Patriarch does not believe in this ‘fact’.

But things can be placed in front of you, and he can’t believe it.

“I have worked hard for 20 years, and I have cultivated a Radiant Divine Monkey with all the resources of the family. So I am gone…”

The sculpt Patriarch is nervous and smiles, and the smile is extraordinarily horrible!

“Da Wang Wang Wukong!”

He suddenly looked at the fire, and Zhao Fang, who slowly walked out of it, shot a fascinating cold light inside, “this King wants to kill you!”

The 蛊 Pa Patriarch whispered, the booth eyes flashed the rainbow, carrying the intense killing intent, and flew directly to Zhao Fang.

“impudent !”

Nine Tailed Fox Clan in the Five Great Emperor’s long start to talk, with a wave of smashing purple air mass, surrounded by the Patriarch.

Seeing the Nine Tailed Fox Clan long show this Rank means, the Ten Great Kings Patriarchs are complexion big change, revealing the look of wariness solemn.

“ha ha, you can’t stop this King, this King is the man who wants to dominate Demon Race, if Gods block, kill the Gods, if Buddhas block, kill the Buddhas…”

Inside the purple air mass, the Patriarch screams, “Golden Flame Condor, when you promised this King, as long as the sneak attack North Territory Golden Eagle, it will be degraded, and you will be on the thunder Eagle Clan long position, with I am divided into mountains and rivers, and the result is…”

Demon Race Powerhouse Wen Yan, looking at the Golden Flame Condor King.

The golden flame of the eagle’s face is as heavy as water, and the smoldering ice is cold and chilly.

“This idiot is in a illusion and begins to talk nonsense!”

The Golden Flame Condor King is indifferently said.

The Patriarch is indeed in a illusion.

If it was in the past, he certainly couldn’t match Nine Tailed Fox Clan’s long Charming Technique, but he also had the means to resist it. It wouldn’t be like this today. In the blink of an eye, he will be deprived of his mind and can’t tell the truth and vain!

of course.

Nine Tailed Fox Clan long take action, just right.

It was the time when the Patriarch was in the midst of chaos, which gave her a chance to be awkward.

Patriarch is trapped in a illusion, and the more he talks, the more he speaks. He has a lot of secrets, and he has more or less relationship with Five Great.

“ha ha… From now on, Demon Race is respected by my Poison Bird King, what shit the ancient idol, shit Dark Tyrant Tiger Clan…”

The Patriarch is here, the violent Dark Tyrant Tiger Clan is long, his eyes are suddenly chilly, full of killing intent.

“Insult me ​​Dark Tyrant Tiger Clan, when hey!”

The all of a sudden exit of the word ‘诛’, a bloody spear breaking space that appears to be condensed by the scorpio, appears in the top of the Patriarch.



The spear fell and unobstructed through the body of the Patriarch.

Patriarch is clear headed, but it is already at the moment of dying. After seeing what happens in just now, a trace of sadness on his face, a trace unwillingness and anger!


The power of the destruction of the spear emits, smashed Fleshy Body!

Dead on the spot!

Die without a whole corpse !

For the Patriarch throne, the Poison Bird King, who has worked hard for more than 20 years, has not yet had time to fulfill his wishes, and ended in such a bleak way!

Zhao Fang calms the look at this scene, expression is waveless.

At this moment, all the eyes on the field were gathered on him.

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