The first two hundred and twenty-two chapters are the demon!

Zhao Fang suddenly found out.

I can’t stand up.

Unconsciously, the sacred sacred sacred sacred rushed out of a purple aura, like a complicated Inscription chain, trapping Zhao Fang in the sacred deity, unable to move!


Little Linzi did not expect that this kind of change would happen suddenly.

“The sacred deity seated the boot device in advance, only to sit up, can start!” Little Linzi voice annoyed.

“Now is not the time to say this.”

Knowing that you can’t get rid of it, Zhao Fang gradually calms down and looks at the coffin in the corner of Main Hall!


Same as for a moment.

The coffin cover rises into the sky, bursts open in midair, turns into endless debris, and falls to the Main Hall.

Inside the coffin, an endless purple aura is spurred.

When the purple gas comes out, it is like a moment that it is extracted from all the essences and Yuan Force, and disappears instantly.

Pēng pēng !

Main Hall table on both sides, as well as the dishes on the table.

At the same time of exposure to the purple gas, it immediately turns gray, and it blasts silently.

in a blink.

Purple gas filled the audience.

Everything in the Main Hall was smashed and it was a mess.

Only the 10,000 demon seat has not been affected!

Seeing this scene, Zhao Fang did not have a slight expression, but his brows became more and more wrinkled.

In his heart.

A panic that did not come from, suddenly filled the air.

Within coffin, a dozen more Purple Remnant Spirits were punched out.

The power of these Remnant Spirit is not inferior to the previous old Demon Emperor.

As soon as the Remnant Spirit appeared, it was like the most courteous courtiers, squatting in front of the sacred demon to greet their most distinguished king.

Zhao Fang expression gradually becomes solemn.

He naturally knows that these dozens of purple Remnant Spirits are not welcoming themselves.

He felt a strong desire from the dozens of Remnant Spirits.

Desire to swallow everything!

“桀ha ha ha ha DD!”

A violent madness, shaking the laughter of the entire Demon Emperor mausoleum, abruptly sounded in the Heavenly Hall.

The laughter passed all of a sudden, the entire Main Hall was shaking, the countless dust fell, and the scene was extremely amazing.

And Zhao Fang’s complexion is getting more and more ugly.

“I didn’t expect to sleep for so many years, and there are still people who can wake up this Emperor!”

The sacred demon rose slowly, and the purple aura on the side of it stirred Zao Fang aside, the empty sacred sacred sacred, purple, filled with a tall, heroic man image.

This silhouette appears one after another.

A terrifying aura that smashed the world and was invincible, and the Turk was filled with Main Hall.

Zhao Fang is the closest to it.

At that moment.

He feels that his mind has to stop.

“Hey, I’ve noticed that the host has suffered life and death Crisis, whore activates the main aura, a thousand supreme coins per second!”

Life and death is endangered.

Zhao Fang without the slightest hesitation, automatically activate the main aura.

A layer of faint transparent light cover protects Zhao Fang’s body. The light cover looks weak, but it can be unscathed under the impact of the heroic man’s terrifying imposing manner!


Yingwu Man saw this scene, his brow was slightly picky, and he was a little surprised.

“It means something!”

He glanced at him and he regained his gaze, without much attention.

In his in the eyes, Zhao Fang is just an exerence of mole cricket and ants.

As long as he is willing, a finger can be crushed to death!

“We are waiting for the demon to return!”

Under the sacred demon, more than a dozen purple Remnant Spirit, respectfully shouted.

Yingwu man opened his mouth and turned it into a big mouth, swallowing the dozens of purple Remnant Spirit.

With the integration of more than a dozen Remnant Spirits, his form is gradually solidified and dignity is more prosperous.

“It can be your good fortune to be the food of this Emperor!”

Yingwu man indifferently said.

Say, the rust is engraved with the vicissitudes of life, the diignity of the eye, sweeping through the Main Hall.

Eventually, falling on Zhao Fang, expression scorned: “I didn’t expect you to wake up this Emperor!”

“You are the demon?” Zhao Fang thought of just now the name of the dozen Remnant Spirit, complexion is very ugly.

“Not bad!”

The heroic man expression is proud, “this Emperor is bullying, have you ever heard of it?”

“Batian demon?”

The name is very domineering, but Zhao Fang is sure that he has not heard of it.

“No, no.”

Yingwu man, I did not expect that Zhao Fang had never heard of himself.

“This Emperor is in the ancient demon Lineage, and it is also a well-known existence, you have not heard of it…”

“The ancient demon? Is this fellow is a terrifying existence tens of thousands of years ago?”

The ancient demon is the oldest existence in Demon Race.

Only appeared during the Ancient period.

In today’s World, the ancient and ancient demon bloodline remains, but compared to the Ancient period, it is almost equivalent to extinction.

“Now the immediate is ancient era, away from where you used to live, the past has been tens of thousands of years!”

Zhao Fang said.

“Impossible, the high priest once divined this Emperor, this Emperor sleeps for a long time, you can have Cauldron come, how can it be tens of thousands of years?”

Yingwu man raised an eyebrow.

But the next moment.

His brow stretches and expression is cold. “Is it ancient or ancient? Once this Emperor restores peak strength, the world is big, isn’t it for me?”

“However, during this time, first solve the Fleshy Body problem!”

Yingwu man sharp eyes, instantly look at Zhao Fang.

“Dammit, he wants to win father!”

Zhao Fang immediately understood that it would be ugly to see complicated complexions.

“The master is quickly go, he can’t leave the sacred deity.”

Little Linzi yelled.

“fuck, I want to go, but how do you go, do you take a look at father?”

Zhao Fang is a little angry.

“I have a way, and let me divine sense enter the Master Sea of ​​Consciousness, will be able to break the imprisonment of the Emperor.”

“it is good!”

Zhao Fang promised, at the same time, ask System, ‘Is there a way to get out of the way? ‘

‘This system is omnipotent, naturally! ‘

‘That won’t hurry! ‘

‘Sorry, the host supreme coins is not enough! ‘

‘Holy shit, uncle! Father wants a loan! ‘

‘Sorry, your loan has reached the limit and you can’t borrow again! ‘

Zhao Fang wants to kill System.

But at the thought, this fellow is in his head.

If you want to hurt it, you need to look at the broken head.

After thinking about it, Zhao Fang gave up.

“damn it, borrowed supreme coins, father is not killed!”

At this moment.

Zhao Fang feels that the body is light, and the Restriction that wraps around itself seems to be torn apart by a sharp blade.

‘Little Linzi, beautiful! ‘

Zhao Fang sang a sentence for Little Linzi in his heart and turned and left!

That Yingwei man did not expect that Zhao Fang could break free of his own Restriction, a little surprised.

Immediately with a pair of said, with a smile, “I’m really a little bit stunned! But, can you escape?”

The words fall.

The sacred sacred sacred contraction, splitting out a terrifying divine sense, carrying an amazing might, and instantly rushed into Zhao Fang’s head.

Zhao Fang At the same time, the terrifying divine sense, directly into the Zhao Fang Sea of ​​Consciousness, want to control Zhao Fang!

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