The first thousand two hundred and eighteen chapters to step out the Blood Cultivator!

“Divine Emperor ?”

“Aura on his body, isn’t it just breaking through 9-Star God King?”

“How can it be comparable to Divine Emperor of Demon Emperor?”

Three Great Patriarch was shocked at the same time and was puzzled.

“He hides aura.”

Old Demon Emperor indifferently said.

Then disdained said, “And, he is a Divine Emperor, is a parallel.”

“Parallel?” Ancient Divine Elephant Clan is puzzled.

“There is Divine Emperor’s Divine Strength, but you don’t have the big Dao Law necessary for Divine Emperor. It’s Divine Emperor, just God King no more with Divine Emperor!”

Three Great Patriarch heard the disdain in the old Demon Emperor, and his mind was slightly loose.

They are really afraid that Old Ancestor Xue Sheng will be promoted to Divine Emperor.

At that time, the entire Demon Race, who can compete with him, is only the old Demon Emperor Sir who is always in the world!

“You are back.”

Old Demon Emperor one step step out.

Old Ancestor Xue Sheng, who was originally interested in the heavy injury, was aware of the aura of the old Demon Emperor.

The color of the solemn is exposed.

The long sword on the back is even more violent.

It seems to be afraid, and it seems like the excitement after encountering a powerful opponent!

“You are the old Demon Emperor of Demon Race, Hong Kong Demon Emperor?”

Old Ancestor Xue Sheng Looking at the old Demon Emperor, his eyes are faint and condensed.

“It’s the emperor! You can be in such a short time, with blood, and the threshold of the Divine Emperor, it’s a character!”

Old Demon Emperor forward one step, standing in front of the heavy injury.

Old Ancestor Xue Sheng expression solemn : “Demon Emperor is so reluctant to give us a way to find Blood Cultivator?”

“Give you a way to live? Can the people who died in the royal family be resurrected?”

“So, do you have to fight with me?”

“Don’t say that we seem to be evenly matched. If you are such an opponent, the emperor can shoot to death!”

I heard the disdain in the old Demon Emperor, Old Ancestor Xue Sheng complexion ice-cold.

“I have to see, how do you slap me to death!”

The words fall, the sword is out.

Long sword out of the sheath, like a blood dragon like the sea, the blood of the majestic cover the sky, the bloody sea slaps.

The old Demon Emperor expression is as usual.

Take a slap in the palm of your hand.

The momentum is not as good as Old Ancestor Xue Sheng’s Blood Sword imposing manner, but it is condensed by the power of the old Demon Emperor, exceptionally pure and powerful.

Especially near Old Ancestor Xue Sheng.

The palms cover the sky, and the emits is like the terrifying trend of Heaven’s Might!

Long sword turned into a blood dragon, facing this heavenly Giant Palm, can not afford any resistance, directly suppressed.

Even Old Ancestor Xue Sheng was also instantly injured.

He coughed blood in his lips, and the figure smashed and flew down. The face was shocked and muttered: “How can it be?”

“You are Demon Emperor, I am Divine Emperor, you and my Strength are almost the same, why is this?”

He is extremely puzzled.

“You also call Divine Emperor? God King nothing more with the power of Divine Emperor, what qualification is with me, die!”

Old Hongjun complexion indifference, palm shadow illusion, continuous shot three palms.

Old Ancestor Xue Sheng has lost ground and has a crack in his body, which seems to collapse at any time.

The grace and calmness of the original is also awkward and horrible, like a ghost!

Old Ancestor Xue Sheng smiled awkwardly.

Other Blood Cultivators have seen this scene and are completely dumbfounded.

I thought that if you stepped into the Old Ancestor Xue Sheng in the Divine Emperor Realm world, you would be able to fight with him for at least a time when you lost to the old Demon Emperor.

But I did not expect it.

Old Ancestor Xue Sheng, who seems to be invincible, is in the hands of the old Demon Emperor, like a grasshopper, can be squeezed to death!

“Is it bloody to move unhindered half life, today is going to be here? This Old Ancestor not willingly, not willingly Ah!”

Old Ancestor Xue Sheng both eyes.


In the blood crystal castle, an anxious voice came out.

Old Ancestor Xue Sheng turned and looked at himself, the most loved son, Xue Mou, who was smashed by a white silhouette.


Old Ancestor Xue Sheng is in a tight heart, killing intent like iron, “act recklessly fellow, dare to start with me, this Old Ancestor is going to kill you!”

Suddenly roared, Old Ancestor Xue Sheng is extremely incomprehensible.

This blood crystal castle, composed of Tier-6 array and Restriction, is the second castle of Desolate City Ancient Land.

This is only for Touba City.

Anyone who wants to break the Restriction of Bloodstone Fortress is hard to find.

Even Divine Emperor Powerhouse has to pay a lot of Time.


Since the beginning of the war, Time has been extremely short.

However, someone broke the Bloodstone Restriction, entered the Blood Crystal Fort, and even found Xue Mou, how did this person do it?

What makes him even more surprised.

The white silhouette, obviously only Divine Monarch aura, but Xue Mou suppressed no backhand.

“When, is there such a Powerhouse in Human Race?”

Old Ancestor Xue Sheng is at the same time, very curious.

“Emperor Sir?”

When the old Demon Emperor saw the white silhouette, it was a little bright, with a big hand, and a killing move, taken to Old Ancestor Xue Sheng.

The shocked Old Ancestor Xue Sheng climbed and rolled into the blood restriction.


The old Demon Emperor, this powerful blow, shot on the blood castle of the castle of the array, the guardian array violently tremble at the same time, there is a trace crack!


Even if the old Demon Emperor take action, it is impossible, and on the Tier-6 array, how to keep the record of Huihui.

But the array has been broken.

At the moment, it is barely supportive.

Under the palm of the old Demon Emperor, completely reveal the stuffing.

Old Ancestor Xue Sheng stunned, immediately reacted, looking at the White robed Youth who was struggling with Xue Mou, his eyes burned blood, “damned little beast, you ruin my array, this Old Ancestor will smash you! ”

Pū chī !

At his at the same time, White robed Youth shot through the new Fleshy Body and divine sense of Xue Mou.

On the spot!

Old Ancestor Xue Sheng Oh!

I did not expect that Xue Mou, who seemed to be able to support it, could not stop even the other shot, and was killed in an instant!

“Sorry, I heard that you want to kill me, your hands are a little shaken, don’t be careful, you don’t be surprised, you won’t be like this next time!”

White robed Youth turned and apologized to the completely dumbfounded Old Ancestor Xue Sheng.

If you shake hands, you will kill?

Also next time, your sister Ah!

Old Ancestor Xue Sheng After all, it was the Blood Cultivator Number One Powerhouse. It only took a second to react, and the booth eyes showed a chilling killing intent.

But when he saw the face of White robed Youth, he stopped.

“you you……”

Old Ancestor Xue Sheng pointed to White robed Youth, in the eyes revealing a trace of horror and puzzle.

“Senior is still not satisfied? Then, how about the place I am going to change you?”

White robed Youth is full of smiles. In terms of appearance, this is definitely a polite and precious Young master.

Old Ancestor Xue Sheng is angry and mad, must be angry, every pore has blood, and a violent Berserk aura suddenly emerges from its with the body.

“Shameless junior, you are sent to the door, this Old Ancestor will kill you, take revenge for your nephew!”

“But it’s a pity that you never have this opportunity!”

White robed Youth The smile is getting more and more, the eyes are becoming indifferent, and the killing intent is full.

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