The first thousand two hundred and twenty-six chapter trouble nails

His divine sense.

Blended with the Emperor imprint.

Not to mention the old Demon Emperor, and other Divine Emperor Powerhouse, you can’t find it.

After a period of time after taking the blood Dan, the old Demon Emperor was aware of the abnormality.

The power of Pill Medicine has been integrated into the bloodline.

Although also can be forced out, but once forced out, the old Demon Emperor will die on the spot!

As an old Demon Emperor who wants to survive and does not hesitate to kill the junior, survival is his greatest pursuit.

Hard to get thousands of lifespan yuan.

He can still be willing to give up.

Therefore, he is very entangled.

I am respectful and hateful to Zhao Fang!

“Good life assists Little Zi, after a hundred years, this Emperor is still free!”

Wen Yan, the old Demon Emperor complexion.

For a hundred years, for the Royal Powerhouse, it is just in the blink of an eye.

If you use a hundred years of slavery and change for a hundred-year-old, the old Demon Emperor is still acceptable.

At the moment, I am very respectful and respectful: “Old Hongxi Xie demon Sir Ron!

As for the Yi people, Zhao Fang is fully responsible to Purple Lightning Condor.

Old White has seen Zi Qianshuang, who ruled the Yi, and did not have big is it.

Instead, extremely excited!

After all, Zi Qianshuang’s identity on the bright side is the length of Thunder Eagle Clan, one of the Five Great Patriarchs.

At the time of the Yi people’s prosperity, they did not enter the ranks of Five Great Imperial Clan.

Now incorporated into Thunder Eagle Clan, for them, it is also a peak!

Demon Race is all right, Zhao Fang took Dark Moon, Lu Tuo, Xiao Feng, blood guard A’Jiu thirteen, Huo Sihai and others, left Desolate City Ancient Land, and left the Desolate City Ancient Land by transmitting the array.

Go to Pure Yang Mansion.

This time, he is going to the Tuoba family to get the reward!


Pure Yang Mansion These two days are not calm.

Not only Pure Yang Mansion, Azure Cloud Mansion, Rolling Thunder Mansion, but also not too flat.

The dark tide is surging, and there seems to be a strong Great Influences, which is searching for something with the Sanfu as the center.

There are already a lot of influences, which are swallowed up by this influence.

Among them, including Black Iron-grade influence!

Especially the Pure Yang Mansion Tuoba family.

Recently, it has been a bad luck.

First, the needle of the sea in the family, the old Patriarch was seriously injured.

Then there is the Nine Snake Chamber of Commerce asking for a treat.

After the Tyrant Blade Sect Powerhouse is on the verge, ask Tyrant Blade Nine Forms.

There is also a Tuoba family Powerhouse, Tuoba Yang Xiu and Patriarch ideas, quietly carried out the cold war.

And all of this is related to one person!

Touba Lei Feng !

Pure Yang Mansion, Nine Snake Chamber of Commerce.

“The brat called Touba Lei Feng, the running dog of the real damn. Good luck, we killed Crazy Monarch, he fell, and made a big deal directly!”

“Large cheap? I think it is a fire to burn, with his Strength, can’t keep those treasures!

“He is hiding very fast, actually participating in the Tuoba family’s Fight for Succession. Now I only hope that he will not die in Fight for Succession, otherwise, those treasures can’t be recovered!”

“That fell can be a source between us and Skull Mountain Star Pirates. It shouldn’t be like a short-lived person!”

“Hey, as long as he dares to appear in Pure Yang Mansion, even the Tuoba family can’t protect him!”

“I heard that Raging Whale Gang Powerhouse is also here! The cows and ghosts, all gathered in Pure Yang Mansion, it’s a good show!”


Tyrant Blade Sect.

“Great Elder, already clear, the place where Touba Lei Feng first time appeared is outside the domain!”

“There is also the previous Time, with Touba Guan Feng entering the Liu Jingyun communication of the Desolate City Ancient Land, Touba Lei Feng will indeed be Tyrant Blade Nine Forms !”

“It seems that this Elder’s original inference is not wrong. This is called fellow of Touba Lei Feng. It does have something to do with the death of Sect Master!”

“It is reported that the results of Tuoba family Fight for Succession are ready, do we want to find this fellow?”

“Of course, go!”

“Call on Zhang Family, let’s go together.”


Tuoba family.

Faced with the Nine Snake Chamber of Commerce, Tyrant Blade Sect, and even Raging Whale Gang, Touba Lei Feng.

The Tuoba family is divided into two poles.

One party decided to hand over Touba Lei Feng and calm down the three anger!

On the other hand, it is opposite, refused to surrender Touba Lei Feng, to fight with the three.

The top of the Tuoba family is incomprehensible.

“The old Patriarch was seriously injured, and the other Clan looked at it. At this juncture, Clan couldn’t make extra money, and needed to quickly calm the three Great Influences.”

of course.

Most of the ones that contributed to Touba Lei Feng were ‘Yang” Elder.

They all have a good relationship with Tuoba Yang Xiu!

“Hey, the Tuoba family is really not as good as it used to be, but not every inflation can be humiliated!”

“Yes! If you look down on the three Great Influences today, you must have Six Great Influences to ask for Touba Di Yi, Touba Guan Feng, and even Supreme Talent. Even when we fire at our top, we have to answer them. ”

“If that’s the case, there is a need for the existence of the Tuoba family!”

This is a bit embarrassing!

Anyone who is a bit bloody will not be handed over to the outsiders from the Clan.

Not to mention whether he made mistakes, even if there is, it is your turn to intervene.

The top officials are arguing over this, and each has their arguments and is unwilling to step back one step.

in fact.

They are clear.

Three Great Influences The strength of the combined oppression is strong, but the Tuoba family is still confident to resist.

The key is Tuoba Yang Xiu who wants to kill Zhao Fang.

With Yang Xiu’s good relationship in the Tuoba family, no one will offend him for a Zhao Fang!

Only ‘relationships’ and other Elders have objections.


When it was discovered that Desolate City Ancient Land, Zhao Fang screamed all the way, Tuoba family Supreme Talent, only Touba Di Yi lingered.

Originally speaking for Zhao Fang, there are other Elders who are screaming.

Because of these dead Supreme Talents, there is no shortage of their descendants.

Zhao Fang’s move made them chilling at the same time, even more angry.

The deadlocked scene is instantly broken!

It became a crusade against Zhao Fang!

For these.

Zhao Fang didn’t know, he just returned to the Tuoba family.

I feel the surroundings. Everyone looks at their own eyes.

“I’ll go, what’s the situation?”

“Would you like to welcome me in the way of welcoming Hero?”

“How do I feel that they are in the eyes with a faint killing intent?”

Zhao Fang looked at the micro-coagulation, ‘Is it the same thing that I killed in the Touba City group, the old one passed back to the Tuoba family? ‘

Zhao Fang thinks about it.

It seems that only this possibility can make you a target!

“It doesn’t matter, if you want to find trouble, come on!”

Zhao Fang shrugged and didn’t care.

This return.

The strength of the people in his team is huge.

Lu Tuo is a member of the Violet Chamber of Commerce, this is not to say.

Xiao Feng, Wang Yanzhang, and Huo Sihai three people are already 3-Star God King level.

In the Tuoba family, there are countless Powerhouses.

Not to mention, he is next to Divine Beast, the Tier-4 peak of Dark Moon.

It can be said.

As long as there is no Divine Emperor Powerhouse take action, with a few of them, Zhao Fang can walk across the Tuoba family.


Zhao Fang has not been taken a few steps, it was stopped by people!

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