First thousand two hundred and thirty two chapter old Patriarch

“Master save me!”

Northern Sea Dragon only came and shouted this sentence, the soul of the soul was smashed into dozens of knives, seriously suffered.


The white silhouette also reacted, complexion staring coldly at Dark Moon, with one hand and one stroke, followed by a Profound Ice runner with dozens of Profound Ice weapons condensed.

“Killed this Elder mount, you, damned!”

Tuoba Yang Xiu sounds cold, with a wave of hands, dozens of Profound Ice weapons instantly spurt out.

There are no powers!

The might projected by each Profound Ice weapon is equivalent to the Full strength strike of the God King Middle Stage Powerhouse.

Dozens of God King Middle Stage Powerhouse Full strength strike, might!

Dark Moon expression Slightly solem, low roaring sound, the giant knife flies, like the Flood Dragon, smashing the ice blade that is projected!

Some Profound Ice blades directly turn into ice particles falling on the ground.

Most of them are wrapped in the residual force and projected to the earth.

Some of the Tuoba family clansman, the two Great Influences Powerhouses, and the crowds not far from the crowd, were all affected by the broken ice.

Seriously, even seriously injured by it.

I was shocked by the complexity of many people’s complexions, hurriedly fled, not too close.

The Dark Moon is brave and unusual, and the big knife flies. If the Flood Dragon, the skin of these Profound Ice will be shattered without any damage.

See this scene.

Tuoba Yang Xiu’s indifferent face finally revealed a trace solemn.

He looks at Dark Moon, said solemnly, “who are you?”

Dark Moon didn’t mean what he meant.

Take action again, the move is fierce and very ruthless!

Tuoba Yang Xiu gazing solemn, did not dare to care, directly activate Divine Ability, an extremely magnificent aura, filled with its body.

9-Star God King !

Tuoba Yang Xiu is actually a genuine 9-Star God King!

“Hold the grass!”

Zhao Fang heart slightly startled.

Despite a slight guess about the strength of Tuoba Yang Xiu.

But he still can’t believe it, this fellow has reached the level of 9-Star God King!

Tuoba Yang Xiu imposing manner Fully open, terrifying aura, almost spread throughout Pure Yang Mansion.

All those who feel this aura are shocked.

“What happened?”

As they asked each other, the eyes looked at the source of the terrifying aura, the location of the Tuoba family.

“Go and see!”

a path of flowing light breaking space came to the Tuoba family.


Tuoba family in front of the door.

Those Elders, all look silly!

They thought that Tuoba Yang Xiu had a take action and would be able to pack Zhao Fang’s clothes.

The situation at hand is far beyond their expectations.

“The ability to block this King’s reel, look at 9-Star God King, there are only a handful, you are who?”

Tuoba Yang Xiu has a strong interest in the identity of Dark Moon.

No way, Dark Moon Strength is too strong, and powerful to his surprise.

‘Profound Ice’s self-condensing day, only the old Patriarch, under the Profound Ice runner, unscathed, today, this finally has the second two people…’

‘The old Patriarch is the Divine Emperor Powerhouse, which blocks the Profound Ice runner. This Elder is not unexpected. But this young girl, obviously only God King aura, but can also block, really surprised this Elder! ‘

Dark Moon didn’t pay any attention to him.

After the attack of the Profound Ice runner, her gaze fell again to the Remnant Spirit above of the Northern Sea Dragon Scatter.

Tuoba Yang Xiu is annoyed.

At the same time is also a bit curious.

‘This women, why do you stare at the Northern Sea Dragon, is it, among them, what is the unknown connection? ‘

Tuoba Yang Xiu vision flickered, waved, retracted the Northern Sea Dragon Remnant Spirit.

He didn’t have much emotion for the death of the Northern Sea Dragon.

In his in the eyes, Northern Sea Dragon, just a step mount nothing more.

‘The soul is hurt too much and needs to be nourished for a while before it can wake up. ‘

Tuoba Yang Xiu Collapse the Northern Sea Dragon Remnant Spirit, at the same time Nourish its soul with Secret Art and let it recover. I want to know what this is going on.

“Handing over the Northern Sea Dragon Remnant Spirit !”

Dark Moon is finally start to talk, the sound is cold, without any fireworks.

But there is a baleful qi that is skyrocketing, across the air.

“This girl looks young, how can baleful qi be so strong?”

“Heavens, this is how many people have been killed to have such a baleful qi Ah!”

Many people exclaimed.

“Hey! You are too mad, here is my Tuoba family, you are indiscriminate, killing me mount, now, and insulting Elder, really when I am Elder, can’t you clean up?”

Tuoba Yang Xiu expression is very ugly.

He is very wariness Dark Moon.

But not afraid.

Dark Moon is still cold, and the knife is on the front. There is no such thing as nonsense, and you have a gesture of fighting!

Tuoba Yang Xiu is more chilly!

“You are a court death, you can’t blame this Elder!”

While speaking, his eyes are rolling, the eyes seem to have endless Ice and Snow flashing, the robe suddenly bulges, and the moment is like a ball.

Selling anthough funny, Tuoba Yang Xiu’s Strength, and therefore upgrade a lot, actually reached the aura comparable to God King peak.

Dark Moon expression solemn !

Thinking about whether to show True Body.


An old voice suddenly appeared.

The original tense atmosphere, with the old voice appearing, everything is dusted back to the earth.

Even the stirring of Heaven and Earth Origin Qi has disappeared from invisible.

The people who watched the war not far away saw this scene, and all of them were shocked!

In one sentence, the offensive of Tuoba Yang Xiu, which is comparable to God King peak, is stopped. What is the strength of this person?

Tuoba family Elder, when I heard this, my eyes were bright and my face was extremely respectful.

It is Tuoba Yang Xiu, who also slightly squats and whispers: “Patriarch!”

“Do you want to ruin the Tuoba family and ruin Pure Yang Mansion?” The old voice was coldly shouted, full of dissatisfaction.

Tuoba Yang Xiu slightly frowned, and finally did not refute.

“This matter, stop here! Where are you coming from? Tuo Guan Ping, you bring Touba Lei Feng, come to the Hall of the Spirit!”

The old voice commanded.

“But Patriarch, he killed Takuya Emperor Qin Elder…” It was unbelievable that Tuoba family Elder had decided on Takuya Patriarch.

“Tuoba family Young Master, can’t be humiliated!”

Patriarch’s old, plain voice, a touch of coldness.

Others quickly shut up.

Only Tuoba Yang Xiu, his eyes swept through the crowd and eventually fell on Zhao Fang.

“You are Touba Lei Feng?”

He and the Dark Moon smothered for a moment, and did not figure out the situation at all.

I did not expect to kill the murderer and hide in it.

“it’s me!”

In the face of Tuoba Yang Xiu’s eager eyes, Zhao Fang expression is calm and plain.

“You killed Touba Yang Yu?”

The words suddenly turned cold.

“Yes!” Zhao Fang nod.

Tuoba Yang Xiu extremely angry, “I am very brave, great courage! Kill me, actually still so arrogant, when this Elder is muddy?”

All of a sudden, Tuoba Yang Xiu suddenly took action.

Peak God King’s slap in the face, terrifying terrifying to the extreme, even the Dark Moon, in the short Time, can not stop!

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