The first thousand two hundred and seventy-three chapters of the giant Human Race, Qiuer!

“What’s going on?”

“Looking at them, it seems that they can’t get out of Xiao Yan’s palm in the world?”

“And, the killing of the chapters and others’ knives, isn’t just now knife knives to Xiao Yan’s knives?”

Old Qiu was shocked!

The knife thirteen was shocked!

Shocked by Young Master Huo!

Even the Dark Moon Nether Fire Monk and others have been horrified!

“This is the secret technique he has been painstakingly doing?”

“It’s too weird!”

“I am not his enemy!”

Nether Fire Monk and Meng Lintang two people, secretly thankful.

Only Yu Xi, a pale, snowy face, showed a faint smile, as if I had expected this scene.

Zhao Fang grips the palm of his hand and feels the familiar scene of the palm of the world. The smile of the lips is smiling.

“Palm Smashing Heaven and Earth, my palm is another World. In this World, I am king, emperor, supreme! As long as the World is absorbed, even if the cultivation base is higher than me, I don’t think. Break free!”

Palm Smashing Heaven and Earth is a successful practice, and Zhao Fang is equivalent to carrying a miniature new Martial World.

As long as you can put enemy into the new Martial World, how to kill each other is entirely to see Zhao Fang’s mind.

“I don’t think I spent five 10 Billion divine crystal Ah!”

Zhao Fang is very satisfied.

It was a shock to Young Master Huo.

“Young master, this fellow is a little weird, Old Man is not sure to win, let’s leave!”


Old Qiu’s words surprised the young Master Huo and even caused a trace of confusion. “Can’t even pick up Old Qiu?”

“His control of World is extremely strange. If he can’t find restraint, he won’t be able to get his clothes corner, let alone hurt him!” Old Qiu is also helpless.

“damn it !”

Desperate from Young Master Huo.


Although the heart is unwilling, but even the strongest Old Qiu, are not sure to win Xiao Yan, I stay here, in addition to self-inflicted, it is ruined!

For my own life, I am still very sorry from Young Master Huo!

The three people take out one piece of the charm and go away.

But at this time –

“From the fire, between me and you, there is still no account, now I have to go, is it a little anxious?”

Zhao Fang looks away from Young Master Huo, and the light is cold.

Just now killed chapters and others, just do it.

He had already let go of the chapter, and the chapter was suspended, but he did not think about repentance. He also encouraged his old man to contact the five evils of Hexi. This ranks the most wicked person to come to the pursuit.

Zhao Fang will not be soft with them!

It is a pity that Zhang Jingying Ming I, might shake Jin Ding, but was killed by this son who is not a weapon!

The chapter can be called a professional pothole!

Of course, the chapter hanging things is only a small matter.

The real big fish is away from Young Master Huo and others.

“Who hurts me, how can you leave so easily!” Zhao Fang sneered, his right hand turned up, and the Tian Palm was about to fall.

“Hey, Xiao Yan, you have to be mad, this time you count Luck, goodbye next time, this Young master will marry you!”

Young Master Huo took the unwilling roar, reminded the gods, and drove away.

After tens of millions of miles have escaped.

The silhouette of Young Master Huo three people is slowly revealed.

“Damned Xiao Yan, we use three treasure charms, and when I meet again, I will definitely take him a thousand!”

From the face of Young Master Huo gloomy, murderous aura.

“You think about me like that? Then I am coming!”

A sudden smile of the sudden smile, clearly introduced into the ears of three people from the fire.

Young Master Huo is a stiff, vigilant look at all around Void, yelled, “who?”

Old Qiu and Knife Thirteen, each draw their own weapon.

Strictly waiting!


In Void, countless fog swells and condenses the appearance of Zhao Fang.

“You, how are you here?”

A damn expression from Young Master Huo.

“This Young master should now be ready to be in a million miles, you are catching up, do you have a rune?”

Zhao Fang took a look at Young Master Huo and uttered two words: “Idiot !”

From the Young Master Huo expression immediately gloomy down.

“Young master, we didn’t run away, but in his palm in World!”

Old Qiu’s words make the look of Young Master Huo more gloomy.

Zhao Fang blinked Old Qiu, indifferently said: “Well, I can see that This is the young master’s palm in the world!”

“This little brother, we are not knowing if we are before, you see, you want Great World Fragments, we Young Master let you, what are you dissatisfied, have to kill us?”

“Of course, you may now have the power to kill us, but once we kill us, the worship of the gods will not let you go, why is this?”

“It’s better, you let us go, this thing, Old Man is the master, never pursue it! Ok?”

Old Qiu looked at Zhao Fang, slowly said.

Zhao Fang looks indifferent, “Who hurts Dark Moon! Come out!”

The knife thirteen eyes condensed, “One person is doing things alone! People are father wounded, father left, put Young master away!”

“You haven’t had the room to bargain with me.”

Zhao Fang pointed out, like Divine Might, when the mighty, sky suddenly fell a giant giant pillar.

Knife thirteen naturally will not be ready to go, suddenlyd roared, spell out the whole body to resist.


But by the stalwart giant pillar, it is easy to crush!

The face that was seen by Young Master Huo was twitching, and some were scared, and more, it was anger!

Old Qiu expression As usual, if you don’t see it!

Waiting until the stalwart giant pillar completely dissipated, he only sighed again. “The culprit is already in vain, and please the little brother to fulfill his promise!”

“Promise? What promise? When did I say I want to let you go? You old man, that’s interesting!”

Old Qiu complexion is not very good-looking, “Your Excellency really wants to be an enemy of my fire godism?”

“Worship God?”

Zhao Fang sounds a pause. When Old Qiu thinks that Zhao Fang is scrupulous, he listens to Zhao Fang. Indifferently said: “Is there a War God Palace?”

“Amount ~”

Old Qiu is speechless.

The Holy Fearful Might, compared to the War God Palace of the Myriad Domain Territory, is completely sorrowful!

“I even dare to kill people at War God Palace, and I will be afraid of trivial worshipping fire gods!”

When I heard this, the Old Qiu complexion was completely ugly.

“Young master , quickly go !”

Old Qiu both eyes Sensual, sly body, instantly straight!


The all of a sudden, he seems to become a giant in the sky, gas can swallow heaven and earth, magnificent, amazing.

“Giant Human Race?”

Zhao Fang behind, suddenly a horrified female voice.

Old Qiu looked along Zhao Fang behind, but he seemed to see another World.

On the other side of World, the white girl Yu Xi is looking at herself with surprise.

“You can see the identity of Old Man, it is also a bit of eyesight! Remember, the person who killed you is the giant Human Race, Qiu Mier!”

Qiu Mier literally said that when he finished, the big palm was already approaching Zhao Fang.

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