The first thousand two hundred and seventy-seven chapters of the demon house!

“This battle is also a great harvest!”

“鲲鹏遁空梭, nine netherworld feathers, five 10 Billion divine crystal, Jin Dingge mobile Treasure-House, even Annihilating World Remnant Diagram…”

“This Annihilating World Remnant Diagram is really a surprise.”

“With the longevity of Longevity Pill’ and the “Songhe Dan” of Yanshou 1000-year, Young Master is a big win if there is no life repair!”

Thinking of Shou Xiu blessing in his own bad luck, Zhao Fang is a bit cloudy.

“Hey, whore consumes 10,000 supreme coins and refines the “Peng Peng bloodline” in the ‘鲲鹏遁空梭’?”


“Hey, whore consumes 10,000 supreme coins, with nine netherworld fin feathers, repairing the blood of the river?”


“Hey, 鲲鹏 bloodline refining is completed, whether to fuse Long Kun Remnant Spirit, practicing 鲲鹏吞天图?”


In the Pengline and Long Kun Remnant Spirit, there was a violent buzz.

Followed by.

Both at the same time burst open, turned into thousands of spots of light, into the Zhao Fang within the body.


In Zhao Fang Spiritual Sea World, there is a picture that appears to condense the appearance of Kun Peng.

‘鲲鹏’ is increasing day by day, Fearful Might is gradually condensed, and it is the same as true 鲲鹏!


Two months later.

Zhao Fang, a group of people, came to the grand devil’s million li.

“Go ahead of the million li, it is the area of ​​the demon!”

Nether Fire Monk pointed to Starry Sky not far away, and the cold-shouldered face showed a sigh of relief.

Dark Moon Xiao Feng and others have a trace of joy on their faces.

Trek for two months in a row.

They encountered bandit countless.

Although the bandit Strength is flat, it can be a devastating thing for Zhao Fang’s mind.

Even the team, the Nether Fire Monk Dark Moon two people of the cultivation base Realm strongest, feels a little tired.

“Mother’s, finally can get rid of those who have killed thousands of knives!”

Xiao Feng and others.

Meng Lintang is listening, the expression is slightly unnatural.

After all, he was a member of the Star Thief.

Despite this, Zhao Fang can hear this and always feel that others are jealous of himself.

“It is strange to say that when someone else squats down, they don’t necessarily encounter a star thief. We have touched a dozen waves. This Luck is not too good Ah!”

Wen Yan, everyone is helpless!

“First find a place to rest for half a day. When the Young Master wakes up, let’s enter the slut.”

Zhao Fang is not, and the commander is Yu Xi.

Although Yu Xi cultivation base, it is the lowest in the audience.

But for her words, no one dares to go against it.

On the one hand, she has a very close relationship with Zhao Fang.

Of course, more importantly.

On the road above, in a great war, Yu Xi used the bloodline natural talent to protect the Zhao Fang in cultivation.

Golden Eye!

It is for this reason that the Dark Moon and the Nether Fire Monk have a great deal of respect for the Yuxi Golden Ancient Race’s blobloodline.

The pedestrian stopped in a deserted mountain, 1st Rank is a dozen days.

this day.

Zhao Fang, who has been practicing on the plate, has finally changed.


The terrifying power of the prison, such as the sea, suddenly comes from its the body emits.

Imposing manner, like a giant blade, open the clouds of the crowd.


next moment.

Zhao Fang within the body came out with a terrifying whistle.

A phantom of a behemoth, slowly appearing in its behind.

It is a terrifying Vicious Beast, and the wings are unfolding. If the clouds are falling, the circumference is thousands of miles.


Yu Xi expression Jog.

Not only her, but Nether Fire Monk also saw the identity of a bird-like beast.

It is the ancient Divine Beast, ranking not far from the Azure Dragon White Tiger.

For this.

As the Dark Moon of Demon Race, it feels the deepest!

Although she is affiliated with the Demon Race, she has nothing to do with the tyrants of the birds.

But when she was formed in front of her, she still felt great pressure!

Bloodline level of oppression!

Under the note of Yu Xi and others.

Kuang Peng slowly opened his mouth.

All of a sudden.

The wind is rising and the sky is rolling!

Within a few hundred thousand miles, Heaven and Earth Origin Qi, even heaven and earth vitality, turned into a reversing terrifying wind that swept toward Peng Peng.

“Get away!”

Yu Xi and others complexion big change.

The strength of this round of resilience is that the ordinary God King Late Stage will also be killed in an instant.

They did not work hard and they retreated.

But this is the power of a tyrannical, but at the moment when Kun Peng swallowed, the terrifying power was invisible.

not only.

The essence of all around the mountain contains the cleansing of the whale.

Within tens of thousands of miles, it became a dead place without the Spiritual Qi!

“This is what kind of Divine Might !”

“It’s terrifying like this!”

Dark Moon, Nether Fire Monk have been sucked in a breath of cold air, incredible.

“This fellow is who, there are so many powerful and terrifying Divine Ability, first Palm Smashing Heaven and Earth, and now it is a combination of 鲲鹏法相……”

Meng Lintang was completely shocked.

Despite this road, Zhao Fang never took action.

I can take a take action casually, but his eyes are scared, almost broken!

After the enthusiasm of hundreds of thousands of miles, Wupeng whales circumference, and the body expands several times. Fearful Might is better than before!


Zhao Fang opened his eyes.

“Young master woke up!”

In the exclamation of Dark Moon and others, Zhao Fang waved his hand, the huge sun-shaking phantom, instantly dissipated, endless terrifying aura, turned into a pattern of 鲲鹏, condensed on his back above.

“Young master !”


Dark Moon, Xiao Feng and others came to Zhao Fang.

“congratulations you!”

Yu Xi said with a laugh.

“hehe, nothing!”

Zhao Fang waved his hand and immediately looked at all around and asked, “Where are we going?”

“Back to Young master. We are going to come to the demon house!”

“The Swan, Extinction Corpse Fire?”

Zhao Fang’s gaze, corner of the mouth, smiles more intense.

“Young master, Extinction Corpse Fire, I don’t know who was leaked, Heaven Gathering Territory, countless Powerhouse, gather in the demon!”

Nether Fire Monk frowns and expression is serious.

Zhao Fang Wen Yan, but smiled and waved his hand. “Come on, come on! If you don’t block my way, who they love. If there is no eye, then stay here completely!”

At the end of the day, his face was filled with a trace of cold smile.

“It’s said that there’s also a Divine Emperor-class Powerhouse, not a big deal!”

Yu Xi reminds.

“This is natural, right, killing the map, how are you watching?”

“The Restriction branded on it is the blood of my clansman, I can open it, and I have looked at it. It is coincidental that one of the entrances is in the demon house!”

“Oh?” Zhao Fang raised his eyebrows. “It’s still a coincidence! It seems that this trip to the demon house is doomed.”

While speaking.

Zhao Fang grows up, deep in the light, looking to the area of ​​the swaying demon, big said with a laugh, “swinging demon, I am coming!”

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