Chapter 128—The dust settles

Zhao Fang and the forest of Chu Zhongtian Pill Contest. Latest fastest update

Looking around not far.

He was cut off his arm and fell in a pool of blood, sending out Chu Zhongtian, who was roaring like a wild beast.

Everyone in the forest feels inexplicable.


“He, he even moved to solve Chu Zhongtian of 1-Star Martial Ancestor, can he say that his cultivation base is early ready to reach 2-Star Martial Ancestor?”

Someone is unbelievable and exclaimed.

Chu Zhongtian is at this age, reaching 1-Star Martial Ancestor.

Already enough to shock them.

I did not expect it.

Nan Gongling Young Lady saved a youngster on the way.

Strength is even stronger than Chu Zhongtian.

For a moment.

In addition to being shocked, they looked at the slim silhouette, in the eyes with a little revere.

“I didn’t expect that this fellow was young and reached 2-Star Martial Ancestor. It was really evildoer Ah!”

“This natural talent, only Royal Capital ‘Three Great outstanding talent ‘, can be stabilized!”

Everyone is shocked to talk about it.


A Bererk’s aura suddenly broke out from the Chu family.

“brat, actually hurts Young master Tian, ​​Old Man wants to kill you!”

A bald old man roars out, imposing manner as rainbow, killing intent boiling.

It is the 4-Star Martial Ancestor that guards Chu Zhongtian.


He believes that Zhao Fang impossible is better than Chu Zhongtian in Alchemy Technique.

So, when Zhao Fang Refining out the Top Grade Pill medicine. Latest fastest update

Even him was shocked on the spot.

And later.

Chu Zhongtian is angry with the take action, and he has not come forward.

Because of.

He never thought that Zhao Fang would be Martial Ancestor Powerhouse.

This is true.

Zhao Fang retreated backwards under the attack of Chu Zhongtian.

Just as he thought, Chu Zhongtian was about to solve Zhao Fang.


Zhao Fang suddenly broke out and directly cut Chu Zhongtian’s arm.

That blow.

Simply is coming to the extreme.

Don’t say that he is standing in the distance, and he hasn’t reacted yet.

Even if he is next to Chu Zhongtian, he may not be able to respond correctly.

Wait until he reacts.

Chu Zhongtian was smashed and fell to the ground.

Look at Chu Zhongtian, a bitter and painful, bald Martial Ancestor.

His duty is to protect Chu Zhongtian.

but now.

However, someone was in front of him and directly smashed Chu Zhongtian’s arm.

If you go back to the Chu family.

He may be subject to heavy punishment.

It is also because of the fear of punishment that makes him angry and angered, to kill Zhao Fang to make up for his own mistakes.

Looking at the murderous aura, the bald Martial Ancestor.

The hearts of everyone suddenly mentioned the eyes of the blind.

Among them, the guards of the Zhao family are even more sneer.

They think.

Under the attack of Chu Xiang 4-Star Martial Ancestor, Zhao Fang will die!

Have the same thoughts as they do.

There is also the 4-Star Martial Ancestor by Nan Gongling.

He glanced at Nan Gongling and asked if he would take action.

Nan Gongling slightly frowns.

Seeing that Zhao Fang didn’t show a little bit of panic, he shook his head at 4-Star Martial Ancestor.

“brat, die!”

Bald old man Chu Xiang, complexion 狰狞, waving a black bay blade, pulled out Berserk’s Blade Qi, and swayed to Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang stood in the same place.

Do not dodge.

Just a faint look at Blade Qi.

When you reach yourself.

He looked up slightly.

The fingertips have a red sword wave.

The Red sword wave is small, equivalent to an ordinary long sword.

In front of the huge Blade Qi, it is insignificant.


It was this insignificant word wave that blocked the majesty of the huge Blade Qi.

“impossible !”

The bald face of Chu Xiang’s grin hideously, instantly froze.

But the more impossible thing is still behind.

Kā cā !

A crackling sound.

The huge and terrifying Blade Qi was directly smashed into two pieces by this Red sword wave.

Not only that, the Red sword wave prestige is not reduced, like lightning, hitting Xiang Xiang.

Chu Xiang was shocked.

Immediately turn around and run.

He doesn’t know why he wants to run.

It seems that it is only him, in the face of the instinct of the sword wave that comes from lightning.

But he is slower one step.

Pū chī !

Chu Xiang body a pause.

At the chest, there was a big wound in the bowl.

Blood does not need money to flow out.

Acute pain, from the wound, attacked the whole body.

Chu Xiang is hard to bow, he feels that with the body vitality, is quickly losing.

“How, how can it be!”

After Chu Xiang left the last sentence of World, he slammed and fell to the ground, without aura!


The crisp notification sound sounded at Zhao Fang mind.

The scene is quieter.

Even Nan Gongling is also a red lips, in the eyes revealing an incredible expression.

She is next to the maidservant Xiao Cui.

It is a damn expression.


Zhao Fang waved Chu Zhongtian’s arm and she barely accepted it.

This move instant kill 4-Star Martial Ancestor.

It is completely subverting her three views, she can’t believe it.

but now.

But the truth is in front of you.

Even if she repeated 10,000 irresible in her heart.

The facts are still true.

“How can it be like this? Who is the fellow? Actually, actually kill 4-Star Martial Ancestor, is he a variant of a Great Influences?” Xiao Bi complexion whitish.

In addition to shock.

There is also fear.

after all.

During these two days, she often ridiculed Zhao Fang. If the other party asked her to settle accounts, she would definitely die!

Think of it here.

She subconscious is close to Nan Gongling.

It seems that only this way, she can get a trace security.

The other side.

Chu Zhongtian, who was originally screaming with a broken arm.

After seeing this scene.

Suddenly quiet.

The next moment, he climbed one’s teeth and didn’t dare to look at Zhao Fang again.

He is ready to see it.

Zhao Fang is definitely not an ordinary Martial Ancestor.

Moreover, he has no scruples and starts very ruthless.

If he wants to kill himself here.

That is what I really want to call every day, not the ground.


Just as he had just ran two steps, there was a tyrannical True Force fluctuation that enveloped Chu Zhongtian.

All his struggles have turned into futile.

Chu Zhongtian, he quickly asked Nan Gongling to ask: “Ling’er, save me!”

Nan Gongling slightly frowned.

To be honest, she doesn’t like Chu Zhongtian, but she doesn’t want him to be killed here.

Chu Zhongtian See Nan Gongling frown, no start to talk, suddenly yelled: “Ling’er, I know you don’t like me. I promise that after today, it will be far away from you, no longer harass you.”

Nan Gongling is slightly hearted.

See Nan Gongling has not started to talk, Chu Zhongtian suddenly anxious, “Nan Gongling, I am the first Alchemist talent of the Chu family. If you die here, you Nangong Family, just wait for the anger of my Chu family!”

I heard this.

Nan Gongling’s eyes are very cold.

She just wanted to start to talk to rescue Chu Zhongtian.

Unexpectedly, Chu Zhongtian threatened himself.

Her complexion is cold, but she ignores Chu Zhongtian.

Instead, look at Zhao Fang and say softly: “I don’t expect you to see him on my face, but I still hope that things will have room for change.”

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