The first thousand two hundred and eighty-five chapters are a knife!

“The attack has disappeared?”

“what’s going on?”

All around Powerhouse looked horrified and didn’t react.

Even Tian Hu, the initiator, took two seconds to squint and stare at White robed Youth in front of Nether Fire Monk. Uncertainly asked: “Chen Qingzhi?”

“What do you call Grandfather?” White robed Youth is not salty.

Tian Hu is almost cough up blood!

“damn it, you finally appeared, this Protector wants to lick your dog’s head, revenge for Han Ni!” Tian Hu’s gaze, like watching the dead, staring at Zhao Fang.

As 1-Star Divine Emperor, in the face of trivial 4-Star God King, he has qualifications to say this.

of course.

After clearing Zhao Fang ‘identity’, his heart remained extremely vigilant.

‘This fellow surface cultivation base is unremarkable, but it can be killed by Hanede. ‘

and so.

When Tian Hu took the action for the second time, he went all out!

Nothing to keep in touch!

The full explosion of 1-Star Divine Emperor, the terrifying of the power, God King is afraid!

“Ha ha, this Idiot, dare to offend the Tata Tiger Protector, this time see how he died!”

Zhang Huan built a sneer, as if ok, Zhao Fang will die!


However, in the face of Tian Hu’s attack, the White robed Youth, which was regarded as a dead person by everyone, only lifted his eyelids and spit out a cold word in his mouth.


The sound is like Thunder, and it instantly turns into a huge Vicious Beast like a fish, and it slams into Tianhu.


Tian Hu’s attack was instantly shattered by the fish-like bird Vicious Beast.

Vicious Beast has not lost much, and he has come to Tianhu.

this moment.

Tian Hu feels dangerous close, the roots of the hair are erected, “damn it, what damned thing is this !”

Tian Hu can become Saint Imperial Palace Protector, naturally not vegetarian.

The axe is extremely exquisite, plus some treasures on his body, but it barely blocks the impact of the fish-like bird Vicious Beast.

Throughout his body, the figure was swept away and he went to the crowd who was not far away.

“Look, the trapeze!”

“Look at your paralysis, don’t hurry!”

In the roar of a chicken-flying dog, only listening to the loud noise of ‘砰’, Tian Hu hit several dozen old trees in succession and squatted in one kind of mountain.

Drink a might, terrifying like this!

Zhang Huanzhu is dumbfounded!

All around Other Powerhouses are also dumbfounded!

They thought that Tian Hu would take action and Zhao Fang would die!

I know.

Zhao Fang didn’t even raise his hand this time. He just shouted a word and took Tian Hu back thousands of miles away!

Powerful Huanghuang, unparalleled in the world!

In this regard, Zhao Fang expression is dull.

After the smashing of the sky, the first time take action, the accumulated Divine Strength, not to mention the trivial 1-Star Divine Emperor, even ten 1-Star Divine Emperor, can not stop! ‘


In the mountains, there was a scream of anger.

Rainbow light rushing.

Difficult situation The unbearable Tianhu, rushing, did not stop, but went straight to the Saint Imperial Palace Battleship.

“Don’t fight away?”

“damn it, this Tata Tiger Protector is really shameful!”

Just as some people said, the six Imperial Ships of the Saint Imperial Palace were simultaneously moved and not evacuated, but arranged in the position of Six Pointed Star.

boom! boom! boom!

Six Battleships,simultaneously shot a Dao Guang column, light pillar hooked, a layer of golden light cover, superimposed to cover six Battleship.

“This is array ?”

“Tian Hu is not running away, but using the Battleship array to defend the enemy?”

“fuck, this road is too deep!”

“It is rumored that the Battle Imperial of Saint Imperial Palace has a large amount of Crystal of Origin Magnetism. Once activated array, even 3-Star Divine Emperor can’t shake it!”

“That brat is dead this time!”


“brat, this Protector Whether you are the Immortal Palace or the Immortal Palace, dare to provoke me Saint Imperial Palace, kill me Saint Imperial Palace Powerhouse, only dead end one!”

Inside the Battleship, the voice of Tian Hu killing intent is heard.

next moment.

On the golden light cover of the six Outer Circles of the Battleship, the ripples rippled and a black muzzle appeared. The muzzle pointed to the Battleship.

At that time.

In addition to the Nether Fire Monk and Mu Bing and other Protectors are still calm, other Elder or discipline, his face is a panic look.

Zhang Huanzhu quickly took people back, yelled, “You dare to defy the order of Saint Imperial Palace, this time dead, dead!”

Zhao Fang looked up indifferently, standing with his hands on his hands, in danger, and his mind was not chaotic.

He looked at Tian Hu faintly. “On your own, you have to avenge Han Nie. It really makes people laugh!”

Tian Hu gloomy said, “You are going to be proud, this Protector will kill you!”

After that, with a big hand, “fire, kill me!”

Bang bang bang !

Six consecutive muffled sounds came out.

Six house-sized shells, emits with the energy of the hot Berserk, in the all of a sudden thrown out, dragging a long tail flame, directed toward Zhao Fang.

Upon seeing it, Zhao Fang’s lips sneered.

Palm Smashing Heaven and Earth !

World exchange!

The trajectory of the six artillery shells also changed in accordance with the intention of Zhao Fang.

Going back to the six Battleships.


The Battleship trembled fiercely, shrouded the golden light layer of Battle’s most Outer Circle and was shattered.

“Can the shells return by themselves?”

“This damn what’s going on?”

The people on the Saint Imperial Palace Battleship were completely bombarded.

Even other Powerhouses have a strange look.

“Tian Hu is playing tricks?”

“The bombs that hit the enemy, but they blow up to themselves, the people of Saint Imperial Palace will really play!”

When Tian Hu heard these words, he was already depressed and he was almost cough up blood!

“What magic trick did you perform?”

Tian Hu glared at Zhao Fang, in the eyes of the hatching killing intent, almost awkward.

Zhao Fang did not speak.

Just take a blade out.

“It seems that I killed Han Nie on the same day, and the impression left on you Saint Imperial Palace is not deep enough…”

Tian Hu saw it and his heart was cold. “What do you want?”

“Hey you!”

Wen Yan, Tian Hu startedled, and immediately laughed. “This Protector didn’t get it wrong. Actually someone wants to kill me through the Battleship array. What kind of joke?”

“Our Boat Imperialship of Saint Imperial Palace can block the 2-Star Divine Emperor Full strength strike. At the moment, even the 3-Star Divine Emperor can’t break for a while!”

“Can’t break? Then you open your eyes at at!”

Zhao Fang smiled coldly, Blade Qi able to move unhindered, the cold light flashed, and a few dead zhang (333m) long Blade Qi, instantly fell.




Blade Qi falls on the outer defense of the Saint Imperial Palace Battleship, as if it were cut in the Metal above, making a harsh rubbing sound.

When you penetrate Metal, it is like cutting on tofu, with absolute sharpness, instantly squatting on the hill-like Panggreat warship.

Time is still.

All the sounds are gone.

That terrifying Blade Qi, it seems that it did not hurt the Battleship.


Not waiting for Tian Hu and others, his face is bright.

Kā cā !

Battleship suddenly heard a subtle sound.

Immediately after DD


In the incredible gaze of everyone, the hill-like Battleship suddenly collapsed from the middle and was smashed into two sections!

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