The first thousand two hundred and eighty-seven chapters of the black witch master!

“It is said that the Magnetic Essence Jinshan above, with the Supreme Divine Object, will control the entire Magnetic Essence.”

“Unfortunately, every time Violent Magnetic Sea activate, although the countless Powerhouse swarmed in, trying to climb the treasure, but no one succeeded!”

Mu Bing looked at the Magnetic Essence Jinshan and looked complicated.

“No one has succeeded?”

Wen Yan, Zhao Fang conversely came to interest.

“Magnetic Essence is hard to climb?”

“It’s hard, simply is difficult, others don’t say, we are here, apart from Palace Lord, and Monk, it is estimated that there is no third person, you can climb the Magnetic Essence.”

Mu Dao of Ice.

Zhao Fang This time, bring half of the Powerhouse.

These Powerhouses are mostly the look of the God King Middle Stage Late Stage.


It is such a group of people, only two people can climb the Magnetic Essence.

Actually, some of them are unexpected.

Mu Bing continued: “If it is not Monk’s new breakthrough to 9-Star God King, he has no qualification and climbs Magnetic Essence. Even if you can climb this time, it will not exceed the kilometer.”

Zhao Fang brows slightly wrinkle, “So difficult?”

“Palace Lord doesn’t know, this Magnetic Essence Jinshan contains Gravity oppression, the more it goes up, the more terrible it is, the Magnetic Essence and the Magnetic Essence Vicious Beast.”

“Magnetic Essence Vicious Beast, born in Magnetic Essence, is difficult to annihilate with natural conditions, even if you are lucky Magnetic Essence Vicious Beast, and the Magnetic Essence storm…”

“It’s more terrifying than the Magnetic Essence Vicious Beast, the Scatter’s Crystal of Origin Magnetism everywhere, the Magnetic Essence storm hanging from the Magnetic Essence…”

Upon hearing this, Zhao Fang had a little understanding of climbing the Magnetic Essence.

‘divine sense Divine Strength is suppressed, there is Gravity attack, but also to guard against the Magnetic Essence Vicious Beast and the Magnetic Essence storm from time to time. Under so many conditions, you can board this Magnetic Essence Golden Mountain, which is the monster Ah!

After clearing the clue, Zhao Fang came to the interest.

“This is interesting. The Palace Lord also wants to see it. With the President of the Palace Lord, where can I go!”

“We don’t waste power on Magnetic Essence. While others are climbing the Magnetic Essence, we are going to search for Crystal of Origin Magnetism.” Mu Dao of Ice.


Mu Bing left with the other people in the Fire Hall and went to search for the Crystal of Origin Magnetism.

Zhao Fang, Nether Fire Monk, Leng Sen three people, is teamed up to go to Magnetic Essence.

Soon after Zhao Fang left.

At the entrance of the Violent Magnetic Sea, a large hand was used to tear a raw zhang (333m) crack.

Followed by.

A tall silhouette, stepping out.

As he stepped into the all of a sudden of the Violent Magnetic Sea, most of the magnetic force of the entire Violent Magnetic Sea came to the crowd.

The person’s expression is as usual, with a large sleeve and a wave, and the body emits is covered with a layer of yellowish rays of light, which is actually isolated from the majority of the magnetic force.

Everyone saw this scene, turn pale with fright.

“Who is this person?”

“I can isolate most of the Magnetic Essence Force-Field oppression. Doesn’t it mean that he is still able to play half of the strength here?”

Everyone waits, the heart shakes!

Tall silhouette, striding forward, stepping out of a dozen steps, only to see, behind the silhouette, followed by one person.

Blood Feather Building, Zhang Huanzhu!

“Palace Lord, that is fellow!”

Zhang Huan built his gaze and swept through the crowd. He immediately saw Zhao Fang not far away, and immediately yelled.

“it is good!”

The tall silhouette screamed and the body suddenly disappeared.

Terrifying Divine Strength, a magnetic friction with the Magnetic Essence Force-Field, emits a path of harsh screams.

next moment.

The tall silhouette approaches Zhao Fang, the sound is cold, and there is no emotion. “You dare to kill the person of this Palace Lord, pay with your life !”

“Palace Lord?”

“It’s the Lord of Saint Imperial Palace!”

“What! This fellow is actually coming!”

“Well, this trip to Violent Magnetic Sea is definitely a big win!”

Scatter’s other Powerhouses around all hear the sound of tall silhouettes, and the complexions are ugly.


Zhao Fang shakes Nether Fire Monk and Leng Sen two people with one hand and turns to meet the Lord Imperial Palace.

Pēng pēng !

The Lord Imperial Palace hosted the three palms of the Grand Dao and landed on Zhao Fang. The shock of his blood was tumbling and he stepped back and forth.

But it stabilized the figure, no injuries!

“én?” Saint Imperial Palace stopped the figure to reveal his true content.

This is a middle-aged man with a sturdy, dignity.

He is as sinking as water, can’t see the anger, said coldly: “No wonder it can kill Tianhu Han Ni, but it has some skills!”

“Not enough, you are only 4-Star God King, and Strong is suppressed by the Magnetic Essence Force-Field. You can’t do it all. You can only rely on Fleshy Body. If you attack like just now, this Palace Lord only uses 30% Strength. Palace Lord, look back, how long can you hold on!”

“If you want to fight, you can beat it, and the nonsense is really damn!”

Zhao Fang sneered, his body trembled, and the glass glare, such as layered armor, shrouded Zhao Fang whole body.

Same as Time.

鲲 phan phantom banged out, swaying, covering the sky!

The original stunned look of the Saint Imperial Palace, seeing this scene, can not help but micro-condensation, “how can it be? I put the ‘Magnetic Essence fine mother’ into itself, so that the Palace Lord body is infinitely close to Magnetic Essence, this is not subject to Magneticic Essence rejects the repression of the embarrassment, what method does this child use, and is not subject to magnetic suppression?”

In the meantime, a muffled sound like a thunder was suddenly passed over the Violent Magnetic Sea:

“It seems that this witch is really a time, it is really lively!”

next moment.

It was torn into the exit of the Violent Magnetic Sea, a tall man with a long back and dark skin, but aura was so cold, and stepped in.


The magnetic force of all around, with the entry of tall man, all swarmed and wanted to suppress the power of tall man.

But the shocking scene has appeared.

Tall man doesn’t care about the magnetic force that swarms around, and the magnetic force turns into a powerful force that nourishes the tall man’s Fleshy Body.

Magnetic force not only does not suppress the other Strength.

Conversely becomes the stepping stone for each other’s Upgrade Strength!


“This can can be be !”

It is hard to believe.

The Saint Imperial Palace Lord is deep in at the back of the long man, said solemnly, “Black Witch Lord?”

The long man匣 grinned. “I didn’t expect that, after so many years, there are still people who remember this Lord! You should be the Saint Imperial Palace Palace Lord? Bully a junior, what is it? The Lord can accompany you two tricks!”

The Saint Imperial Palace did not speak, just staring at the other side of the solemn.

And the Powerhouses at Scatter heard the conversation between the two people, shaking their hearts and looking incredulously at the back.

“Black witch master?”

“In the Super Influence of the Swan House, the Lord of the Black Witch Gate? The most mysterious presence in Six Great Influences?”

“Rumors, he died in the Star River! I never thought that I can see his this Venerable today!”


Black Wumen Powerhouse, one by one flying forward, respectfully shouted, “Witch Lord Sir!”

The back is long and the man is indifferent, just staring at the Lord Imperial Palace.

“Hey! This Palace Lord is here to refining Magnetic Essence Jinshan, not to fight with you!”

Saint Imperial Palace’s main sleeve, swept Zhao Fang with a sneak peek, “This time, count you Luck!”

After that, the figure ran across and went to the Magnetic Essence.

The black witch did not care, sharp eyes like a knife, looking at Zhao Fang, said solemnly, “but you killed the Golden Lord Pavilion Lord?”

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