The first thousand two hundred and eighty-nine chapters 闯Magnetic Essence storm!

“According to Leng Sen, this Magnetic Essence storm has appeared once in the dozens of Violent Magnetic Sea activates.”

“Probability Extremely Low, but I didn’t expect it, I was hit by it!”

Zhao Fang looked up and looked at the top of the mountain. The Black storm, which was slowly rolling down, revealed a trace of bitterness in his lips. “Is it a ghost of a curse of the unfinished fellow?”

Zhao Fang didn’t believe that with his own half of the lucky value, it would be such a bad luck.

“It must be the bad luck of the fellow!”

“damn it, father will not back down, father wants people to win the day!”

“System, is there a way to forcibly break through the Magnetic Essence storm?”

Zhao Fang not willingly.

“Hey, the host can exchange Exchange ‘Anti-Magnetic Set”, with 80 percent probability, and avoiding the Magnetic Essence storm without any damage!”

“What else to say, direct Exchange!”

“Hey, the host supreme coins is not enough, can’t Exchange…”

Zhao Fang aimed at the anti-magnetic storm set price, and immediately had a bloody heart.

“fuck, two billion supreme coins, why don’t you Heaven?”

Although the System blows the anti-magnetic storm very hard, what is installed in the hand, from this magnetic storm insulation!

Zhao Fang understands that this thing is an anti-magnetic item.

For use elsewhere, Defense Power is not even as good as a Tier-5.

“Hey, considering the current economic situation of the host, the host can rent 50 million supreme coins per day.”

“Hey, with a good card, the host can enjoy a one-piece 20& off offer.”


Zhao Fang found that he did have one piece.

“Rent to rent?”

Just sinking for a second, Zhao Fang had a decision.

Whether it is bad luck, or something else, want to stop me from moving forward?

I don’t think about it!


“Hey, congratulations Player, consume one piece of good guy card, and rent a magnetic storm set for 40 million supreme coins.”

Put on the anti-magnetic storm Set, Zhao Fang has only one kind of feeling in his heart.

Altman’s energy is full!

“Magnetic Essence storm is it? Father wants to see, how powerful you are!”

Zhao Fang figure is slightly bent like a tight bow.


The next moment, after a piece of Crystal of Origin Magnetism, Zhao Fang figure rushed toward the stormy Magnetic Essence storm.

The Powerhouse, who was originally panicked and retired, saw this scene and was stunned.

Immediately, piercing laughter, one after another!

“That fellow’s brain is in the water. The Magnetic Essence storm is coming. It doesn’t retreat. Is it necessary to have a hard anal with the Magnetic Essence storm?”

“Heavens, Where is this wonderful?”

“I’m sure that as long as the fellow touches the Magnetic Essence storm, it will be smashed by the Magnetic Essence storm for three seconds!”

Black witch master frowns, in the eyes reveal a trace sorry!

‘This Magnetic Essence storm, even if I want to get through it, has to pay a heavy price. This brat is so arrogant that I think it’s a pity if I have a Divine clothes. ‘

‘However, if he dies in the storm of Magnetic Essence, killing another half of the map, it is not easy to find! ‘

‘This damned fellow! ‘

The black witch is angry and cursing.

Same as for a moment.

The Saint Imperial Palace, which has climbed to the position of two Kilometers, is one of the most popular Powerhouses in the mountaineering, the closest to the Magnetic Essence storm.

His complexion is equally ugly.

‘damn it, it’s hard to come here, actually encountering the storm of Magnetic Essence, is this God’s will? ‘

Just as the Lord Imperial Palace was ready to retreat, avoiding the Magnetic Essence storm, a blue-green silhouette, like lightning, flashed past him.

With the eyesight of the Lord Imperial Palace, it is natural to see at a glance that Zhao Fang is wrapped in blue-green Armour.

“This brat, what do you want to do?”

The Saint Imperial Palace took a moment and immediately looked at Zhao Fang and rushed to the silhouette of the Magnetic Essence storm. “This fellow, wouldn’t it be to force a breakthrough Magnetic Essence storm?”

The Lord Imperial Palace was given frighten by his own thoughts.

But when he looked up and looked at it, Zhao Fang’s imposing manner was really going to rush out of the Magnetic Essence storm.

For a moment.

The expression of the Lord Imperial Palace is somewhat weird.

“This Idiot!”

He shook his head and slammed back to the side. “I thought it was a personal talent, maybe it could be with my battle. It seems that it is just a foolish idiot nothing more!”


On the occasion of the retreat of Saint Imperial Palace, Zhao Fang’s silhouette instantly fell into the storm of Magnetic Essence.

“This fellow… is dead!”

On the scene, when I saw this scene, Powerhouse, I couldn’t help but think of it.

“Monk !Palace Lord This is how I can’t open it?”

The mountain under the foot, Leng Sen sighed, and felt that Zhao Fang’s move was equivalent to sending him to death.

Nether Fire Monk frowned and shook his head. “Let’s see, Palace Lord is not the kind of courageous!”

“There is nothing to see, the Magnetic Essence storm scrapes the soul, not to mention the 4-Star God King, even if the 4-Star Divine Emperor goes in, it is sure to die!”

Leng Sen shook his head. “It seems that we have to find another place to go!”

Nether Fire Monk frowned and didn’t answer, just staring at the Magnetic Essence storm.

call out!

Under the eyes of the public.

A blue-blue rays of light, a momentary breakthrough of the magnetic Essence storm, rushing to the top!

“Leng Sen is watching, the Palace Lord is not dead!”

Nether Fire Monk’s eyes are bright and exciting.

“Monk, I know that you have a close relationship with the Palace Lord and can’t accept this fact, but the facts are facts, sorrow…”

Leng Sen’s words are not finished, the corners of the corners of the eyes, then they hit the behind with blue-blue rays of light, and turned sharply.

When I saw the silhouette of the road, I was suddenly shocked and dumb!

Whether it is him or not.

The Powerhouses, which thought that Zhao Fang would be swallowed by the Magnetic Essence storm, were all quiet.

One eye is like a quail, and the face is full of shock and incredible!

“He didn’t die!”

“What really made him break through the Magnetic Essence storm?”

“How can this be it?”

This one thought, haunting these Powerhouse minds, they were shocked, long time no words!

The black witch is bursting with his eyes. Bright glow, “The blue-green Armour on the fellow, is a great treasure! It seems that this witch master has stunned him!”

“damned! Why didn’t he die? It didn’t die, he actually let him lead!”

Responding to the Lord of Saint Imperial Palace, roaring again and again.

He wanted to rush out for a moment, but he was just near the edge of the Magnetic Essence storm. The wind that smashed the soul immediately made him suffer a minor injury.

Seeing this scene, those who originally suspected that the Magnetic Essence storm could weaken the Powerhouses were immediately speechless and quickly retired.

Wait until the Magnetic Essence storm swept through Magnetic Essence and completely retreated.

In front of everyone, Zhao Fang’s silhouette has been lost!

“damned, my Magnetic Essence Jinshan!”

The Saint Imperial Palace is almost depressed, but it can only climb again.

On the occasion of the climb, the black witch’s figure flashed past him, like a ghost, watching the main eyes of the Saint Imperial Palace tighten.

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