The first thousand two hundred and ninety one chapter mirror in the world

call out! call out! call out!

Zhao Fang enters the world of the mirror, but feels like Starry Sky.

The foot Treading Void is empty, next to a path of such as the meteor’s Magnetic Essence master.

Take a look, Zhao Fang has some big heads.

“There are so many Magnetic Essence masters, one by one, the daylily is cold!”

Zhao Fang frowns, “Is there a shortcut method?”

“Hey, you can consume two million supreme coins and launch a magnetic radar search.”

“What else do you say, search Ah!”

The words fall.

Centered on the Zhao Fang body, the radar ripples are transmitted out and spread in all directions.

“Hey, I’m aware of the abnormal Magnetic Essence master.”

Zhao Fang mind has a picture.

A Magnetic Essence master who is bigger than the ordinary Magnetic Essence master x2, seems to feel the sweep of the radar, fleeing toward the front.

“You are the one!”

Zhao Fang figure, in accordance with the 10,000-time radar index, rushed to the group of Magnetic Essence.

This chasing and escaping, said that it lasted for more than ten minutes.

Simply Zhao Fang is still a set of clothes anti-magnetic storm, the Magnetic Essence compression here, has no effect on him, speed can be fully deployed.

Otherwise, even if you find the Divine Emperor body, you can’t catch up.

“Give me back!”

Zhao Fang took a look at the Battaling Spirit Seal transformed into the palm of his hand and grabbed the Magnetic Essence master who wanted to escape.

Immediately, System scans the authentication.

【Magnetic Essence Gold Seal】

The Divine Emperor body guard, which allows you to glimpse the Divine Emperor body.


Zhao Fang is not much surprised.

If the Divine Emperor body is so good to find, the fellow is estimated to have been refined.

“Quickly let me go. If my family knows Sir, trivial human dares to imprison me, and you will be peeling and cramping, and you will never be super-born!”

Magnetic Essence Gold Seal delivers a sinister Divine Sense to Zhao Fang divine sense.

Zhao Fang’s gaze, but he quickly released the Magnetic Essence gold seal, and lost with a laugh: “Sir forgives me, I have eyes can’t recognize Mount Tai, please also Sir, don’t forgive me!”

On the occasion of the release of the Magnetic Essence, an imprint silently entered the Magnetic Essence with the body, even without it.

“Hey, count your interest! This time, the main seal of Sir, I will not care about you, let me meet you next time, will make you look good!”

Coldly snorted, Magnetic Essence Gold Seal left with a look of anger.

Zhao Fang sent the Magnetic Essence gold seal away, and the smile on his face slowly became a banter. “Golden seal, gold stamp, take I’ll go and find the Divine Emperor.”

Through imprint tracking, Zhao Fang can clearly perceive the range of activities of the Magnetic Essence Gold Seal.

But what makes it depressed is that the Magnetic Essence gold print does not know why the perceived Zhao Fang intention, wandering in the mirror World, there is no need to find the idea of ​​the Divine Emperor.

“damn it, father can be as fast as Time!”

Zhao Fang frowns, using the magnetic radar, and found several Magnetic Essence gold seals, the same method.

“I don’t believe it, multi-line fishing, and can’t catch the Divine Emperor!”

After leaving more than 20 imprints in succession.

Zhao Fang finally saw a trace hope.

One of the Magnetic Essence gold seals, under the guard of several other Magnetic Essence gold seals, plunged into the abyss of World in the mirror.

The magnetic radar swept across the abyss and immediately spooked the rumbled.

“Hey, I found the powerful Magnetic Essence, and I suggest that the host leave quickly!”


“Under the abyss, it should be the Divine Emperor of the Golden Seal! It was hard to find, how can I leave easily?”

Zhao Fang gaze shimmers.

He be careful to sneak into the abyss, familiar with the aura and oppression, crushed.

“It’s a gold seal Divine Emperor!”

Zhao Fang in the eyes reveals a touch of joy.

Going forward again, I saw that under the abyss, a small star composed of the countless Magnetic Essence gold print, shining with icy luster, was lying quietly under the abyss.

On top of his head, the words “Golden Divine Emperor Ontology” are on the lookout.

“Finally found!”

Zhao Fang looks excited.

Just at this time, the Divine Emperor body of Jinyin seems to be aware of the arrival of Zhao Fang. The eyes composed of dozens of Magnetic Essence gold prints, swept over with extreme indifference.

“human !”

The Divine Emperor body of the gold seal sends out a hoarse and chilly voice. “Can you find it here, is it to take the initiative to die?”

Since it was discovered, Zhao Fang simply stood out.

“Send your sister, Young Master said, to refining you, obediently don’t move, wait for Young Master to refining you!”

“court death!”

On the occasion of the roar of Divine Emperor, the surface of the Magnetic Essence gold seal, like a path of stream, flew to Zhao Fang.

Hundred feathers knife!

Although there is a set of anti-magnetic storms on the body, but because this place is the mirror inside World, Zhao Fang’s Palm Smashing Heaven and Earth, and the 鲲 吞 吞 天 天, are suppressed.

Today, he can only display these pure Divine Skills.

Pēng pēng ~

The hundred feather knives are unstoppable, and Blade Qi able to move unhindered, tearing a pair of Magnetic Essence gold seals.

The sly blade is even approaching the Divine Emperor body.


When the eyes look at Zhao Fang can attack it, the sensation of the back is cold.

Shrink The Ground To An Inch !

Zhao Fang is empty and disappears in place!


Behind the Boom bang, there is terrifying flame fluctuation, which spreads out.

Zhao Fang looks back.

There is a gloomy middle-aged man in his place just now.

Saint Imperial Palace Lord!

Zhao Fang looks at it.

“The reaction is good, but I have escaped.”

Saint Imperial Palace main vision flickered, looking at a Void, said coldly, “Black Witch Lord, what are you doing, why didn’t you take action?”

Zhao Fang followed the eyes of the Saint Imperial Palace, and saw that the black witch came out of Void and couldn’t help but sigh!

‘This fellow, a good way to hide, I did not find it. ‘

“This witch master thought that against the trivial 4-Star God King, the Saint Imperial Palace main take action, it must be very easy, where the witch master take action, but did not expect…”

The black witch master carried his hands, his expression was indifferent, but his lips snarled.

Saint Imperial Palace main look gloomy, “nonsense, said that this brat!”

The black witch turned to Zhao Fang and his eyes were sharp.

“Black witch master, cooperate with me!”

Zhao Fang is indifferent and emphasizes the word ‘cooperation’.

He knows that the Black Witch Lord understands what he means.

“Work with you? With your trivial 4-Star God King, what can you give him?” Saint Imperial Palace disdain.

“By cooperating with you, the two tigers are competing for the Divine Emperor. It is better to kill you first, but it is a big problem!”

Zhao Fang’s words make Saint Imperial Palace the main complexion big change.

He did not give the Saint Imperial Palace Lord too much breathing time.

If you fall, you can use the killing move directly.

The knife is terrible!

Forcing the Lord Imperial Palace to use four Grand Dao blocks directly!

Zhao Fang is not surprised.

Under the magnetic Essence Jinshan, when two people first time confronted, Zhao Fang noticed that the Saint Imperial Palace main Strength was much stronger than the Ghost tiger.

It was just that he was not sure to win him. He did not fight with each other!

But it is different now!

“brat, you are extraordinary, trivial 4-Star God King, can push this Palace Lord to this one step, enough to be proud!”

“But I want to kill me with this power, but I am dreaming!”

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