The first thousand two hundred and ninety-three chapters give me a reason not to kill you.

“What the hell are you?”

“Where did you get this bloody Divine Weapon?”

The black witch stared at Zhao Fang, solemnly asked.

“Nothing to do with you!”

Zhao Fang waved a spear in his hand, expressing coldly at the Lord of Saint Imperial Palace.

“Today, use your blood to start the ‘Spirit of the Blood River Spear’!”

The sacred blood spear, Zhao Fang is from Old Ancestor Xue Sheng.

Because it was a defective product, after killed from Young Master Huo, he got the material to repair the bloody spear.

Even so.

It just fixes 30% nothing more.

Still not letting it play its full strength.

“However, enough!”

Zhao Fang has a secretly thought in his heart. His eyes are extremely cold.

“You actually have Tier-6 Divine Weapon, this is the Palace Lord, but you want to compete with this Palace Lord, simply overestimate one’s capabilities !”

The Saint Imperial Palace is disdainful.

Wen Yan, Zhao Fang shook his head and looked indifferent, “a frog in well !”

The Saint Imperial Palace was just about to get angry, only to find that Zhao Fang had disappeared.

I was ready to respond, but I suddenly found out that my body could not move!

“what’s going on?”

There is no chill, and it instantly flows into the heart of Saint Imperial Palace.


A bloody spear that penetrates the layer of Void, instantly appearing on the side of the Saint Imperial Palace.


The Saint Imperial Palace was shocked.


The bloody spear easily penetrated the main body of Saint Imperial Palace, and even more so to his heart, his flesh and blood was swallowed by bloody spears.


It is not easy for the Saint Imperial Palace to control the divine sense, but it does not want to, and turns and leaves.

He was really scared by Zhao Fang’s weird means!


He is only a divine sense state at the moment, and he can’t threaten Zhao Fang at all.

“Swallowing Spirit !”

Just in his divine sense, all the a sudden, a very cold voice, sounded from behind his back.

next moment.

The Lord Imperial Palace only feels that the endless darkness envelopes itself, and the countless mouth rips on his own divine sense. He is fierce, but in a moment, loses consciousnessness.


“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed King King Level Boss ‘Saint Imperial Palace Lord’,obtain 300,000 experience points, 30,000 Divine Strength value, 30,000 Super Divine Skill Proficiency.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed King King Level Boss ‘Saint Imperial Palace Lord’,obtain ‘Magnetic Essence Master’.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed King King Level Boss ‘Saint Imperial Palace Lord’,obtain ‘Grand Dao’s Fragment *20’.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘killed King King Boss ‘Saint Imperial Palace Lord’, obtained Tier-6 Divine Weapon ‘Sacred King’.”


The black witch advocated opening his mouth, and the in the eyes flashed with an incredible look.

Just now, he saw Zhao Fang take the initiative to rush to the Lord Imperial Palace, I feel that Zhao Fang is young and frivolous, it is necessary to suffer big losses!

The scene that can happen next is greatly beyond his expectations.

The main image of the Saint Imperial Palace was stupid, standing in the same place, smashing a spear and crushing the Fleshy Body.

What is also shocking to him is that Zhao Fang Swallowing Spirit swallows the main divine sense of Saint Imperial Palace.

“It looks like a loophole, but it is a blow!”

At this moment, the black witch master still does not know, just now the scene of the battle, must be in the control of Zhao Fang.

Otherwise, he dares to make such a suicide attack!


Zhao Fang turned, cold and indifferent, looking to the black witch master.

Five elements, knives, slaughter Seven Great Accomplishment Grand Dao, like the seven-splitting giant blade, standing in Zhao Fang behind, adding to his boundless power!

Black witch master complexion greatly changed.

“This gold seal Divine Emperor this witch master does not fight with you!”

Zhao Fang Strength is too strange, even if the Witch Race is known for being weird, I am not willing to provoke Zhao Fang at the moment.


Zhao Fang will always report.

He will not forget that this black witch is just now 趁 when he is in a crisis, he is forced to hand over the killing map.

“just now I take the initiative to propose cooperation, you do not cherish, conversely horrible, want to snatch! In this case, I have not left you necessary!”

Zhao Fang tightened the bloody spear of the river, one step to the black witch master.

The black witch master complexion is somewhat ugly.

But he is a good master, naturally not afraid of fighting, said coldly, “Now stop, we still have opportunities for cooperation, otherwise!”

Zhao Fang did not answer, and the bloody spear of the river was directly spurred out.

“Witchcraft, the law!”

The black witch master roaring sound, the body spurts a large number of Black Mist, and in the blink of an eye, it forms a tall fuzzy silhouette in front of it.

This silhouette looks slightly similar to the black witch master.

It is more than x2 higher than the black witch.

It seems to be the marionette of the Black Witch Lord, what the Black Witch Lord does, and what it does!



The blurred silhouette blocks the spurs of the bloody spear.

What surprised Zhao Fang was.

This should be a fuzzy fog, but it is as hard as gold and iron, colliding with the blood god spear all the a sudden, making a crisp crash.

Zhao Fang expression Slightly surprised, the eye chill is not reduced!

“It’s really weird. With these alone, I can’t stop me!”

When the words fell, Zhao Fang both eyes suddenly rushed into a cold.

Seven Great Accomplishment Grand Dao burst out and instantly twist the fuzzy silhouette into pieces.

Followed by.

As the black witch master has not yet reacted, Zhao Fang pointed out and slammed the all of a sudden of the black witch’s figure.

The bloody spear of the river is spear, and you want to hit the killed black witch master.


The Fleshy Body of the Black Lord is immediately popping open!

But the next moment.

An amazing scene appeared.

The crushed flesh and blood began a miraculous reorganization. This combination means contain Witch Race Grand Dao, and even the blood spear can’t stop it.

In a flash.

The black witch master recovered as ever.

“This witch master said, you can’t kill me!” The black witch Lord said solemnly, “Now see the undead body of my Witch Race, what do you think?”


Zhao Fang laughed. “I never believed that anyone in the world would not die. The so-called immortality is nothing but a blind eye.”

“Since I can’t kill you once, then ten times, a hundred times…”

The black witch master complexion is slightly white.

“I really want to ireconcilable until death? Just this witch master just chose the most beneficial way to nothing.”

“Otherwise? Give me a reason not to kill you?”

“This witch master is willing to cooperate with you!”

“No need, kill you, I will get into the killing world after I get the map!”

Zhao Fang Lightly start to talk, the palms slowly extend.

Black witch master pupils shrank, backhand grabbed behind.

Kā cā !

Long smashing, a long sword, appeared in the hands of the black witch.

Under its activation, the sword smashed out the two yellow Qi Qi.

When I saw Xuan Huang Two Qi, Zhao Fang stunned.

He stopped attacking, but stared at his eyes, staring at the black witch master, said solemnly, “This is Xuan Huang Two Qi, where are you from?”

“én?” The black witch master startedled, “My family Young Master gave me.”

“Young Master?”

Zhao Fang picked up his eyes.

At that time, he only saw Xuan Huang Two Qi in one person.

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