The first thousand two hundred and ninety-eight chapters eat the Death Canyon

“You came here?”

Blood blade The guest muttered himself, asked by a Loose Cultivator.

“How do you say?” The blood blade guest is quiet.

“The big Young master of the Prophet, entered the Death Canyon half an hour after the corpse fire subsided.”


Nether Fire Monk was shocked. “Is he not to die? Not that two hours after the corpse fire has subsided, can you enter the Death Canyon?”

The blood blade shook his head. “There is no absolute thing. In general, the corpse fire dissipates, which means that the danger is weakened. The first master of the fire god teaches the young master. Naturally, he can grab the first hand. Treasure, of course, the premise is that he can live!”

Zhao Fang vision flickered, smiled. “It seems that we should also leave!”

A group of people walked toward the entrance to the Death Canyon.

“Who are these people?”

“Only two Divine Emperor ?this Rank Strength, dare to enter the Death Canyon at this moment?”

“Is it too fast to die?”

The Loose Cultivators at the entrance to the Death Canyon are squinting and ridiculous.

Zhao Fang turned and looked indifferently to the most happy people who called it, “Shut up!”

Pēng pēng pēng !

Almost all of a sudden in the words of Zhao Fang.

The mouths of those people, immediately blasted, flesh and blood Scatter, the face flesh and blood is fuzzy, terrible!

The people who had some arguments were given frighten by this sudden scene, and subconscious kept their mouths.

There are only a few seniors of Strength who are deeply interested in Zhao Fang.

‘Under the drink, they will shake their mouths into flesh and blood, This is what kind of skill? ‘

‘The most important thing is that I didn’t feel any tyrannical Divine Strength fluctuation. How did he do it? ‘

Zhao Fang did not use Divine Strength.

Just use some magnetic pressure nothing more.

On the two days after refining the Divine Emperor, Zhao Fang has been bringing his own experience to Divine Emperor.

The first is the control of the magnetic force.

of course.

With Zhao Fang’s current Realm, the biggest control range is just the size of the palm.

If it is bigger, it will not be built into magnetic pressure!

of course.

The reason why these people are captured is because their cultivation base is relatively weak.

If you change to Divine Emperor.

Zhao Fang This point of magnetic pressure, at most, they were traumatized by skin.

The tide of discussion, accompanied by Zhao Fang’s low roaring sound, and the bloody picture in front of him, instantly quieted down.

The crowd looked at the back of Zhao Fang and disappeared into the Death Canyon.

After a while.

The screams of one after another rang through the entrance to Death Canyon.

Wearing a robes man, licking the bleeding mouth, gū gū screamed: “Damned Bastard, actually dare sneak attack Dao, Dao can not spare them! Dao is going to find the Cloud Heavenly God League, Shenmeng Pang Elder owes me a promise, and the lord will use this promise to kill the dog thief!”


Inside the Death Canyon, the mountains stretch.

At first glance, apart from the vast Earth domain, it is no different from other mountains.

The only difference is a bit different.

It is the chill of the gloomy Leng Sen in the entire Death Canyon.

This chill, even if it is a golden black light, cannot be expelled.

This is one kind The gorge that the canyon brings.

Roar! 吼~

Just entering the canyon, not far away, one after another, a beep that sounded over, like a friend and a friend, was introduced into Zhao Fang and others.

“Palace Lord, let’s go here! There is no Vicious Beast here.”

Dark Moon suddenly said.

For the Dark Moon, Zhao Fang naturally does not doubt.

After all, the only one in this team who can understand the language of the beast is her!

Under the leadership of Dark Moon, the group was also amazed.


Inside this Death Canyon, Crisis is heavy and dangerous, not just those Vicious Beast.

Perhaps it is because corpse fire has been swayed over the years.

The plants here are also aggressive, so you can’t guard against it.

In the Zhao Fang team, there was one person who was bitten by an eater.

If the Zhao Fang did not respond promptly, the Grand Dao of Fire would cut the cannibalism, and the man would not be guaranteed.

Through this, everyone became extremely cautious and be careful.

After half an hour.

They crossed the Outer Circle in the Death Valley to the valley where the Outer Circle and the Central Region border the Canyon.

It is far apart.

Zhao Fang and others heard the sound of the ping-pong weapon in the distant valley and the scream of anger.

“This voice seems to be somewhat familiar.”

Zhao Fang took a glimpse of it and took the blood blade guest and others.

In the canyon.

The two sides are fighting!

One party is just now the Yunhai Shenmeng Powerhouse that has fallen over Zhao Fang.

The other side, the Vicious Beast Legion!

The Tier-5 Vicious Beast alone has seven heads.

As for the Tier-4 Vicious Beast, there are nearly a hundred heads.

The number completely suppresses the Yunhai Shenmeng Powerhouse.

If it’s not the slim 3-Star Divine Emperor, with one handful of Sword Art, one person fighting two Tier-5 Vicious Beast, dragging the most Powerhouse in Vicious Beast, Yunhai Shenmeng has long been the Vicious Beast has swallowed it!

When Zhao Fang came, the fighting here has already reached the stage of white-hot.

On the side of the Yunhai Shenmeng, the festival will be defeated. If it will take a long time, it will be countered by Vicious Beast, and there will be no scum left!

Zhao Fang was even more surprised to find out.

In addition to them.

Beyond Battlefield, there are other snoopers.

“Picking the stars!”

“Shadow family!”

“They are actually there too!”

Not only Zhao Fang found this, Yunhai Shenmeng Powerhouse, also found this.

Even the two Great Influences were called for help.

However, whether it is the Star House and the Shadow House, it seems to be determined, just to be a visitor, for the help of Yunhai Shenmeng, turn a deaf ear!

“Yunfan Elder, we can’t hold it!”

A Divine Emperor Powerhouse battled back to the slim 3-Star Divine Emperor.


Yun Fan’s eyes are cold and cold. “Will the Vicious Beast group lead elsewhere?”

“Where can I lead? Are you picking up the Stars and the Shadows? They have taken this group of Vicious Beast’s Strength, but after we and the Vicious Beast great war, they are heavy heavy losses. If they offend them, Death Canyon It’s really our place of burial!”

Cried 2-Star Divine Emperor.

“Take it over there!”

Yunfan has not yet started to talk, his younger brother Yunhai, suddenly pointed to the place where Zhao Fang and others are yelling.

Yunfan glanced at it, and the in the eyes flashed a smudged color. “They’s strength looks normal, but if you can come here, there must be some means, you should be able to drag this group of Vicious Beast, just do what Yunhai said!”

While speaking, Yunfan took the lead in dragging two Tier-5 Initial Stage Vicious Beast and rushed to Zhao Fang.

Other Yunhai Shenmeng Powerhouses, learn to learn.

The Star House and the Shadow House Powerhouse saw that they could not shake their heads.

“The poor fellow, who was actually stared at by the fan of the sail, became the scapegoat of Yunfan and others!”

Same as for a moment.

Zhao Fang also noticed the intention of Yunfan, and the complexion suddenly gloomy down.

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