The first thousand three hundred chapters of one palm!

Yunhai turned and looked.

The first thing I saw was a few God King Middle Stages, his lips, and a scornful smile.

Then there is a big Monk with dark complexion, eye-catching eyes, and a beautiful, cool-eyed young girl, and a knife with a long blade and a bloody look.

鈥溍﹏? These people, some are familiar with Ah!鈥?/p>

The sea of 鈥嬧€媍louds muttered, and suddenly suddenly realized, ‘Is this not the white brat’s men? They all escaped? That white brat is dead? ‘

As I thought about it, Behind suddenly heard a shocking voice.

“You, you are not dead!”

2-Star Divine Emperor Elder of Yunhai Shenmeng, pointing to the front of several people, seems to find something, shocked and shouted.

Not only him.

Yunhai Shenmeng other Powerhouse, also complexion big change, such as ghosts, look incredible!

Yunhai fixed Soul Lock, and his eyes fell behind the group.

A white silhouette, slowly coming.

His clothes fluttered, like the white snow on the snow, not staining the slightest dust, like the nine-day above.

“how can it be?”

The sea of 鈥嬧€媍louds eyes suddenly bulged and looked shocked.

“By surrounded by so many Vicious Beasts, let alone you wait, even if you are a star-studded person, you have to suffered heavy losses. You only have a few people, so you rushed out? How can it be?”

Yunfan standing behind the crowd, slightly frowned.

His complexion is as usual, and his heart is quite shocked.

However, the movement of the rear of the cable, so that his brow slightly provoked, ‘picking the stars, the shadow family? How did they come along? Could it be that these people can get out of trouble, related to these two Great Influences? ‘

After thinking a little, although I don’t know, Zhao Fang opened the what kind of price code, please take these two Great Influences take action, but he is already sure, it must be these two Great Influences take action, saved Zhao Fang and others!

“Can be with impossible, for you, existing is not important!”

Zhao Fang walked slowly to the front, and the cold voice was like a chilly wind, so that some people in the place felt the chill approaching.

“Cloud Elder Hai, myself wants to kill, it is him!”

Peng Gong once again pointed to Zhao Fang, in the eyes revealing endless grievances.

“You can rest assured that this person will die!”

Yunhai is holding a ticket.

Wen Yan, Peng Gong laughed, staring at Zhao Fang with great pleasure, the indifferent eyes, like watching another dead person!

Zhao Fang shook his head and looked the same, with a sneer in it.

He looked at Yunhai Yunfan, “I will give you a chance to plead guilty…”

When the words were not finished, they were interrupted by an Elder from Yunhai Shenmeng. “What do you think of, and dare to let us plead guilty?”

Zhao Fang looked up and went indifferently.


The Half-step God Sovereign, which has the same Realm Strength as Yunhai, has no chance to struggle. The body suddenly bursts open and the flesh and blood splashes nearby Yunhai and others.

Smell the bloody flavor, the smile on the face of the sea and others, from ignorant to anger.

“brat, do you dare to kill me in the Yunhai Shenmeng?”

Yunhai pointed at Zhao Fang and shouted.

“Have you a cloud sea god alliance disaster, do not allow this Palace Lord to retaliate? Pull your mother’s egg!”


The complexion of Yunhaiqi is red, but he does not dare to work with Zhao Fang.

Yunfan complexion is also not very good-looking, his in the eyes appear a touch of cold, “Your Excellency is too arrogant, I really think that I am no one in the cloud sea gods?”

When coldly snorted, Yunfan stood out and pulled out the long sword. The Great Accomplishment of the sword was the first heavy mysterious, but the cold was forced, even if it was a blood blade guest and others in the eyes, it was also a look of wariness solemn.

“You said, how does the fellow fight with Yunfan? How about the outcome?”

“If you use that treasure, it is estimated that it will be opened five or five. After all, Yunfan is not the Idiot Vicious Beast. The fellow movement technique is very strong. It can be completely left in Magnetic Essence and avoid it in advance!”

“It seems that the fellow wants to kill Yunfan, I am afraid it is not so simple.”

The shadow family and the Starhouse Powerhouse whispered.

“With you, it is not the opponent of this Elder, what helpers do you have, let them come out together!”

Yunfan slammed into Zhao Fang behind, and the shadow family took the hiding place of the Starhouse Powerhouse, which is self-evident!

Zhao Fang shook his head, indifferently spoke: “This Palace Lord doesn’t need a helper, at least against your garbage, it doesn’t need it at all!”

“arrogant !”

Yunfan eyes cold, cross one step forward, long sword spurs, a grandiose sword Grand Dao, power can be terrifying ten times more than the grand Dao of the ordinary sword.

Space trembles, the sharp edge of sharpness, has approached Zhao Fang’s throat.

Eyes at the at, it is necessary to cut a throat with a sword, the dust settled!

Zhao Fang, who stood at the forefront, suddenly disappeared.

A mist appeared in the place where Zhao Fang just now.

The sword edge slammed down, just to open the fog, as for Zhao Fang, but it has disappeared.

“Where is this is?”

Yunfan stopped, looks at the strange place in front of him, his brows are wrinkled.

It is at this time.

In the strange world, the sea of 鈥嬧€媍louds and others silhouette appear.

Yunfan glanced at it and was about to go.


A beam sword light of a dozen lengths, such as long rainbow, the imposing manner, squatting.

The goal of sword light is awesome!


Yunfan was shocked.

The sea of 鈥嬧€媍louds and others who are aware of this scene are also shocked.

鈥淏ig Brother / Great Elder Why take action on us?鈥?/p>

Yunhai and others don’t understand, but they don’t sit still, take action, and block the fall of this sword with Divine Ability.


When their Divine Ability came out, they rushed to the long rainbow.

Those Divine Ability were surprised to turn their own direction and slammed toward Yunfan.

This scene makes the sea and others complexion big change.

Yunfan brows wrinkled, already seeing clues.

“Get rid of it!” He reminded Yunhai and others that at the same time, he took out the sword light and wanted to smash the dozen Divine Ability attacks.

But he still underestimated the power of Palm Smashing Heaven and Earth.


Long rainbow A sword falls, the sea side, but all God King Realm, all die!

Half-step God Sovereign heavy injury, other Divine Emperor injured!

After all, this is one of the swords that contain the mysterious sword of the mysterious, powerful, imaginable!

They are not waiting for them to breathe.

Yunfan slammed the second sword light of the dozen Divine Ability attacks, but suddenly changed direction and again to the sea of 鈥嬧€媍louds and others.

With Time, the dozens of Divine Ability attacks, instantly drowning the clouds.

Yunfan life and death I don’t know!

The remaining Half-step God Sovereign and Divine Emperor, such as Yunhai, are all commandments, one is not left!


An angry, bursty roared sound, the sword light skyrocketing, the killing intent, instantly annihilating the dozens of Divine Ability attacks, Sword Qi able to move unhindered, tearing the world.

The silhouette of Zhao Fang reappeared not far from him.

However, what made him saddened was that other Powerhouses such as Yunhai and other Yunhai Shenmeng fell into a pool of blood.

Yunfan is dumbfounded!

I really don’t understand, what the hell is this happening?

And the Powerhouses of the Stars of the Stars, which are hiding in the distance, are full of cold!

They clearly saw that in the Yunfan out of the sword, Zhao Fang’s all of a sudden.

Zhao Fang, just take a hand!

After a palm, Yunhai Shenmeng, except Yunfan, is all in the body!

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