Chapter 140—Identity Exposure

Royal Capital.

An inconspicuous tavern.

The pub is flat and there are no alcoholic guests.

The owner of the pub is a hunched old man with a white beard and in the eyes.


This hunchback old man is packing up the wine table.


A majestic silhouette appeared on the table he had cleaned up.

“There is news.”

The low voice rang in the ear of the humpback old man.

The hunchback old man turned around and looked at the sudden blood robed alone in the eyes.

“Yesterday, Zhao Fang appeared in the Alchemist competition at the Pill Treasure Pavilion one year. In the end, with eight proud results of Universe Level Pill Medicine, everyone was successful. At present, he was left in the pavilion by Pill Treasure Pavilion. The specific location is unknown.”

Humpback old man slightly frowned, “Eight Universe Level Pill Medicine? How big is this brat this year?”

Blood robed alone in the eyes of humanity, “there are two months, that is seventeen.”

“The 17-year-old Martial Ancestor master, the 17-year-old Universe Level Alchemist Master. Any one of them, appearing on other youngsters, is extremely shocking, but I didn’t expect that brat Alchemist and Martial Dual Cultivation, actually reached this Realm, really Peerless Genius, Peerless Genius Ah! ”

The humpback old man muttered to himself.

“In this case, can you ask Headquarters to withdraw the killing command and change it to capture. With his talent, within a hundred years, he will certainly become a Heaven Grade refining pharmacist. When the time comes, Saintess Your Majesty will lead me, and will definitely be Slaughter Tavern. Bring a brand new Realm.”

Blood robed alone in the eyes said.


The humpback old man shook his head and refused.

His tone was firm and there was no room for change.

Blood robed alone in the eyes years people slightly frowned.

“Saintess Your Majesty is not tempted. For Saintess Your Majesty, we must remove this brat. So, from the beginning, there is no such thing as the best of both worlds.” The hunchback old man said .

Blood robed alone in the eyes The person no longer talks about this matter, asks, “Since the ready to detect the position of the brat, when does Meng Lao start?”

“No hurry! I can’t eat hot tofu. And, that brat is now in the Pill Treasure Pavilion. Although my Slaughter Tavern doesn’t care about the Pill Treasure Pavilion, our main strength is to spread four directions. I am alone and break into Pill Treasure. Pavilion kills, too difficult!”


Blood robed alone in the eyes year nod.

Obviously, the hunchback old man is also the default.

“However, things still have to be solved quickly. This brat is too strange, and the growth speed is too fast. If you drag it down, you will be able to give birth to any moth. So, for the past two days, give me a look at the Pill Treasure Pavilion. When the brat appeared, it was when he was in his body!”

Humpback old man said solemnly.


Blood robed alone in the eyes, the person should have a sentence, then turned and quickly left.


Royal Capital is housed in a house.

Mo Chi leaned on the armchair in the courtyard of the house.

These days, he rushed for the purchase Zhao Fang, really tired enough Qiang!

But he was lying on the chair of the Taishi, and there was no thought of enjoying it in his heart.

The only thing in mind is what Zhao Fang will be.

“That brat, really not simple, I was able to take it away from me. However, I also left a heart. In that palm, I left an imprint, as long as he appeared in the neighborhood of me, I can feel To.”

It’s just like this.

Suddenly, he is like Sense, and the body is stiff.

next moment.

He will jump up and jump.

“damn’s, it’s there! It’s there! That brat actually came recklessly to Royal Capital! In this case, I will help him and send him back to the West. This time I have to see, how can you escape!

After a sneer.

Mo Chi greets Mo Clan other masters and has left here.


Zhao Fang was taken to the Pill Treasure Pavilion 7th layer by Wu Po.

After dropping him, he disappeared.

Zhao Fang knows that she is going to inform the Pill Treasure Pavilion.

In this regard, he did not have a big is it reaction.

“Hey, Ling’er, we are again neighbors!”

In front of the door, looks at the Nan Gongling, Zhao Fang suddenly standing in front of the opposite door and laughed.

Nan Gongling expression is complicated.

For this mystery, Alchemist level terrifying to the extreme youngster, I really don’t know what to say.

Just as she was preparing to word and prepare to say a few words.

Heavy footsteps sounded.

Two figures, one after the other, appeared in the 7th layer corridor, and the direction of the move towards Zhao Fang two people came.

When I saw the man who was wearing the magnificently dressed, beautiful, but aura feminine man.

Nan Gongling frowns, in the eyes flashed a trace worry.

“I really didn’t think that we met again so soon.”

Exaggerated by Zhao Fang.

The man ignored Nan Gongling and greeted him directly.

“do we know each other?”

For those who are familiar with themselves, Zhao Fang can’t talk about any bad feelings, let alone any Favorability.

Therefore, for this person’s conversation, it is just not salty and not a light question.

“I didn’t know it before, but from now on, we will know!”


Feminine man smiled and introduced himself: “Nangong Ming, the cousin of Nan Gongling!”


Zhao Fang is slightly startled.

I couldn’t help but look at Nan Gongling. Then, my eyes were on the faces of two people, not looking back and forth.

For such rude behavior as Zhao Fang, Nangong Ming slightly frowned.

“This Prince is here for Zhao Fang.”

“for me?”

Zhao Fang is puzzled.

“Not bad.”

Nangong Ming nod, continued, “I want to invite you to join the North Ming Alliance, become my right-hand man, consolidate the influence for me, and when I am full of wings, when you are Raging Flames Country, you are the assistant of Raging Flames Country. Governor.”

Nangong Ming intended to accept Zhao Fang as a servant.

It is the kind of existence similar to the battle pet.

But after seeing Zhao Fang’s Alchemist approach, he changed his mind.

However, there is still no collection of Zhao Fang’s mind.

Instead, it was changed from the original war servant to the confidant.

In the eyes of Nangong Ming.

In order to collect Zhao Fang, the ready to release full of goodwill, Zhao Fang will not refuse.

“Become your right-hand man? Isn’t that your subordinate?” Zhao Fang asked.

“You can understand this.”

Nangong Ming has no hidden meaning. It is very straightforward. “Of course, unlike other people, it is the heart of this Prince, the future Assistant Governor.”

Listening to Nangong Ming, I admire you, it is the tone of your glory, Zhao Fang feels very uncomfortable.

For those who don’t know what they are supposed to be, they think they are high. Zhao Fang has only one word.


disappear as far as you can!

But when he was told that he was Nan Gongling’s cousin, Zhao Fang did not let him go too far, but euphemistically said, “I am sorry, I am not interested.”

Who knows.

After listening to this sentence, Nangong Ming’s expression suddenly gloomy down.

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