Chapter 144 Overbearing Mo Chi!

Despite the killing intent in my heart.

Zhao Fang was still very careful when leaving the Pill Treasure Pavilion.

On the same day, he made a splash in the Alchemist exchange.

Difficult to protect will not be found by purpur his mysterious Powerhouse.

Moreover, what makes Zhao Fang worry is Slaughter Tavern.

This powerful Assassin Organization, Influence is spread all over the world.

The intelligence network is also pervasive.

Your own identity is exposed.

If you are in the Pill Treasure Pavilion, you can say it.

But once the Pill Treasure Pavilion is out, who knows what kind of attack will be encountered?

Zhao Fang doesn’t know.

But he knows that this must be dangerous.

With a little carelessness, there is a danger of dying in the streets!

Zhao Fang disguised as a middle-aged Loose Cultivator.

Unattended, leave the Pill Treasure Pavilion casually.

His disguise skills are not brilliant.

It’s even awkward.

But if you don’t look carefully, you can’t see the clues.

Zhao Fang is self-proclaimed, even the Assassin of the Slaughter Tavern, eventually found abnormal.

But you should have left before, and they have no chance to take action.

Bypass the center of Danbao Street and the similar four or five bustling streets.

Zhao Fang accelerates, move towards Nan Gongling and tells himself about Zhao鈥檚 position.

With the mystery and speed of the Cloud Rising Immortal Step, when Zhao Fang passes by the streets.

They only think that it is a gust of wind. Latest fastest update

There are only a few 9-Star Martial Ancestor, barely able to see a glimpse of the afterimage.

But they didn’t say anything, but the face was weird.

So fast under the road.

Zhao Fang left Danbao City and appeared not far from Zhaocheng.

I am about to rush to Zhaocheng.

But I heard a faint sneer from behind, “brat, this Venerable has been waiting for you for a long time, you are finally out!”

Zhao Fang stunned, turned at the same time, figure hurriedly rearward retreat.

In the blink of an eye, the number of returned zhang (333m) is retreated.

This is so.

Still slower little bit.

The sneer, like the bones of the bones, once again rang in the ears of Zhao Fang. “The original Venerable is still considering, whether or not to risk the offense of the Pill Treasure Pavilion, to kill you! But I did not expect that you actually It鈥檚 coming to the door! It鈥檚 really helps me !ha ha !鈥?/p>

Zhao Fang complexion is a little sinking.

He is here.

I already saw each other’s silhouette.

It was a tall, chilly, black body surrounded by a black robe man in a black robe.

Zhao Fang does not know each other.

But understand each other’s aura.

The day.

It was also this man鈥檚 cover, and he was forced to use Space Shattering Talisman.

This is so.

After the final escape, he was also injured by the Giant Palm prestige.

If not saved by Nan Gongling.

He now may be the fruit of a Spirit beast.

Every time I think about it. Latest fastest update

He has a sense of heart and soul.

“brat, you ran, and used the last Space technology to walk Ah!”

Black robed man sarcasm said with a laugh.

Zhao Fang wants to run.

Not to mention that under such close range, can he run away?

It鈥檚 just a break-breaker for escape, and he doesn鈥檛.

Even if you escape, you can’t escape!

Zhao Fang expression Calm, holding a thing in his hand, it is an amber jade pendant.

It is the Pill Treasure Pavilion Pavilion Lord that presents Zhao Fang’s body protection jade pendant.

According to Nan Gongling, after crushing, you can withstand the full strength strike of 9-Star Martial Venerable Powerhouse!

“It’s really not willingly Ah! In front of this, the goods are powerful and obviously have not yet reached 9-Star Martial Venerable, but it is forced to use this body protection jade pendant. It is reallyting natural resources recklessly.”

Noble Young Master Zhao’s heart is bleeding.

But compared to his own life.

This is a waste, he is still acceptable!

Black robed man, also known as Mo Chi, slightly swept Zhao Fang.

The eyes stayed in his hands in the amber jade pendant above.

After the slight startled, in the eyes reveals a strong disdain.

“tch tch, I really can’t see it, you brat doesn’t pull a few, the treasure on your body is quite a lot. However, with this jade pendant, you can’t get away!”

“who are you?”

Zhao Fang complexion calm, staring at each other.

“With your trivial Martial Ancestor cultivation base, no qualification knows.”

Mo Chi swept Zhao Fang, coldly said, “Now, give you a chance, tie your hands and feet, and leave with me, I can protect you a little life, if you have to force this Venerable take action, then this Venerable, There is no guarantee that you will end up alive!”

Speaking of later.

A tyrannical aura fluctuation suddenly locks Zhao Fang.

Under this aura, Zhao Fang feels that he is covered in an ice-cold, and his hands and feet are even stiff!

His complexion is ugly, “not an ordinary Martial Venerable!”

Although long known that the other party is not ordinary 1-2 Star Martial Venerable.

Perhaps already reached the level of 4-Star or 5-Star Martial Venerable.

But I did not think of it.

The other side of Strength is so strong.

This is a fresh surpass for 5-Star Martial Venerable, reach 7-Star Martial Venerable!

Zhao Fang and him, a whole level difference.

Can’t resist it at all!

How to do?


Zhao Fang turned and ran.

See you.

Mo Chi face shows Mori chill. “I really don’t know the brat. Do you really think this Venerable doesn’t dare to take action on you?”

Zhao Fang Wen Yan, sneer in my heart.

He decided that Mo Chi would not take action.

Or, don’t dare to make a big noise, and alarm the Powerhouses in King City.


Black robed man’s heart.

Why would you tell him so much nonsense?

To know.

When I last met, black robed man, but without saying anything, I would like to enjoy Zhao Fang.


Noble Young Master Zhao Luding, black robed man Although strong, but in the Royal Capital inside, but still have some scruples.

And he can help.

It is the other side that has some scruples.

Ten Veins Divine Sword !

Looking at the floating Mo Chi, Zhao Fang expression slightly changed.

When I lifted my hand, I played ten amazing sword waves, trying to block Mo Chi.


In the face of Zhao Fang’s offensive, Mo Chi smiled indifferently.

At the time of the wave, a Black force emerged and the ten sword waves were shaken.

Zhao Fang eyes condensed and his scalp numb.

This Ten Veins Divine Sword is his current strongest killing move.

Even if you encounter other Martial Venerable Powerhouse, it can cause a little damage.

I never thought about it.

This black robed man is too terrifying.

A random wave will resolve your strongest killing move.

“Rely, how can this be played!”

Noble Young Master Zhao smiled, and immediately no longer turned back, the speed of the Cloud Rising Immortal Step to the extreme, if a meteor, fled to Zhaocheng.


He is the best escape direction at the moment.

It should be the Pill Treasure Pavilion.

Unfortunately, Mo Chi blocked his retreat.

In addition to moving on and fleeing outside Zhaocheng, there is no other choice.

“cornered beast still wanna fight !”

Mo Chi smiles coldly, and the corner of the mouth shows a cruel smile.

His figure didn’t move, and he didn’t see any Secret Art, and the silhouette disappeared.

Wait until you reappear.

Already a few hundred zhangdred zhang (333m)!

Speed 鈥嬧€媔s a bit faster than Zhao Fang, who is full of escape.

Continue this way.

Zhao Fang has not yet fled to Zhaocheng, it is estimated that Mo Chi will catch up.

Take the heart of each other cruel.

If you are caught up, there will be no good things!

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