Chapter 147 goes to fuck you!

Pill Treasure Pavilion, 3rd layer.

Nan Gongling looked up and looked at the entrance to the fourth floor, the two men with arms around the chest, black brows slightly knit.

These two old men are not others.

It is the seventeenth 4th Elder that guards the 19th layer.


She had asked the two people to block Luji from Heavenly River School.

I did not expect it.

The two people ignored her Pavilion Lord Direct Disciple and placed Luji directly on the 3rd layer.

This made Nan Gongling quite angry.

In particular, Luji cultivation base is not weak, and the side of the side is also reaching the Martial Ancestor cultivation base. I am afraid that it is difficult to save Mu Qingxuan.

Once Mu Qingxuan was brought back to the Zhao family by Luji, she can be sure that Zhao Fang will be furious!

Coldly swept the two Great Elders, and Mu Qingxuan knew that it was not the time to care about them.

She looked at the three people opposite, and her eyes stayed on the head man.

It was a tall man wearing a light blue robes, a face like a crown jade, and a flying eagle.

Man is proud of his attitude.

Even when I came to the Raging Flames Country’s first Alchemist Influence Pill Treasure Pavilion, it didn’t show much humility, and my nostrils were arrogant!

Man is not someone else, it is among the Heavenly River School Core Disciple, ranking thirty-two Luji.

His cultivation base is not weak and reaches the 2-Star Martial Ancestor peak level.

Imposing manner, it seems to be able to break through 3-Star Martial Ancestor Realm at any time!

Luji behind, standing with two people.

One man and one woman.

Man is the same dress as Luji, apparently from Heavenly River School.

Just the cultivation base is slightly inferior to Luji and only stays at the 1-Star Martial Ancestor level.

That women, eyebrows, sorrow, a pair of seeing the color of me.

Not someone else.

It is the first wife of Noble Young Master Zhao, Mu Qingxuan.


Luji Martial Brother, holding Mu Qingxuan, wants to take her away from the Pill Treasure Pavilion and return to the Zhao family.

However, it was blocked by Nan Gongling.

Especially when passing the 4th layer, the noise is too big.

As soon as the 3rd layer was just entered, the 3rd layer was a small number of people.

Luji looked indifferent and swept the crowd, but he did not rush to leave.

Instead, he took a look at Nan Gongling and said, “The Nangong Great Master is really hospitable. I have come here and I am still chasing after it. Don’t you know that with your cultivation base, you can’t stop me.” Is it?”

Luji expression is proud.

No one else, the kindness and obedience of Nan Gongling.

Instead, arrogance, arrogance overbearing!

Nan Gongling frowns.

“I was very happy on the Pill Treasure Pavilion this day, but now, I am leaving, please ask the Nangong Great master not to send it again!”

Luji has a dull tone, but in the eyes there is a cold light.

Nan Gongling didn’t look at him, his eyes stayed on Mu Qingxuan.

“If you really want to leave, I won’t leave you, but before you go, don’t you plan to tell him?”

Mu Qingxuan bowed his head and the charming face showed a bitter smile.

She is well aware of the terrifying of Heavenly River School.

That is a more powerful sect than her teacher Xuanji Sect!

Even Raging Flames Country Three Great Clans is not as good as it is.

She is not interested in leaving.

But in order not to impede Sect, she is not involved in Zhao Fang, she has no choice.

Upon seeing it, Luji smiled colder and more proud.

“Then, let go, Nangong Great master!”

Luji laughed and asked to grab Mu Qingxuan.


A sharp humming sound broke through the layers of air and instantly appeared on Mu Qingxuan’s side, turning into a True Force big hand, and a palm opened the perverted hand that Luji extended.

“Damn’s, you can’t make a living, even the wife of i your father dares to move!”

The voice of indifference, in the hands of True Force, Luji’s at the same time, instantly rang in the field.

When Luji difficult situation exited, everyone found out that there was a more person on the field.

“Zhao Fang !”

Nan Gongling expression A hi.

The person who appeared this is naturally Zhao Fang, Noble Young Master Zhao who rushed to the news.

Mu Qingxuan See Zhao Fang appears, the charming face is also exposed a trace happy expression.

But very quickly, this happy expression was forced down by her.

The eyes flashed a worrying color.

“Who, I dare to sneak attack me, I am impatient!”

The Luji that was shot was flying, and when the palm touched the ground, the palm pressed on the ground, and the figure bounced in an instant.

Gloomy swept to the audience and eventually stopped at Zhao Fang.

“who are you ?”

It is also funny.

Luji was born in the famous Great Sect, but rarely traveled down the mountain.

There are all kinds of curiosity about everything in the mountains.

This time, Zhao Yuanzong flicked down the mountain, except for the night night in the Zhao family.

In the next few days, most of them stayed overnight in the hook fence.

Indulge in the wine pond meat forest all day long.

Even the Alchemist exchange held at the Pill Treasure Pavilion, he did not go to see it.

The reason why I didn’t go.

First, no interest.

Second, there is no Time.

He really didn’t want to leave the gentle township. If it wasn’t for Zhao Yuanzong’s words, and promised to bring Mu Qingxuan back safely, he would look for ten beautiful women, and he wouldn’t run this trick.


With the name of Heavenly River School, with its own cultivation base.

Esculating Mu Qingxuan from the Pill Treasure Pavilion back to Zhao Clan, it should be an extremely light life.

In fact, in the absence of Zhao Fang before.

This lively is a little tricky, but there is no trouble.

Until now.

He came across Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang ignored the meaning of Luji and looked at Mu Qingxuan.

After confirming that she was unharmed, this was a little relieved.


His anger in the eyes is not the slightest convergence.

The twilight is cold, like two sultry cold lights, staring at Luji.

Originally because Zhao Fang was contemptuous, and some annoyed Luji, when he touched this gaze, suddenly hearted in the heart.

All the anger is in an instant, vanish like smoke in thin air.

“Good terrifying eyes, this kind of look, I only feel in the Great Master, the Second Senior Brother, how does this appearance of the fellow, how can there be such a dangerous look?”

Luji in the eyes reveals the color of doubt.

But then he reacted and thought about the scene.

“My Core Disciple at Grand Heavenly River School will be scared off by a bandit in 9th Rank Small Country? Just kidding!”

Luji face shows, he is coldly looking at Zhao Fang. “No matter who you are, dare to destroy my good deeds, I will not let you go!”

“I won’t let me go?”

Zhao Fang is also sneer.

He is before, because Mo Chi’s purse, the heart has already smashed a belly of fire.

just now.

Also encountered Luji forced to take Mu Qingxuan, even more angry.

“Not bad! Offend my Heavenly River School, even the Pill Treasure Pavilion can’t protect you. Interesting, obediently give me away, otherwise…”

Luji sneered, in the eyes flashing.

“It turned out to be Heavenly River School. It’s rumored that this is a terrifying Great Sect than Raging Flames Country! This brat, this time it’s definitely bad luck!”

I was amazed at the Heavenly River School background Powerhouse.

Luji Wen Yan, expression is more proud.

Mu Qingxuan is a fascinating color.

But then her silver teeth bite, and my heart decided that Zhao Fang would not be involved in whatever cost.

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