The first thousand five hundred and twenty-eight chapters of the ghost face butterfly!

Mu Qingxuan ?

Yongtai Qingxuan?

The name is with Qingxuan, is it coincidence, or is it another meaning?

Although I do not want to admit it.

It is reasonable to tell Zhao Fang that the women in front of her are not Mu Qingxuan and have nothing to do with her.

Two people scattered soul aura, no a trace similarities.

“There are really no two identical leaves in the world!”

Zhao Fang looks complicated.

Cyan gauze women’s ring Jingxuan, the look is also very complicated.

Zhao Fang When the news of the removal of the Buddha in the palm of the hand came.

She used the relationship of Hell’s reincarnation to thoroughly examine Zhao Fang’s present and present life and understand all his information.

To her surprise.

The answer he got was blank!

Hell reincarnation, there is no record of Zhao Fang’s reincarnation.

It’s like this person, not at all existence.

Or, there is a Great Expert who blinds Tianji (Heavenly Secret) so that she can’t see it.


Yongxing Qingxuan believes in the latter.

If it is not existence, then Zhao Fang, what is the explanation?


He can use the body of the Emperor to destroy only the Buddhas in the hands of the Great Influences. If there is no support, the Qingxuan will not believe.

“Long-awaited, I didn’t expect, we will meet here!”

Qingxuan’s smile is calm, but there is a sense of indifference in the bones.

Zhao Fang converges on emotions and slowly says: “Who are you?”

The other party has already reported to the door.

Zhao Fang is certainly not her name, but her relationship with Hell’s reincarnation.

“This is our way of Saintess Your Majesty!”

There was a Heell reincarnation Powerhouse, shouting in a kind of unusually proud and passionate voice.

“Saintess? And Saints of damn!”

Zhao Fang stunned and immediately cursed.

“You seem to have a big opinion about the name Saintess.”

Yongxing Qingxuan looked at Zhao Fang and whispered.

Zhao Fang smiled and said, “Are you also blocking me?”

Yongxing Qingxuan smiles implicitly, without losing points: “What do you say?”

“Come on!”

Zhao Fang sounds calm, Thunder has a ready-to-go, and presses Hell array.

The Qingxuan Qingxuan looked motionless, the green onions and fingers flew, and quickly produced a path of complicated mysterious complex Divine Mark.

With the addition of Divine Mark, the power of the entire Hell array has suddenly multiplied.

The billions of Soul Spirit, born of the array, were all implicated by Divine Mark and swarmed toward Divine Mark.

in a blink.

One is bigger than the stars, and the billion-dollar Soul Spirit is a strange butterfly that appears above the Hell array.

Said it is very different.

Because it is not an ordinary butterfly, it has a one piece of ghost face, full of gloomy flavor.

“Ghost face butterfly?”

Zhao Fang mind sounded a voice.

After the previous swallow Divine Spark, Little Linzi, who was silent, re-awake.

“Be careful, the ghost face butterfly attacks the general, but the body is very poisonous, even if Ancestral God is smashed, it must die on the spot!”

Little Linzi reminded.

His reminder is still late!

When the ghost face butterfly was formed, Zhao Fang’s cover of the heaven and earth in the containment was taken directly.

Meet the ghost face butterfly halfway.


The loud sound of Boom, the entire Starry Sky, and the hundreds of millions of stars are shaking, seemingly falling apart at any time.


The ghost face butterfly instantly retreats.

Despite its Hell array, it condenses the power of hundreds of millions of Souls transformed into.

But compared with a complete inner and earth, it is still inferior.

The all of a sudden, the ghost face butterfly was completely suppressed.

If it is not peculiar, it will be crushed if it is only an instant.


The ghost face butterfly was shaken back, and the Soul Spirit, which was attached to it, was also killed on the spot.

At the same time.

Zhao Fang, like the palm of white jade, seems to be soaked in ink, dark as liquid, Black Mist transpiration.

Even the heaven and earth, which are included in the palm of the hand, are also dyed by ink and become Black.

If there is no inner and earth as a buffer.

I was afraid of the moment, Zhao Fang, the whole person, was dyed Black.

Poison, too overbearing!

“Āiyā, it’s still late!”

Little Linzi sighs.

“ha ha, he is poisoned!”

“The ghost of the butterfly face can solve the problem, he is dead!”

Hell reincarnation Powerhouses are excited to scream.

Old, Old Huang is also slightly relieved.

The downhill Qingxuan smile is calm and there is not much joy.

Zhao Fang stared at the dark palm and raised his brow slightly. He could naturally feel that the poison of the ghost butterfly was infiltrating heaven and earth with a kind of terrifying speed.

When it is completely infiltrated, everything in heaven and earth will become dust in an instant.

Even himself, it will be harmed by the spilled poison.

“About it.”

Zhao Fang sighed in his heart.

Hell’s reincarnation is the Myriad Domain Territory’s eight golden events, and will it be so easily broken?

Do not say anything else, this ghost face butterfly, Zhao Fang is still the first time to hear.

But the poison is strong and shocking.

“Little Linzi, is there a way?” Zhao Fang asked.

“Yes. Leave here first, I need some Time.” Little Linzi said.

Zhao Fang shook his head, “No!”

“No need to?”

Little Linzi startled, see Zhao Fang did not retreat, he reacted, and quickly cried, “Ghost face butterfly poison, extremely terrifying, even when this Sir is full, do not dare to contaminate the points, you quickly retreat, otherwise Waiting for this poison to spread the whole body, it is really hopeless…”

Zhao Fang, as if he didn’t hear him, muttered to himself: “This time, Hell’s Mountain Gate in the reincarnation, I have to step in anyway, no one can stop it!”

“including you……”

Zhao Fang used the black palm of the poisoned face of the butterfly to point to the ring, Qingxuan, indifferently spoke.

The ringing of the Qingxuan complexion.

She did not expect that, at this time, Zhao Fang was still dead.

“Hey, the estimate of the overnight one’s capabilities.”

In the heart of the ring, Qingxuan was coldly snorted, but soon, on her delicate charming face, there was a sudden shock, and some incredulously glared at Zhao Fang.


It is holding the palm of Zhao Fang and the sound is sharp: “how can it be?”

Her cry immediately attracted the attention of others, and they fixed their eyes on it.

next moment.

More shocks and stunned voices filled the entire mountain.

“His poison… solved?”

Zhao Fang The black palm of the night, I don’t know when it will return to normal.

White as old!


Little Linzi is also awkward.

He did not expect that Zhao Fang could instantly eliminate the poison of the ghost face butterfly in an instant.

This instinct is amazing!

“Trivial ghost face butterfly poison, also want to hurt this Palace Lord? Really overnight one’s capabilities !”

When Zhao Fang said this, it was a pain in his heart, and he regretted the large amount of supreme coins that was deducted by System.

‘In order to turn the poison of the ghost face butterfly, I have consumed most of my supreme coins. This time, I must rob Herl’s reincarnation and make up for the lost. ‘


The poison of the ghost face butterfly is in the eyes of outsiders, and it makes people feel sorrowful and unsolvable.

In the hands of System, that is only a matter of minutes.

“Ghost face butterfly!”

Yongtai Qingxuan swears.

The ghost face butterfly flapped its wings and rushed to Zhao Fang again.

As he approached, Zhao Fang stretched his hand and took a random shot.

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