The first thousand five hundred and seventy-seven chapters

Black Beard Pirates.

In the pirates of the entire Myriad Worlds sea, that is also the exclusive XIXX’s presence.

It is said.

Their Captain black beard, that is the fierce person who had been killed by Ancestral God Powerhouse.

What Zhao Fang expected was that the Black Beard Pirates Group was looking for a door, not to find it.

“Myself Black Beard Pirates deputy Captain, Zhao is absolutely empty, I want to ask Your Excellency to help a little.”

Zhao’s emptiness is a towering black man with dark complexion and iron.

Seeing it, This is an extremely decisive person, and there is not much warmth in his eyes.

Zhao Fang looks at Zhao’s air.

“My Big Brother, also our captain Black Beard, the former Time, was hit by the evil dragon of one of the Myriad Worlds Overlord, and I was trapped by him. My Black Beard Pirates wanted to ask Your Excellency to go to the Dragon Dragon Nest. , bring my Big Brother back.”

Zhao was so open that he couldn’t hide it.

“After the event, the Black Beard Pirates Club will escort Your Excellency, safely to Primal Chaos, and smoothly through the entanglement of Gu Manjiao, and even give Your Excellency a Primect in the Primal Chaos.”

“Ancient teaching?”

When I heard the word, Zhao Fang couldn’t help but frown.

He has been killed for a few days, and he has learned from other pirates that it is an extremely hopeful thing to want to get out of the Myriad Worlds and get to the Primal Chaos.

The ancient barbarism is fortified at the exit. If it is not related to the merchant ship, once it is searched, not only the merchant ship cargo will be completely confiscated, but even the Powerhouse will be arrested and smuggled into the hardship.

The ancient man is a male, and there is a Priest of 4-Star Ancestral God.

Tyrannical on the strength side, even if it is some god country, does not dare to provoke easily.

So, once they are eyeing them, even if they are ordinary Ancestral God, they should also be bad luck.

“Why are you looking for me?”

Compared to Xiao Man’s vigilance and suspicion, Zhao Fang is indifferent.

“Because your Strength!”

Zhao is absolutely unconcealed. “I don’t care. My Big Brother Strength is 2-Star Ancestral God. The evil dragon has not been born for a long time, but from him he can only trap our captain, but can’t kill him. His Strength. It should also be Ancestral God Initial Stage level.”

“Your Excellency although cultivation base is not obvious, but the combat power is extraordinary. Looking at the Myriad Worlds sea, we can save our captain and give you no second people.”

“The benefits are too little!” Zhao Fang accepted the compliment of Zhao’s emptiness, indifferently spoke.

“As long as I rescue my captain, my black beard pirate group, and then 10,000 Primal Chaos crystal, as a reward!”


Originally blinking, I looked at the small man of the Black Beard Pirates. When I heard this sentence, I almost stunned and bit my tongue.

Primal Chaos crystal is rare and rare.

Even if one of the Myriad Domain Territory is exhausted, the search is only four or five hundred nothing more.

And the Ancestral God of the ordinary is all in the house, and it is only about a thousand Primal Chaos.

Zhao is absolutely free to start to talk, it is the ten Ancestral God’s entire body, such a wide and rich and rich, how to not let Xiao Man shocked.

“it is good!”

Zhao Fang promised.

One is because of Primal Chaos crystal.

Second, it is curious about the evil dragon.

He also wants to know, let the native of the old town of the wild sea, talk about the evil dragon, what is the existence of what is the essence.

the most important is.

The evil nickname of the evil dragon, how to look at it, should be a **ss.

It is bss, of course, you can’t let it go.

“Dare to ask brother how to call it?”

Two people talked for a long time, Zhao is still not aware of Zhao Fang’s name.

Even so, he entrusted him with such important tasks and entrusted Zhao Fang, which shows that this person has always been informal.

“Zhao Fang.”

“It turned out to be my family, ha ha. I said how to see brother so close.”

Zhao’s attitude of sweeping away from the previous official business was very warm and received Zhao Fang.

In the Black Beard Pirates group, a group of people came to a giant spiral water column outside the thousand zhang.

“Brother Zhao, the place where the spiral water column leads is the old nest of the evil dragon.”

Zhao has a finger pointing to the spiral water column.

“So arrogant, the evil dragon is not afraid of someone finding it here, killing him?”

Zhao Fang raised an eyebrow.

“You don’t know, this spiral water column looks ordinary. In fact, the intrinsic killing intent, the ordinary gods invade, absolutely dead and dead. And, after the spiral water column, there is nothing Crisis, no one knows.”

“But it can be guessed that since the evil dragon dared to show the old nest, he was not afraid of someone killing him.”

Wen Yan.

Zhao Fang smiled. “So, this evil dragon is very confident. I hope that he has confidence in capital. Otherwise, it is too boring!”

“Small man, you stay here, I will go in and see.”

Xiao Man also wants to see the evil dragon nest, but also knows that his strength is too weak to intervene in the battle of Ancestral God Realm, he has to give up.

“Brother Zhao, everything is careful!”

Zhao is absolutely empty.

Zhao Fang is near the spiral water column, and has not yet decided how to get in. The spiral water column emits has a strand of tyrannical suction force and directly pulls him in.

As soon as he entered, the sea around him was like a giant mountain, crushing him.

This crushing trend is indeed not acceptable to the ordinary God.

Zhao Fang feels a little bit and will not pay attention.

With his current Fleshy Body, the crushing of the spiral water column has not affected him a little.

Following the suction of the spiral water column, Zhao Fang came to the Myriad Worlds seabed department.

At the bottom, there is a huge grand dragon palace.


The tyrannical force entrained in the spiral water column directly throws Zhao Fang into the Dragon Palace.

However, Zhao Fang will unwilling to be controlled by it. When he was thrown out of the spiral water column, Divine Strength Vibration whole body, gracefully fell into the Dragon Palace.

In the Dragon Palace, there is no one.

It’s like a dead place.

The treasures placed in the Dragon Palace are also traces of being touched and moved. It is as if someone came to this looting. Eventually, they were discovered by their Master and fled.

For these treasures, Zhao Fang is a comer.

All are included in the Coiling Dragon ring.

It’s strange to say that he’s so arrogant, and the evil dragon conversely didn’t show up.

Conversely heard a scream of indistinct.

Zhao Fang went along the source of the sound.

In a main hall, I saw an extremely fascinating scene.

In the center of the main hall, there is a tripod, and the flame inside is burning, and the sizzling sounds.

There is a short stick suspended in the tripod, and a short stick is tied with a black fat and wretched fellow.

At this moment, the fellow was blown by the fire of the fire in the Dingzhong, and there was a painful scream in his mouth.

But weird is.

There is no wound in his whole body.

When I noticed Zhao Fang, the black fat wretched fellow stunned and immediately yelled: “brother, save me, save me!”

“You are a black beard?”

Zhao Fang looked at the other side and followed Zhao’s image of his character. The silhouette of the face was indeed like a black beard. It was just this figure, and it was seriously shrunk.

“I am, I am. Brother is Zhao’s all-weather invitation? Please feel free to help, otherwise, I will be burned by the whole adult.”

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