The 1595th chapter of the gods Supreme Talent gather!

“You Elder Sister? Who?”

Xiao Man asked casually.

“White Purple Moon!” Bai Xiaochun said with a laugh.

“Oh, white purple moon”

The barbaric tone is easy, and the reaction is common, just like hearing a very ordinary name.


Reze is a complexion change.

“Ray old, what’s wrong?” Xiao Man was aware of the strangeness of Lei Ze, and could not help but be curious.

Lei Ze stared at Bai Xiaochun, said solemnly: “But it is in the top of the list of 3 hundred Supreme Talent white purple moon?”

“Old Grandfather, have you heard that?” Bai Xiaochun was surprised.

Lei Ze smiled and muttered: “When I heard, simply like thunder piercing the ear !”

“Supreme Talent what the hell?”

Xiao Man is a look of awkwardness.

Even Zhao Fang evil dragons have also seen it.

The former is newcomers and is unfamiliar with Primal Chaos.

The latter is far from the universe of the universe, and information and intelligence have long been out of touch.

Only Reze

Perhaps it is often brought to the side by the sword dust, and there are many things to contact. Supreme Talent, the gods list of Primal Chaos, is also slightly heard.

“Supreme Talent, which is one of the top ten holy places, was developed by Mr. Er of the Confucius Palace, which contains the 10,000 most natural talents of God Lord Realm Supreme Talent in Primal Chaos!”

Reze took a deep breath and looked at Zhao Fang slowly: “All God Lord Realm is the biggest honor to board this list.”

“The gods who can enter this list have the strength to fight Ancestral God Realm, and even rumors, the top 100 Supreme Talent, can press 3-Star Ancestral God. Ranking the top ten Ancestral God, can fight Ancestral God Middle Stage doesn’t fall!”


Xiao Man was shocked.

God fights Ancestral God Middle Stage?

This is an impossible thing.

She subconscious looks at Zhao Fang.

In the Martial Artist she knows, it is only Zhao Fang who can do this one step in God Lord Realm.

She thought that Zhao Fang was already a rare peerless evildoer.

Unexpectedly, Primal Chaos has many such evildoers in the universe.

Zhao Fang raised his eyebrows and looked as usual, but his mood was also a little shocked.

It seems that Primal Chaos has a lot of awakening in the ancient universe, and even succeeded in nurturing the existence of Primal Chaos Divine Strength.

There is a huge gap between God and Ancestral God.

In the case of Realm, the biggest difference is Heavenly Dao.

As well as to Heavenly Dao insights!

God’s Lord Stage, inside heaven and earth nurturing out Heavenly Dao, and then experienced Ancestral God tempering, Heavenly Dao is completely formed, and the might is greatly increased.

Even the heaven and earth in the ordinary land, after the Ancestral God robbing, in the case of Grade alone, is not inferior to heaven and earth in the gods.


Only the higher level of inner and earth can make this group of Supreme Talent suppress the ordinary Ancestral God and have the strength with their battle.

And to fight against the higher level of Ancestral God, the Heaven and Earth’s Grade must fly.

Look inside heaven and earth, and only the heaven and earth can do it.

Although the heaven and earth in this Rank Grade, the Primal Chaos is also a rare existence.

But Zhao Fang believes that the Primal Chaos, which has not known how many trillions of years of existence, and the ten great sacred sites of the background, can still make up the Supreme Talent of Heaven and Earth.

“God list!”

Zhao Fang raised his eyes, the first time, for Bai Ziyue, accurately, he was deeply curious about the fellows who entered the gods list.

Battleship continues on.

There is also the god Powerhouse sneaky tracker, after Zhao Fang found, directly let the evil dragons kill, scare other ulterior feelings, are scared, not afraid to be close to the little bit.

More than ten days later.

A huge golden sun, suspended under the endless Starry Sky.

Jinyang rays of light is not so dazzling, look carefully, you can even see the outline of Jinyang.

It is a huge Fireball.

“That is the light peak!”

Bai Xiaochun pointed to the Jinyang Fireball, excited and shouted.

Battleship enters the Bright Peak range, under the starring Sky of Starry Sky, the Battleship stands out, and the Powerhouse is like a cloud.

And most of them are young faces.

Seeing it, most of these people are the same as Bai Xiaochun, coming for the Guangming Peak.

The closer you are to the Bright Peak, the more Battleship you have, the Bettership Level, and the Battleship Powerhouse cultivation base!


These Battleships are all neatly arranged, and no one dares to pass.

On the Battleship, the talents of the Great Influences rushed to the Bright Peak.

Zhao Fang is also in the crowd.

His expression is as usual, calmly looking at everything around.

The little man and the white Xiaochun, who are next to him, are like two chicks that have just come out of the cage.

Everything strange to Outer World is filled with great interest and excited.


Starry Sky above, an emits with amazing flame aura’s Tier-7 High Grade Divine Beast, flew over the heads of everyone.

“It is a fire-wing hunting god, this beast is best at flame attack, it is easy to go crazy, once mad, the power is soaring!”

“Athough is just Tier-7 High Grade, even if it is ordinary Ancestral God, it can’t be tamed, what is this person, can tame this Rank Divine Beast.”

The crowd was exclaimed.

His eyes fell on the back of the Fire Wings, the Youth who wore the Red robes and out of the ordinary.

That youth look, not handsome, nor ordinary, but an introverted Internal Qi, but let people who see him, can not help but be scared.


“It turned out that the gods ranked the 390th Changling Mausoleum, I did not expect that it will meet here!”

The crowd seems to have thrown into dozens of bombs and immediately boiled.

“God list 398? Changling?”

Zhao Fang calms at the other side, “it is indeed better than other local gods.”

According to Zhao Fang’s perception, the actual cultivation base is the longest mausoleum of the 9-Star god. The combat power should not be inferior to the ordinary star Ancestral God, and even stronger.

“Trivial 4-Star God Lord, actually said that God is a sacred ancestor, you are blaming, how can you install it?”

A blue-eyed youth who doesn’t know Zhao Fang seems to be extremely worshipped by Changling. When he hears Zhao Fang’s words, he is immediately unhappy and immediately ridicules Zhao Fang.

There were also a few people watching it, and when they noticed Zhao Fang cultivation base, they looked faint.

These people are the Lord of God. Zhao Fang didn’t look at it at all. It was just a deserted sweep. The people immediately felt the heart tremble, and the divine sense poured out a painful tear.

The next moment, they have groan back, complexion is ugly.

The person who included the first start to talk was also injured.

However, his in the eyes is full of incomprehensible. “This fellow is just the 4-Star god, how can this Rank be amazing imposing manner?”

They don’t want to understand.

When they reacted, Zhao Fang had already left.

Blue clothing youth want to catch up with Zhao Fang to ask the truth, but once I think about the previous heart, he hesitated!

Under the bright peaks, people are vast and magnificent.

On the Guangming Peak, dozens of Supreme Talents sit down and talk about the style of a peerless Supreme Talent.

Among them, the Changling Mausoleum, which was previously vacant, is among them.

Except for him.

Zhao Fang also saw an acquaintance.


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