Chapter 162 Zhao Fang appears!

Zhao Mei’s Luck is good.

The four or five opponents that have been encountered in succession are all separated.

Although those cultivation base slightly stronger than her, but to proceed with the Treasure Sword of sharp, her irresistible force, after the five-game losing streak, quickly opened the gap with the crowd, came ‘loin’ position taper site.

Zhao Meiyi appeared and quickly attracted the attention of some people.

“Well? 1-Star Martial General ?how can it be ?”

“trivial 1-Star Martial General, actually broke the five levels? With those 5-Star Martial General?”

Most of them can kill the fifth level, and they all have 5-Star Martial General cultivation base.

Looking at it, although there are some 4-Star Martial General, but if you talk about 1-Star Martial General, then only Zhao Mei.

garish! Extremely eye-catching!

Zhao Mei instantly became the focus of attention.

After a moment of observation, someone will see the clue.

“The sword in her hand is a little weird!”

“Swallowing cold light, Sword Qi is not condensed, this is clearly the Spirit Artifact that reaches the Universe Level level!”

“No wonder she trivial 1-Star Martial General, can get to the sixth level, it turns out to have this Rank treasure!”

The crowd is in vain.

of course.

There are also many people who look straight at the sword in Zhao Mei’s hand, eye reveals the color of greed.

“Patriarch, look, look, Mei Jie enters the sixth level!”

Zhao family clansman pointed to Zhao Mei on the cone field, excited yelled.

Zhao Zhengfeng had a smile on his face.

Zhao Mei can break through the sixth level, he is not surprised.

With the degree of Compatibility of Zhao Mei and the Universe Level Spirit Artifact, unless it encounters the Martial General Late Stage, it is difficult to defeat it.

“However, the cultivation base is still too weak Ah!”

Zhao Zhengfeng sighed in the heart.

In the battle of Clan Gathering, Martial General level belongs to the bottom battle, and Martial King Realm is the main force of the campaign!

With the use of a Universe Level Spirit Artifact, Zhao Mei’s attempt to barely reach the sixth level, but once met by the master of the Martial General Late Stage, is absolutely fierce.

Zhao Mei played, and only let Yishui Zhao family brush the presence feeling in the main lineage.

I want to win an excellent ranking on Clan Gathering.

Still need Zhao Fang.

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but glance at it and wanted to find Zhao Fang’s silhouette.

It is nothing to gain.

“Fang’er, where are you?”

Zhao Zhengfeng expression

“Not good! Mei Jie’s opponent this time is actually that…”

Suddenly exclaimed, Zhao Zhengfeng pulled back the reality.

When I saw the cone-shaped venue, Zhao Mei’s new round of opponents, Zhao Zhengfeng’s complexion, some not very good-looking.

Zhao Mei’s new opponent is not someone else.

It is the grandson of Zhao Guosheng who is ridiculing Zhao Zhengfeng, Zhao Tao!

“It’s really bad luck, I actually met this fellow!”

“Don’t worry, Mei’s holding the Universe Level Treasure Sword and dealing with an 5-Star Martial General is more than enough!”


Zhao Zhengfeng, who heard this, was a bitter smile and shook his head slightly.

Zhao Mei handheld Universe Level Treasure Sword of things in the test, it is already exposed.

He did not believe that his old rival, Zhao Guosheng, had no way to deal with it.

With the name of Zhao Guosheng, a Universe Level Spirit Artifact can still be produced.

Has a Universe Level Spirit Artifact.

It has always been the strongest backing of Zhao Mei’s challenge.

But once the opponent also uses the Universe Level Spirit Artifact, her advantage will be gone!

By the time.

Supplemented by Zhao Tao 5-Star Martial General cultivation base, Zhao Mei’s situation is very bad!

Look at the new round of opponents, Zhao Mei is also somewhat unexpected.

She is aok a deep breath, under the pressure of the heart’s strange emotions.

Swords pointed to Zhao Tao who was slowly walking.

“tch tch, Universe Level Spirit Artifact, it seems that this should be the first spoils of war I got on Clan Gathering.”

Zhao Tao expression is easy.

It seems that there is no feeling at all, Zhao Mei’s emits out of the fierce murderous aura.

“Want to get ‘Snow Plum’ unless I die!”

Zhao Mei said coldly.

“A big beauty of a delicate drop, why not force it to death? You should know that you are not my opponent, just right, I am also a person who pity the jade, only you promised to be my servant, and offer this sword I can persuade Grandfather to let you go when dealing with Zhao Zhengfeng!”


Zhao Mei without the slightest hesitation refused.

Zhao Tao’s smile on his face, a little convergence, replaced by a cold insane killing intent.

“It’s really act recklessly! I really thought, I won’t kill you?”

Zhao Tao grin hideously , in the eyes , ” I really won’t kill you , I will only light your clothes and expose them to the public . Let you have a good understanding of it . This is noticed by thousands of people . Wonderful feeling!”


Zhao Mei complexion whitish, eye reveals cold light, quite sword to Zhao Tao.

“too slow!”

Zhao Tao drifted back and escaped easily, in the eyes showing a playful color.

Zhao Mei once again swung the sword, and there were two Sword Qi, which emerged from the ‘Snow Plum Sword’ and spurred to Zhao Tao.

Zhao Tao is still avoiding.

However, the Sword Qi speed is too fast, his clothes corner, was opened by Sword Qi Yu Bo.

“Almost, as long as he hits him, he will die!”

Zhao Mei is secretly excited.

Zhao Tao looked at the broken corner of the clothes and said with a slight squint: “Universe Level Spirit Artifact, really not simple. It is only your 1-Star Martial General, if you change it to 5-Star Martial General, This blow is estimated to bring me no trouble!”

“But, that’s it!”

While speaking, a Umman flashes out from the storage ring of Zhao Tao’s fingertips.

Then turned into a Black fan.

The fan-shaped emits is faintly cold, like the Cold Pond, which is bottomless. In the fan of all of a sudden, the temperature around it is reduced a lot.

“what is this Treasure !”

Zhao Mei was shocked. She felt an extremely dangerous Fluctuation on the Black fan.

“Black Wind Fan !”

Zhao Tao said quite proudly, “As for the purpose, you will know soon!”

The voice fell.

Zhao Tao reached for Black Wind Fan, arms at the same time, with the body Martial Dao True Force, and blessed at Black Wind Fan above.

The Black Wind Fan is gently fanned.


In an instant.

Such as the screaming sound of ghosts and wolverines, with the whistling of Xiaosuo’s cold wind, it is also crazy.

Zhao Mei complexion big change.

She with the slightest hesitation, running whole body True Force, with Snow Plum Sword, condensed into a Sword Qi light cover in front of her, against the black wind impact.

But she still underestimated the black wind’s might.

Or, she has a big gap with Zhao Tao Strength.

The black wind turns into the Cold Ice sharp blade, and her Sword Qi light cover is resolved in the blink of an eye.

Then, the black wind, which remained unrelenting, slammed into Zhao Mei’s body above.

Rao is wearing a Universe Level, she was also shocked on the spot, cough up blood, body such as kite with its string cut, rapidly retreat.

“Black Wind Fan? Zhao Guosheng’s famous treasure, I did not expect that he would be willing to give Zhao Tao! This battle, Xiaomei is fierce!”

Zhao Zhengfeng corner of the mouth

Recognizing Black Wind Fan’s at the same time, he knew that this game could not be reversed.

“Has it failed again?”

I thought that the two talents that were hard to train this time were easily defeated. The dream of entering the main lineage became even more unreachable. The back of Zhao Zhengfeng became a lot more, and the whole person seemed to be a dozen old. year old.


At this time, a lightning smashed the sky and rushed to the cone-shaped platform, and quickly caught Zhao Mei, who was about to fall from the cone-shaped platform, and took her back to the cone-shaped platform.

When Zhao Zhengfeng saw the person taking the action, after the startled, there was an unspeakable ecstasy on his face.


The person taking the action is Zhao Fang!

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