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The first thousand six hundred and thirty-three chapter fools, who are you talking about!

蹬蹬~ After dozens of rounds.

The evil dragon was completely suppressed.

The fighting rhythm is controlled by the general trend to Asura.

The evil dragon has added a few shocking wounds.

The whole person was shaken back by the general trend, and he retired five or six steps.

Every one step stepped on Starry Sky and the stars were twisted into powder by this force.


“After being trapped these years, your bones are rusting?”

“The combat power actually fell like this!”

“In this case, why bother to reproduce the ancient universe, it is better to die like this!”

From the general trend to Asura, the sound is cold, and the gestures, such as heaven and earth God, have an invincible power.

The evil dragon wiped the blood from the corner of his lips, and his face was cold and he couldn’t stand up straight.

The result is self-evident.

The evil dragon is hurt again.

The injury is aggravated!

If he doesn’t have a lot of Dragon Race secret technique, common 6-Star Ancestral God, I am afraid that the overall will be ruined by Asura!

“On this point, there is no match for this Asura opponent!”

The general trend to Asura disdain, the sound is getting colder.

“Big man, you are too arrogant!”

The evil dragon seems to be a little angry, and the bottle eyes are pouring out a blood-red. “Forget the things that were shackled by Ben Long in those years?”

“In that year, you this Venerable is not Benlong’s opponent. Now Clone of trivial Divine Strength can help me!”

“Hey, thirty years of Hedong thirty years of Hexi, you have been suppressed for so many years, Strength is stagnant, this Asura has been advanced by leaps and bounds ……”

The general trend to Asura seems to be poked, coldly said: “Don’t say that Asura does not give you a chance, today, this Asura will kill you, a shame!”

“It depends on whether you have this ability!”

Evil dragon sneer, fighting intent Ang!



The battle between the two Powerhouses is enough to affect the circumference number of million li.


This piece of Starry Sky is an uninhabited place.

If you are in the colorful Primal Chaos, you will be affected by the entire Primal Chaos world.

“Xiaochun, we retreat to the crack of Starry Sky. There are some strange things, and the power of the conflicts seems to have been shocked.”

The two Powerhouses are unreservedly fighting, and the power is earth-shattering.

The only residual aftershock is enough to strangle most of 1-Star Ancestral God.

The Bai Family sisters are just the God Lord Realm world. If the dragons are not covered by the dragons, they will be brave enough to support them.

This is so.

The two people are also not very good.

In particular, the Longli hood has already had a tendency to burst after suffering multiple impacts.

The two people must find a new hiding place before the dragon force smashes.

Otherwise, the consequences are unimaginable.


Bai Xiaochun is somewhat hesitant.

Bai Ziyue is Elder Sister and naturally knows what Bai Xiaochun is worried about.

“Xiaochun, after I go in, I will try my best to protect you from letting you swallow the insects.”

As a girl with a lot of love.

They will raise flowers and raise grass, raise cats and raise dogs…

Heavy taste, and even began to raise snakes.

But there has never been a woman, and the taste is heavy enough to raise worms.

Especially this slender slim, almost invisible to the naked eye, thousands of millions of stacked together, constantly squirming, creepy bugs!

Even if the nerves are bigger, the women are respectful to them!

The same is true of the Bai Family sisters.

Otherwise, they have already followed Zhao Fang into the crack of the Milky Way.

Bai Xiaochun looked at the evil dragon who lost his eye, biting the clench one’s teeth and rushing toward the crack of the Milky Way.

Seeing the white purple moon, with the younger sister, it is close to the crack of the Milky Way with a very fast speed.

At the same time they rushed into the crack of the Milky Way.

The Longli hood was completely smashed by a new round of power.

All of a sudden.

Those swallowing insects that wandered around the Outer Circle and rushed toward the sisters.

Ah~ Bai Xiaochun screams.

The face of Bai Ziyue is awe-inspiring, but at a critical moment, it also supports a heaven and earth barrier to block the swallowing of insects.

“Elder Sister, you’re fine!”

After Bai Xiaochun found that the body was no different, it was discovered that there was an inner and earth barrier on the side of the body, and the Elder Sister and the charming face were pale.

“I’m fine, just Divine Strength is too big! And, this method, I can’t support it for too long!”

Bai Ziyue said that the complexion is paler.

Bai Xiaochun licked his lips, silenced for a moment, and violently hugged Bai Ziyue. His voice was firm: “Elder Sister, then, change me to protect you!”

As a god, as long as you do not go to some dying danger, in the universe of the universe, there is still a certain self-protection Ability.

But now, Bai Xiaochun is really scared by those disgusting swallowing insects.

I was a little confused and didn’t know what to do.

Bai Ziyue has been swaying for many years, and his experience is far better than Bai Xiaochun. This can be dangerous and take action at a critical moment.

Bai Ziyue is now injured.

Bai Xiaochun’s only dependence is gone.

She can only protect Elder Sister on her own and protect herself!

“Zhao Young master…”

Bai Ziyue looked at the Starry Sky crack abyss, and the eyes revealed a trace complex look.

“Elder Sister, Zhao Young master will definitely be alive.”

Bai Xiaochun used one kind of very strong tone.


Outer World.

The battle between the general trend and Asura and the evil dragon is still going on intensely.


In the battle, the defeat of the evil dragon ended.


The people of Four Great Clans are also uncomfortable.

As the carrier of the general trend to the Asura projection, they need to contribute a lot of Divine Strength to maintain the trend to Asura’s existence.

And just now’s repeated great war, they are with the body Divine Strength hollowed out.

If you don’t bring a lot of Clan Powerhouse, but also join the Divine Strength army, I am afraid that the general trend to Asura does not defeat the evil dragon, then the lack of strength, self-destruction!

This is also true.

The Bai Family sisters retired and the Four Great Clans were unblocked.


The palm of the sky fell, covered in the evil dragon, and he was thrown away from the clouds, and he slammed on the ground!

“Evil dragon, now you are really weak and poor!”

“This Asura can shoot you, but this Asura won’t kill you, I will bring you back to the Wanlong Nest, when…”

The general trend to Asura looked at the deep pit, like a corpse-like evil dragon, sneer.

The evil dragon’s finger moved.

The whole person slowly climbed up.

He was covered in blood, and his face did not see any dificulous situation. As always, the indifference and calmness, only the scarlet eyes, heralded the lack of calm at the moment.

“The big trend is, don’t try to challenge Benlong’s bottom line…”

“Hehehe, a half-dead waste, and the bottom line? It’s really laughing at me!”

The general trend to Asura disdain sneer, “Now you are like a mole cricket and ants, this Asura can step on the foot.”

“The big trend, you live soon! Someone will kill you for me!” Evil dragon coldly said.

“The person you said, shouldn’t it be the stupid brat of the crack in the Milky Way?”

See the evil dragon default, the general trend to Asura ridicule said with a laugh: “Your brain is in the water, actually believe that the idiot, can come out from the crack of the Milky Way?”

Half barely fell.

An indifferent voice came: “Stupid, who are you talking about!” [Valley.]

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