&p;;3 ss=&p;”rd_&p;”&p;; The first thousand six hundred and forty-six chapters of the literary style of the lame! &p;;/3&p;;Rumble ~ When Zhao Fang killed the carrier of the beast, the sky above the sky, lightning and thunder, the weather is amazing.

“There is a lightning area over there, and the flame area is two extremes.”

See Zhao Fang looking up, Yan Chiyue Road.

“Lightning area, flame area…”

Zhao Fang murmured, suddenly said, “Have you been to the Thunderbolt area?”

Yan Chiyue shook his head and said: “When we entered the black hole, we dispersed.”

“After reunion, I met Nair. He has been to the Thunderbolt.”

Said, Yan Chiyue’s expression is slightly changed, “Young master means…”

“On this road, it is too calm and too smooth. I thought that your friend would not come.”

“It seems that he is coming from another place.”

Zhao Fang looks at the location of the lightning area.

“Can’t stay here, let’s go!”

Zhao Fang After killing a carrier-like beast, he has a colorful flame of light.

In the colorful fire, the extreme pressure is contained.

The carriers and animals that wanted to rush to Zhao Fang were all stunned by this aura. They all stunned and reluctantly approached Zhao Fang.

The carrier is almost fierce, and it is only the strength of the flame of the flame area.

In the end, it’s just a little higher than the ordinary flame.

When I met Heavenly Fire, it was like a courtier who met a king and didn’t have a bit of resistance.

The carrier, the wilderly retreat, cleared a path for Zhao Fang three people.

The three people went up the road and rushed along the thunder and lightning area.


With the flame in the air, and began to carry a more aggressive Thunder aura, Zhao Fang knows that he is not far from the lightning area.



At this time.

In the direction of the lightning area, there was a strong fighting sound.

Zhao Fang three people look at each other and simulate faster.

After a while, it completely rushed out of the flame area and came to the lightning area.


Over a piece of Lei Hai, Zhao Fang saw eight or nine people.

One person headed.

It is a big scorpion, much like a lame man with a literary art.

The lame man is full of faces, and the whole person looks unusually rude.

“It’s not a flower!”

When Yan Chiyue saw a big man, his eyes were straight.

It is like seeing an old lover who has not seen for many years.

But unlike the lover of seeing the old lover, his eyes at this moment are extremely cold.

It’s cold, and the eyes can all kill people!

“That is a big man who is not a flower?”

Zhao Fang stunned.

This is not a Strength, but it is slightly better than Yan Chiyue, already one step ahead of 5-Star Ancestral God Realm.


From the aura fluctuation of his within the body, he stepped into 5-Star Ancestral God, not a breakthrough.

More like taking a certain Pill Medicine.

Nair is not alone, it is an individual appearance, and he is not similar to the man who is extremely similar.

But this man’s Strength, but it is more tyrannical than that of Naryn, and it is a 6-Star Ancestral God.

Except for their two people.

The remaining seven are also Ancestral God Initial Stage level.

Strength should not be underestimated.

This is so.

Nine people are still surrounded by the carrier of the special products of the Thunder and Lightning Area, and are struggling to break through.

“I didn’t expect Nair to take his elder brother!”

Yan Chiyue stared at Narr’s uncle who was tied with Twin Ponytail’s lame man, said solemnly.

“you know?”

“I can’t talk about it. I have seen one side. He is the first Divine General of the Qing Dynasty, Nair Flower, and Strength at 6-Star Ancestral God level, extremely tyrannical.”

“The seven people he is behind, if I didn’t guess wrong, it should be his direct guard, the seven gods in the flower, and each Strength is at the 3-Star Ancestral God level.”

Yan Chiyue condenses the channel.

The brow was almost wrinkled.

I am a little lucky in my heart.

Fortunately, I am not alone. Otherwise, I don’t know how to die when I don’t spend this group of hungry wolves.

“Look at them like this, want to rush out of the lightning area, I am afraid to kill and hurt a few people.”

Looking at the difficult situation, Nair does not spend and others, Yan Chiyue is quite a gloating fragrance.

“Don’t be too happy, Nair’s flower does not use real Strength.”

Zhao Fang shook his head.

Nair’s flower and flower calm and calm, not at all concerned with the assault of the carrier and the beast, can only explain his Strength tyrannical, not afraid of each other.

Or it is prepared, and you have a good idea!

No matter what, for the Zhao Fang three people, it is not a good thing.

Once the Neral flower and others breakthrough lightning area, they will come to the junction of the two districts, standing on the opposite side of Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang has only three people, and Nair does not spend nine people.

Although Zhao Fang is not afraid of the other person, it can always consume a lot of strength.


It is a matter of calculating how to count the Nair and not others, and the powerful and powerful Nair flower seems to be aware of the clues and suddenly looks at the area where Zhao Fang is located.

Then, a knife is thrown out.

Blade Qi is amazing, not too weaker than Tier-8 Divine Weapon.


Zhao Fang three people The mountain peak in front of him was instantly split in half, revealing the three people hidden behind the mountain.

“It’s you, Yan Chiyue!”

When Narr didn’t see Yan Chiyue, he saw bloody eyes like a killing father.

“Big Brother, that’s this person, of course, plot against me, almost to kill me.”

Nair does not point to Yan Chiyue, Chong Nail flowers called.

Nair flower did not look at Yan Chiyue, just staring at the evil dragon, complexion solemn.


He seemed to think of something, and looked at Zhao Fang again. “Sure enough, you!”

Nair does not spend a fog.

I am talking about Yan Chiyue, who is Big Brother talking about?

What two people ?

Big Brother’s old acquaintance?

“You are going to run amok, the ambush of Breaking Third Prince, and it has been hidden since then. I thought that I couldn’t find you anymore. I didn’t expect that this God would be here.”

Nair’s eyes are cold and cold.

“What? The fiasco of Third Prince was caused by them?”

Nair was not surprised.

He lived in Shengjing for a long time, and naturally knew about Third Prince.

The Third Prince can be described as the most outstanding person in the Great Qing Dynasty Prince, and the value of his Task, which is actionable, is quite difficult.

But every time Third Prince can complete Perfection.

Only one exception!

There was the ambush Zhao Fang that time.

Not only did not leave Zhao Fang, conversely was killed by the entire army, only the third Prince, one person, defeated!


This incident shocked the entire Shengjing.

Nair did not spend money and was curious, but asked other people, they were unaware of it.

Unexpectedly, the defeat of Third Prince was actually due to the two people in front of him.

“hehe,Third Prince is a bird, the Qing Dynasty Country Lord Jin Taiji, the turtle grandson, met our Young master, isn’t it almost being beaten?”

“If it wasn’t for him to run fast, at this moment, sitting on the throne of the Qing Dynasty, I am afraid that the early is not him!”

The evil dragon sneered.

“Hey, let’s say hello, you think we can believe?”

Nair does not sneer.

The Qing Dynasty Country Lord, in many big citizens citizens in the eyes, it is almost invincible existence, impossible will be defeated.

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