Lt;h3 class=“read_tit” gt; The key to the first 666 chapter victory! Lt; / h3gt; Just when everyone was surprised by the performance of Zhao Fang.

A word suddenly sounded in the ear, so that the scene was suddenly calmed by the horror, and the hot water boils.

“Hey? Compared to the imposing manner? This Palace Lord is afraid of you? Come, give me this dog Prince!”

Zhao Fang is standing with his hands on his head, his eyes are cold and his words are calm.

But the imposing manner revealed in the words is more arrogant than the first Prince of the Qing Dynasty!

“impudent !”

Big Prince complexion instantly gloomy down.

He is nominally Grand Prince.

Over the years, it has been put on the side of the Qing Dynasty Country Lord, holding the power of the heavens, the prosperity of the dignity, far beyond the other Prince.

Even other Princes, no one dared to call them a dog Prince.

Not to mention the big Prince.

“Great Dog’s Courage, actually dare refined scholar Big Prince!someone comes, grab him!”

The head of the sea pointed to Zhao Fang and screamed.

Hōng hōng ~ Follow the dozens of followers from the Grand Prince, all burst out immediately, except for a dozen Ancestral God Initial Stage.

The rest, all are Half-step Ancestral God Realm.

“Here, when did the Daqing Kingdom have so many Powerhouses?”

Heaven and earth The Hall Masters of Taiping Road were shocked.

Nearly twenty Ancestral God, more than forty Half-step Ancestral God, plus two 5-Star Ancestral God…

This power is enough to crush the heaven and earth.

They finally understood that the big Prince was in the air and dared to be in danger.

The strength of both sides is totally different!

After understanding it, the Hall Master complexion whitish, and silently looked at the silent Luo Yan in the field.

“Who should Ben Long see!”

The evil dragon smiles, one step out, comparable to 6-Star Ancestral God’s imposing manner.

Pēng pēng pēng !

Just now Dozens of people like wolves are now hit by bullets and neatly backwards.


Immediately on the scene, a sound of cool air was heard.

The sound of the big Prince is shocked.

Heaven and earth On the side of the Taiping Road, it is mostly gloating.

“No wonder dare to be so arrogant, it turns out that you have this evil dragon presence.”

The Grand Princeion is ugly, but not flustered, said coldly: “However, you have been suppressed in the Myriad Worlds for many years, is Strength afraid that it has not fully recovered yet?”

“To deal with you, enough!” The evil dragon looks flat.

“not necessarily!”

Grand Prince sneered.

Void Hand grabbed forward, a whole body was streamlined, filled with a golden glow, baleful qi able to move unhindered huge vulture, appeared in front of the big Prince.

“én? is the super machine God of the Kasei Kingdom!”

Wei Pingyi saw the huge vulture, and suddenly the complexion whispered.

“You have a bit of eyesight!”

The Great Prince floated to the back of the mechanical vulture, and indifferently at the evil dragon. “This matter, it has nothing to do with you. If you leave now, this Prince can ignore your previous offense, otherwise, this evil dragon, after that , it is going to be the mount of this Prince!”

“You father here, do not dare to say this with Benlong, rely on you. Milk. Stinky hair brat, also want to become Ben Long Master, and then practice for 10 million years!”

The evil dragon eye is cold and quiet.

Despised by the Grand Prince, this makes the evil dragon very unhappy!


Big Prince’s lips sneered a sneer, “Not convinced? Then let you see with your own eyes, this red-faced vulture is amazing!”

The words fall.

The huge vultures of the vultures are slightly twisted, giving a feeling of harmony and harmony.

Uninformed person.

It’s hard to find the eyes of the red-skinned vultures. It’s not flesh and blood.

The red-inflamed vulture stares at the evil dragon, and when it is screaming, the whole body is covered with red-red rays of light, which is as fast as lightning, and instantly kills.

“Vulture, is the kind of flying creature, the most cruel one kind, this mechanical vulture within the body, should be sealed with a very cruel vulture Soul.”

Zhao Fang blinked.

“The young master is right, this is also felt.”

The tyrannosaurus licked the mouth with a a laugh, and the smile was exceptionally cold.

“Young master, this red-inflamed vulture will be handed over to me!” Crowd the evil dragon, and the more the brave vulture.

“Luo Huang, it is time for you to behave!”

Zhao Fang looked at the silent Luo Wei, calmly said.

Luo Yan looked at Zhao Fang deeply, and slowly pulled out the slender soft sword with his sash in his waist.

“heaven and earth all the Hall Master hearings!”

The Hall Master was shocked and looked at Luo Wei.

In public, Luo Wei never mentioned heaven and earth.


Not only in public, but also in public.

Also mentioned in front of the Great Prince and others of the Qing Dynasty, this is a complete rhythm of ireconcilable until death.


There is no extra nonsense.

Just a word.

But through the determination and courage of Luo Wei!

The Hall Masters look complicated.

they know.

From this moment on, the heaven and earth peace road will move from the shadow to the countertop and be completely active in front of the Qing Dynasty.

And they.

After that, it will inevitably be the wanted object of the Qing Dynasty.

But they don’t care.


Wei Pingyi took the lead and rushed to the dozen Ancestral God and Half-step Ancestral God.

Other Hall Masters are also unwilling.

“Hey, you are the old White Eye wolves, but you will never make the mistakes of the White Eye.”

“All accept death!”

One of the two 5-Star Ancestral Gods who had previously stood in the big Prince behind, the eyes were cold, the Divine Strength was stirring, and the hair was needed to move to Wei Ping.


When the 5-Star Ancestral God sword was about to approach Wei Ping, a soft long sword, like a smart snake, appeared in front of 5-Star Ancestral God.

Not only blocked his offensive, but also flew him out.

Dēng dēng dēng ~5-Star Ancestral God After a series of steps back, complexion has a flush, complexion slightly changed, “Luo!”

Blocking him is the president of the Luoshen Society, the former Imperial Clan bloodline, Princess DD Luo Yan!

“You, you actually reached 5-Star Ancestral God Late Stage !how can it be ?”

The 5-Star Ancestral God had a trace of shock on his face.

“Old, you are not mistaken?”

Another 5-Star Ancestral God was shocked, figure moved, and fought side by side with Roxie’s 5-Star Ancestral God.

“Absolutely wrong! I did not expect that we still underestimated you!”

The old man named Park is staring at Luo Wei, his voice is cold.

Same as for a moment.

Wei Pingyi has already taken the Heaven Masters of Heaven and Earth, and they are killed together with the Powerhouse of Daqing Shenguo.

Great fierce battle, completely broke out!

The number of single arguments, such as Wei Ping, and other Hall Masters, is naturally better than the Qing Dynasty.

Fortunately, it is.

The Daqing Shenguo Powerhouse is not all Ancestral God.

This makes Wei Pingyi and others’ pressures greatly reduced, but it is still difficult to kill.


Wei Ping smothered and occasionally looked at Luo Wei, looking forward to expectations and concerns.

he knows.

Really decide the battle, and even heaven and earth, the fate of the Primal Chaos in Dongpu is not his own Lord Level.

But Luo Wei!

as well as……

Zhao Fang !

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