The first thousand six hundred and seventy-seven chapters of the emperor, come out accept death! 3>嗡~ The original calmly transmitted array, suddenly shot hundreds of millions of rays, and under the twist of Space, there are several silhouettes.

“Hey, I have to look at it, who is so bold, and dare to go straight to Shengjing!”

Look at the cold eyes.

Like the same wild beast, staring at the Transmission Array area.

Hundreds of Guanghua eventually turned into fog, dissipated, four silhouettes, coming out of the transmission array, appearing bright brown, draping, Sato three people, and thousands of fine Qing eyes.

“Luo Hao!”

The bright brown pair of condensed eyes, at a glance, saw Luo.

Among the four, he was the only one who had been photographed, and only the native Overlord of the Primal Chaos, the former Princess of the Kingdom of God.


When I saw Zhao Fang and the evil dragon, the light brown slightly startedled.

As an important high-ranking figure in the Kingdom of God, the arrest warrant issued by the Kingdom of God has naturally been seen.

Therefore, Ming Brown recognizes it at a glance, and Zhao Fang and the evil dragon are the objects that the kingdom of God has been wanted all the time!

“It’s you!”

Ming palm smashed.

Immediately, calm as he, in the eyes 迸 shot a cold chill, “know that the kingdom of God is all night, you dare to appear in Shengjing, have to say, your courage, really big Ah!”

“Luo, Lin Shuai?” Soto stared at Luo Xiao shouted.

“What about Grand Prince? What happened to you?”

Bright brown also reacted.

Since Luo Wei brought people to Shengjing safely, isn’t that, Lin Biao, big Prince and others are fierce?

“Here is Shengjing? Worthy is the capital of the Qing Dynasty, the days of the wild, the colorful, the East, compared with it, it is inferior!”

When Luo Xiao was nervous and solemn stared at the three people of Ming Brown, Zhao Fang looked extremely wide and slouched all around, as if he did not realize that there was a tense confrontation between Luo Yi and the three people of Ming Brown.


Zhao Fang’s faint reaction, some of which are beyond the expectations of the three people of Soto.

Three people simultaneous Look at Zhao Fang, see Zhao Fang is only the cultivation base of God, and immediately gloomy down.

Boom ~ 4-Star Ancestral God’s aura, turned into three unruly sharp blade, straight to Zhao Fang.


But listen to a coldly snorted sound.

The next moment.

There is a sword light across the sky, straight to the three people!

This time, the take action is not the two dragons.

But Luo Wei!


Luo Xie’s Sword Art, concise to the extreme, casual waving, is a fierce killing move.

In conjunction with her own 5-Star Ancestral God’s Strength, even the three people of Ming Brown were injured by Sword Qi.

If the three people are not united, and there is a treasure protector, I am afraid of an instant, I will be injured by love!

“5-Star Ancestral God?”

“You are 5-Star Ancestral God !”

“Luo, you really hide Strength!”

The three people of Ming Brown have resisted the attack of Luo Wei and have changed.

To know.

In the official collection of information from the Qing Dynasty, Luo Wei just just entered Ancestral God Realm nothing more.

But her real strength is that even the three black-skinned maps of the three 4-Star Ancestral God are better than each other!

Luo Wei does not start to talk.

Hold the sword and rush to kill three people!

“Stop him!”

The bright brown violent drink, the voice is full of a trace horror.

When the Country Lord was sent here by the Qing Dynasty, Ming Brown did not think that Luo Lan dared to go directly to Shengjing through the transmission of the Primal Chaos in the East.

after all.

Shengjing is the old nest of Daqing, the real Powerhouse of Daqing, all lurking here.

Even the Country Lords of other gods are not willing to be in the kingdom of other countries, let alone the scorn that they despise.


The results of the facts are far beyond their expectations.

Luo Yan not only came!

It also shows the super-strength of the three people above.

The three people who made the three people fight with each other, they were bruised by her, and dare not fight with them again, they have successively retreat!



Even the three people of Mingming Brown could not block Luo Wei, let alone those small soldiers.

Even if they are the elite of the Qing Dynasty, they are madly harvested in the hands of 5-Star Ancestral God in Luoyang.

Blood splash!

Residual limbs everywhere!

Luo Yan fights blood and fights like a witch, strong and invincible!

“tch tch, this girl is so killing!”

Evil dragon tch tch praises, no take action.

In fact.

These people from the Qing Dynasty of the Kingdom of God, strongest is only 4-Star Ancestral God, there is no qualification to let the evil dragon take action.

“If you let your enemy meet in the future, you will be more crazy than her!”

Zhao Fang indifferently said.

The evil dragon smiled and smiled with a trace of coldness: “This is sure!”

Sword light whistling.

Sword Qi able to move unhindered.

Harvest a line of Life.

The battle here, affecting four directions, naturally attracted the attention of many Powerhouses.

“Young master, more and more people!”

The evil dragon frowned.

When he arrived at Realm, the number of obstacles could not be called an advantage, but if it was in quantity, it really reached a value and was extremely terrifying.

“Many people?”

Zhao Fang smiled. “Not enough!”

He took two steps forward.

Take a deep breath, the belly immediately bulges like a balloon.

The evil dragon tyrannosaurus looks at each other and has doubts in the eyes. I don’t understand what Zhao Fang wants to do.


National Capital, Third Prince.

The Third Prince stayed in the back garden of his own palace and was practicing on the knees with the amazing heaven and earth Spiritual Qi in the back garden.

Since the last encounter with Zhao Fang, his reason has returned to a life because of Kim Tae-jung, but he is also seriously injured.

After returning, I stayed in the backyard garden to practice.

After this tire’s unremitting efforts, his injuries have basically recovered.

“Damned fellow, this Prince will kill you!”

I think that I am suffering from the current miserable situation, and even the behind-the-scenes, Zhao Fang, Third Prince, the chief culprit of the subordinate, is full of hatred.

I can’t wait to peel the skin of Zhao Fang, and it’s a thousand!

But he also knows.

With my current Strength, I really want to meet each other, even the food is not enough qualification.

He called this, just to vent his dissatisfaction nothing more!


Suddenly, Third Prince seemed to be aware of the difference between heaven and earth Spiritual Qi, and could not help but look to the east of Wangfu.

“There seems to be the location of the array. How can there be such a strong fluctuation? Is it Ancestral God Realm Powerhouse?”

Third Prince has some doubts.

“Go and see, what happened over there!”

Third Prince did not return.


There was a low voice in the silent garden.

The Void Ripple somewhere in the garden is rippling, and a silhouette flashes away.

“Hey, Ming Brown is really incompetent, as a national ban. The Guard Commander, some people in the country to make trouble, actually did not suppress it for so long!”

Third Prince coldly snorted, extreme displeased.


At this time, DD is filled with heaven and earth, as if it can shatter the entire Shengjing City, like a billions of gods, bursting in Shengjing City: “Golden Taiji, dog emperor! come out accept death! ”

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