Chapter 168 kills!

“Upgrade? Why upgrade, my cultivation base, this is 8-Star Martial Ancestor Ah! ”

Zhao Fang laughed, and the smile contained a trace of sarcasm.

In an instant.

One is not weaker than the Zhao Yuanzong True Force fluctuation, which is filled out from Zhao Fang within the body.

“What! 8-Star Martial Ancestor peak ?”

At the moment when Zhao Fang revealed aura, Zhao Yuanzong accurately perceived, Zhao Fang cultivation base, and successively complexion greatly changed.

“This, this can be it be!”

Zhao Yuanzong screamed, and the face was incredibly colorful.

In his opinion.

Zhao Fang has the 3-Star Martial Ancestor cultivation base, which is already an incredibly extraordinary thing.

In order to make a decision in one fell swoop, he created his own glorious image in front of everyone.

Only a clench one’s teeth, at the expense of the Manifestation Lotus Sword Array.

Upgrade the cultivation base to 8-Star Martial Ancestor.

I thought.

This should eat Zhao Fang.

I never thought about it.

He always mistakenly believes that only Zhao Fang of 3-Star Martial Ancestor cultivation base is a real 8-Star Martial Ancestor!

This is not 8-Star Martial Ancestor forcing Upgrade.

It’s actually practiced and cultivated.

“How can it be! I spent twenty-five years, from the Martial Apprentice climbing to 3-Star Martial Ancestor, it is already rare in the world, Master is even more praised, is a hundred years of hard-working cultivators, the entire Raging Flames Country, can’t find a second one.”

“Yes, right now, what’s going on?”

Zhao Yuanzong did not notice.

At his at the same time, he was deeply immersed in the invincible belief. At this moment, a trace was also shaken.

But he is not a common thing after all.

React quickly, press the complex emotions in your heart, and whisper:

“Impossible! I am a strongest! Even if he is like me, 8-Star Martial Ancestor, I can kill him. How can he compete with me by his trivial family?”

When he spoke, he was in the eyes, the light of self-confidence, once again.

Five long swords are suspended in front of him, and the sword edge points directly to Zhao Fang: “Even if you have 8-Star Martial Ancestor cultivation base, that is useless. I am strongest.”

If the words fall, he will take action.

Five long swords were turned into five life-threatening sword lights, quickly killing Zhao Fang between the eyebrows and other vital parts.

Zhao Fang corner of the mouth, a sneer, the figure flashed, and disappeared in place.


Zhao Yuanzong was shocked. “I can escape the lotus flower sword, fast speed. In terms of speed, it is estimated that even some 9-Star Martial Ancestor is worse than it!”

“What? Do you have this ability? If this is the case, I will be very disappointed.”

The icy sound rang in Zhao Yuanzong behind.

Zhao Yuanzong quickly turned around.

With Time, his Heart Thought moved and the five swords went out again.

Still empty!

Zhao Fang appeared in a few dozen feet and looked at him.

“damned!”Zhao Yuanzong expression gloomy.

He has always had an overwhelming advantage in the battle. Why have he encountered such a situation and he has been so despised?

“You will only, like a tortoise, do you run around? Have the courage to be my battle!”

Zhao Yuanzong sneered. Latest fastest update

“If I take action, you will die!” Zhao Fang said indifferently.

“Jokes! You and my cultivation base are equal. It is not an easy thing to want to kill each other. I don’t know, where do you come from?”

“You don’t know, then I will tell you!”

Zhao Fang said that the fingertips escaped a Red sword wave.

At the moment when the Red sword wave appeared, Zhao Yuanzong’s five long sword emits in front of him, seemingly disappeared without a trace.

But Zhao Yuanzong knows.

That is not to disappear.

Instead, it was suppressed by the Red sword wave in front of you!

Like the lower Spirit beast, it encounters a higher Spirit beast.

“How can it be! My Manifestation Lotus Sword Array, although not complete, but the sent might, not weaker than the Yellow Grade martial skill. This brat’s sword wave what’s going on? How to have such a strong baleful qi, actually put The sharpness of the lotus flower on the sword is suppressed!”

Zhao Yuanzong’s eyes widened and his eyes flashed with shock.

He did not expect it.

The killing move of his strongest is suppressed at the moment when Zhao Fang takes action at will!

Pū chī !

The Red sword wave swept away, and if it rushed to the thunder, in the blink of an eye, it left a sword in the lower abdomen of Zhao Yuanzong.

Pain, coming from the wound, spread quickly through the whole body.

Zhao Yuanzong complexion Hey, the pain is terrible!

The severe pain from Fleshy Body gave him a clear and bright moment.

He suddenly recognized it.

Look at Zhao Fang’s in the eyes, revealing a grudge and a frightened expression.

How he knows at the moment, this sub-disciple, which he has always regarded as a mole cricket and ants, has an extremely powerful martial skill.

The martial skill is extremely high, apparently surpassing Yellow Grade.

Otherwise, it is also impossible to give him such an irreparable injury!

“who are you?”

Zhao Yuanzong stared at Zhao Fang.

He does not believe that people who have this Rank and strong strength will be born in the separation.

“Kill you!”

Zhao Fang indifference to to talk, for a sword heavy injury Zhao Yuanzong, he did not react much.

after all.

What he made was Ten Veins Divine Sword.

Divine Skill of surpass Heaven Grade martial skill!

Not to mention the cultivation base, just Divine Skill, you can kill Zhao Yuanzong.

Wen Yan, Zhao Yuanzong The last a trace on the face was calm and disappeared.

His face shows a stunned color, and quickly cried: “You can’t kill me, I am Heavenly River School disciple, if you dare to kill me, Heavenly River School, it will not let you go! At that time, not only you, but also The entire Water Ceremony City Zhao family will be a victim of the anger of Heavenly River School!”

Zhao Fang expression is cold, looking at Zhao Yuanzong, corner of the mouth revealing a trace sarcasm, “Is Sect threatening me? This is not what you should say in this arrogant day!”

Zhao Yuanzong ignored the fall of Zhao Fang’s words.

After knowing the gap between himself and Zhao Fang, his only thought is to save his life!

What is trivial dignity compared to life!

“Or, I don’t want to kill you. At most, I will kill you.”

“However, you shouldn’t threaten me with Clan!”

“If you really let you go, you will definitely report the heart, maybe, will really give Water Ceremony City!”

“So, for Clan, you still have to be safe to die!”

I heard this.

Zhao Yuanzong is crazy in an instant, “Zhao Fang, you Bastard, you can’t kill me!”

Suddenly roared, he fully controlled the five lotus flower swords.

Five lotus flower sword light Mang Dasheng, blending with each other.

In the end, the five swords are combined to create a six-foot broad sword.

Broad sword above, emits out of the chill.

“ha ha, I am really talent, actually in the life and death moment, the five lotus flower swords are merged. The five swords merge into one, it is 9-Star Martial Ancestor, and dare not slap its edge. Zhao Fang, now I I want you to die!”

Zhao Yuanzong exclaimed with excitement and shook his head when he held the sword.

Its potential, if you are a mountain!

“It’s useless.”

Zhao Fang said faintly, his fingertips shot three sword waves.

Three word wave 斩 on the five-in-one lotus flower broad sword, lotus flower wide sword tremor, a trace crack appeared.

The cracks intertwined and quickly filled the entire blade.

My moment, I listened to kā cā and broke into countless films.

The lotus flower broad sword, which was highly hoped by Zhao Yuanzong, only resisted the two interest, and collapsed directly in Zhao Yuanzong’s horrified eyes.


The three-sword wave is not losing, fast as lightning, piercing Zhao Yuanzong between the eyebrows, throat and heart.

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