“Wei, Wei Hall Master?”

Looking at the figure in front of the miserable, even some of the face of the Remnant Spirit, Zhao Fang eyes narrow.

“Oh… it’s me!”

Wei Ping, who was covered with injuries and filled with the power of Thunder, grinned.

“I didn’t expect to die before, but I can see Zhao Young master again. Since you are here, can you say that Lei Yan Old Ancestor?”

Wei Pingyi did not complain about Zhao Fang, but he smiled.

But I soon thought of something, incredible looking at Zhao Fang.

“he died!”

Zhao Fang said solemnly, “But I have some regrets.”


Wei Ping can’t guess Zhao Fang’s routine.

“Repent to make him die too happy!”

Zhao Fang is very cold, “I should leave his soul, let him suffer from day and night, pain to death!”

“There are some regrets, but if we can be saved, we will be satisfied with the already.”

Wei Ping smiled miserably.

Zhao Fang in ones heart trembled, he is somewhat embarrassed about Wei Pingyi.

after all.

The reason why the other party will become like this is completely dragged down by oneself.

“Weal Hall Master rest assured, there is me, you can’t die, not only that, but I can also restore your soul in a short time, reinventing Fleshy Body!”


There are other Remnant Spirits floating out, complexion complex looks at Zhao Fang.

“It’s true than gold!” said.

Zhao Fang takes out a Black hoist.

“This is the god fairy, any soul that is created, as long as it is nourished by the essence of the fairy, it can be restored immediately.”

Immortal, Zhao Fang is from the baleful qi giant pit.

This is a broken product, and after the system repair, this will restore the original appearance.

Belongs to one kind extremely rare Supreme Treasure.

The 啵 葫 ​​葫 塞 塞 , , , 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫 葫

嗤 韦 Wei Wei’s Remnant Spirit, like burning up, his entire face, is also an abnormal pain distortion.

After a moment of shackles, the limbs of the broken souls have re-growth.

The original seriously injured Remnant Spirit, directly restored as ever!


Wei Pingyi was shocked and unbelievable.

“You are all out!”

Zhao Fang gave Remnant Spirit in the soul of the soul to repair the soul and restore them to their original condition.

Let Zhao Fang feel sad.

I am still late.

There are a lot of souls that are tortured by Lei An Old Ancestor, directly to the whole of the exterminate body and soul.

The rest of the day, there is no one!

“Zhao Young master, we are not enough to die, but Queen, but was given away by Immemorial Star Powerhouse.” Wei Pingyi said solemnmn.


Zhao Fang Twilight was sharp and staring at Wei Pingyi. “What did you see with your own eyes?”

Wei Pingyu was secretly scared.

For decades, the Zhao Fang imposing manner has become more and more terrifying.

He is a 4-Star Ancestral God. Under the guise of Zhao Fang, there is a sense of fear of trepidation.

“Yes. Not only me, but all the people of Los Angeles have seen it with their own eyes.”

“The women of the Immemorial Star said that the soul of the Emperor of the Emperor, can help her cultivate, is her best Cauldron!”

Wen Yan.

Zhao Fang was furious, “Immemorial star, damned!”

“Does this matter, Xu Tianhuang knows?” Zhao Fang has a cold eyes.

“I don’t know, but when the woman first came, it was indeed the one who was asked to collect the Emperor, but after seeing the soul of the Emperor, he turned his face directly.”

Wei Ping said.

“Immemorial stars! Wanlong Nest!”

One grabbed Luo Xiao and one grabbed the tyrannosaurus.

Zhao Fang can’t wait to break into the two holy places and save the two people.

But he knows.

I haven’t had this Ability yet.

Holy land.

The most peak group of the entire universe.

Inheritance has a billions of years of existence.

Background is by no means comparable to trivial.

Where is the real Longtan Tiger Cave!

“Ancestral God, Ancestral God! I need a breakthrough to enter Ancestral God.”

“As long as you successfully promote Ancestral God and merge with Immemorial, you will be able to come and go if you don’t win the Holy Land!”

Zhao Fang’s expression gradually calmed down, and his eyes were unusually sharp.

“I will give you some materials to help you condense Fleshy Body. For the time being, just follow me!”

Zhao Fang will spend less than one hundred remaining Powerhouse Remnant Spirit, such as Wei Pingyi, in the Heavenspan Tower, allowing them to practice inside.


Zhao Fang looks at the floating tower.

“The extinction of Lei Yan has been completely shaken, and now the thunderstorm spreads over the floating tower, which is a great opportunity to merge with the world.”

Zhao Fang has a heart and moves into the floating tower.

In an instant.

Thunder fires scattered in the towers of the buoys, like the discovery of the enemy, rushed in madness.

Zhao Fang is not afraid, bathing thunder fire, and starting to practice!

****** blink of an eye, seven days passed.

The floating tower is as calm as usual.

In the first six days, the screams that often echoed in the floating towers, like the abrupt end, have not appeared since the seventh day.

Two days passed.

That is, Zhao Fang entered the ninth day of the floating tower.

轰~浮浮塔塔塔门activate, a white, complexion calm Zhao Fang, walked out of the floating tower.

He stepped out every one step.

There are thunder fires that condense in the under the foot and then dissipate.

As for the thunder fire scattered in the floating tower, it is completely gone, as if it is not existence at all.

“Young master !”

As soon as Zhao Fang appeared, there was a bloody glow in the distance.

Turned into a dragon.

“How is your injury?” Zhao Fang asked him with a glance.

“hēi hēi, no big deal.”

The evil dragon laughed. “All the resistance forces of the Leiyan people were all killed, and the only one who was 7-Star Ancestral God was also disabled.”


Zhao Fang ordered nod, which seems to have little interest.

“Young master, have you successfully combined the annihilation of Lei Shi?” The evil dragon hesitated and asked.

Zhao Fang does not start to talk.

Just take a finger and gently sigh.


A cluster of flames suddenly appeared at the fingertips.

This flame is extremely strange.

Because, it is not pure flame.

Its appearance is wrapped in layers of lightning.

Only internal, it is flame!

“This is Lei Yan?”

When seeing the cluster of flames, the evil dragon subconscious stepped back two steps. He instinctively felt that this cluster of fire was very dangerous.

To know.

The evil dragon is 8-Star Ancestral God.

Still a dragon.

This Rank Strength is stronger than the Old Ancestor.

Even the flames that he was horrified, it is conceivable that this flame is so powerful.


Zhao Fang walked out.

After the evil dragons kept up, after a certain distance, the evil dragon asked, “Young master, Lei Yan’s things are resolved, and then, where are we going?”

“Black Dragon Godland!”

Zhao Fang sounds calm, “Go to Transcending Tribulation!”

“Transcending Tribulation ?”

The evil dragon startled, immediately revealing the color of concern, “Young master, Ancestral God robbery is not a trivial matter, it is best to find a safe place Transcending Tribulation, which can prevent interference, greatly increasing the probability of Transcending Tribulation success.”

“I won’t fail!”

In Zhao Fang’s discourse, there is a firm, unquestionable flavor.

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