Chapter 184: Turning the tide

East line of defense.

The same defeated Zhao Clan clansman.

When they saw it, they did not retreat, standing in the position of the defense line and standing up the youngster, the in the eyes were shocked:

“This, This is Zhao Fang?”

No wonder they are not sure.

The cover is so temperamental that Zhao Fang is very different from the previous Clan Gathering.

After reaching the Venerable Realm world, Zhao Fang Strength Upgrade at the same time, the whole person is even more unspeakable Grandmaster Bearing.

That is the degree.

Not strong.

Instead, Strength reaches one kind Realm, insights heaven and earth, automatically generated.

It is also this change.

These are the people who have seen Zhao Fang in Clan Gathering, it is difficult to confirm!

“We have no kindness with him, even because of the matter of Yuanrui Venerable, it has broken, why is he doing this?”

There are Zhao Clan masters who are puzzled and whisper.

“retard, of course, for the experience!”

Zhao Fang glanced at the Zhao Clan master who was fleeing.

Some depression in my heart.

Originally, he intended to take action in the dark and play the autumn wind.

However, Zhao Clan did not live up to expectations and was defended by the Spirit beast breakthrough.

Together, the entire front line of defense is completely paralyzed.

The defending city coalition was defeated, and the Spirit beast group was chasing after it.

Developed according to this rhythm.

The unguarded defending coalition army will inevitably be defeated by the Slaughter instead of the instinct of the Spirit beast army, and then, the flames of Outer City will be lost.

This is obviously not what Zhao Fang would like to see.

and so.

Knowing that the situation is critical, he is still rushing with the slightest hesitation.

Just want to, in the moment of the collapse of the front, fight for more time for the rear.

“coming soon!”

Looking at the more and more Spirit beast, Zhao Fang muttered to himself.

“Initial Entry Martial Venerable, and don’t know how Strength grows, take your beasts and try the might!”

The voice fell.

Zhao Fang is like a smoke, disappearing in place.

The next moment, the blue smoke floated into the Spirit beast group.

I couldn’t see his movements at all, only to see where the smoke had passed, and the Spirit beast fell to the ground in large numbers.

This makes Chu Yan and others, who are always looking to see Zhao Fang’s jokes, look at dumbstruck.

“This this……”

Zhao Clan Great Elder was also shocked.

To be honest, he is not optimistic about Zhao Fang.

After all, the rushing, but a group of bloodthirsty Spirit beast, even if the cultivation base is higher than them, they are entangled, it is sure to die.

But I did not expect it.

That person’s Strength is so powerful.

In the wave, a lot of Tier-4 Tier-5 Spirit beast, fell in a pool of blood.

“Who is he? How can he have such a terrifying Strength, even if it is Nangong Chu, on the speed of killing the enemy, he is afraid that he will be inferior to him!”

Zhao Clan Great Elder takes a deep breath , said solemnly.

Nangong Chu is the Hidden World Elder of the Imperial Palace in Nangong.

Has 4-Star Martial Venerable cultivation base.

It is also the Commander of the defending coalition army.

The retreat order just made is what he released!


Just when Zhao Fang killed the Spirit beast.

Behind the Spirit beast group, there was a sudden roar of the sky.

I saw it.

One tall, three feet tall, revealing the metallic luster, in the eyes flashing violent color, shaped like a monkey’s Tier-6 Initial Stage Spirit beast, roared and rushed over.

Tier-6 Spirit beast, Violent Diamond Ape!

At the moment of seeing this, Zhao Clan Great Elder and Chu Yan both took a breath.

This extremely cruel, cruel, and amazing speed.

It is Tier-6 Initial Stage.

But without the strength of 3-Star Martial Venerable, you can’t compete with it.

“That fellow, finished!”

Chu Yan sneered.

Tier-6’s Violent Diamond Ape, even if he met, is also fierce.

The Take action is strong, but he doesn’t believe that the other can reach the Martial Venerable level.

As long as it is not Martial Venerable.

On this Violent Diamond Ape, there must be death!

Zhao Clan Great Elder is silent, he didn’t speak.

In any case, this person takes action, in some respects, it saves Zhao Clan’s people and makes Zhao Clan’s loss a lot less.

He still has some gratitude to this person.

“Hope, you can survive!”

Zhao Clan Great Elder is silent, and he knows that this expectation is unrealistic.


In that split second, Violent Diamond Ape, has already rushed to the man in front of him.

The man was unresponsive, as if he was scared.

But just after Violent Diamond Ape blew the punch of the Vibration Space.

The silhouette that stood still, suddenly disappeared.


“Fast speed!”

Chu Yan, Zhao Clan Great Elder, are all exclaimed.


The silhouette appeared on the Violent Diamond Ape behind, and the palm of his hand slashed into the back of the Violent Diamond Ape.

Its potential, fast as lightning.

Violent Diamond Ape had no chance to respond at all and was cut in the back neck.

Juli pressed, it figured a cockroach, grabbed the ground, and threw a deep pit on the ground.

The rear neck of the Violent Diamond Ape showed no signs of serious injury except for a very shallow trace.

“Powerful defense!”

Zhao Fang is a little surprised.

The move just now, although not his full force, but not the ordinary Martial Venerable can be taken.

This is not only taken down, but also unscathed, how to not let Zhao Fang be scared.


When Zhao Fang was shocked by Violent Diamond Ape, he ate a sullen Violent Diamond Ape, but it was a scream of anger.

After it got up, it didn’t attack Zhao Fang at the for a moment.

Instead, patted his own chest.

It screams like a drum drums.

With this sound, the Violent Diamond Ape has changed.

Its eyes, scarlet like blood, the body directly inflated more than a circle, the hands and claws protruding, the body reveals a dangerous risk.


Zhao Fang startled.

Violent Diamond Ape This change is similar to the Berserk he often does.

After Berserk, the strength of the Violent Diamond Ape, there is indeed a significant upgrade.

Originally just the Tier-6 Initial Stage, it is now at the top of the Tier-6 Initial Stage, infinitely close to the Tier-6 Middle Stage.

It can be said.

At the moment, the Violent Diamond Ape, the Strength Upgrade is more than double.

Even 3-Star Martial Venerable doesn’t necessarily hold it.

This change occurred between the lightning flints, and when the crowd reacted, the Violent Diamond Ape began a counterattack of the bloody and cruel.

It screamed, the figure rushed forward, the palms slid out, the sharp nails, like five sharp blades, emits sensen cold light, stabbed Zhao Fang.

“Speed ​​is fast!”

Zhao Fang said to herself, and she did not resist it.

Violent Diamond Ape Naturally Impossible to let Zhao Fang, to their own speed and strength to the limit, chasing after!

Zhao Fang lure him into the Spirit beast group, killing a lot of Low-Rank Spirit beast by the hands of Violent Diamond Ape, and citing this angry roar, the hatred of the eyes, and the wish to swallow Zhao Fang .

This person can see the speed very fast.

Even if it is a Spirit beast known for speed, it can’t help Zhao Fang.

“Stupid, do you have this speed? Want to kill me, it’s not enough Ah!”

Zhao Fang retire while stimulating the Violent Diamond Ape.

Violent Diamond Ape’s anger almost broke his head, and the cruel eyes stared at Zhao Fang.

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