..,strongest level up The first thousand eighty-four chapters of the Four Spirit root, the power of the two tigers!


The final Hall Master still chooses to accept this Task.

It is irresponsible for the integrity of the Wanbao store.


Zhao Wan left the Main Hall and went to the inner hall of the Wanbao shop.

Same as for a moment.

The news of the selection of Wanbao shops, especially the news that Zhao Fang ignited the four gods to converge, immediately set off a hot debate.

“The head of Tongtian Xianmen’s Chu Feng has become the Young Master of Wanbao Shop?”

“Who can tell father, what is this damn?”

“This Luck of Brat is too good!”

“Poor Qin Qin, actually became the stepping stone of the Chu style.”


Pre-Qin shops.

“Dabao, that little bastard, haven’t found it yet?”

Qin Suzhen sat high, her nominal husband Qin Dabao, at this moment is like a small follower of her, standing at her hand.

Look at the wife with a comfortable heart, Qin Dabao lowered his eyebrows and shook his head slightly. “Not yet.”

Seeing his wife has a tendency of anger, Qin Dabao quickly started to talk: “But Su 瑾, I have ready to send people to the Wanbao shop to stare at it, that brat get Wanbao copper money, will definitely go to the Wanbao store, when, let him fly wings! ”

“At the time… When the Wanbao store selected Young Master, the finished is over, even if he killed him, what is the use?”

Qin Suzhen is like a fierce tigress, roaring.

She paid a great price for the Wanbao copper coin, which was to enjoy the results of today.

But now, Wanbao copper money is easy to change, others enjoy her results.

This makes Qin Suzhen feel unusually wrong and angry!

At this time.

The voice of the next person came to the door.

Qin Dabao went out.

After a while.

Qin Dabao’s look is complicated and come back.

“what’s going on?”

See Qin Dabao’s look is different, Qin Suzhen asked.

The eyes were swept away, and immediately the portrait of Qin Dabao’s hand was taken.

Just glanced at it, Qin Suzhen was like an irritated tigress, his eyes were cold and cold, and he was killing intent.

If Qin Dabao is not aware of it, calmly said: “The Young Master already has been selected.”

Qin Suzhen startedled.

“it’s him!”

Qin Dabao pointed to the portrait of Zhao Fang.


Qin Suzhen was shocked first, then ecstasy, “ha ha… It’s really Heavens Have Opened Their Eyes. Dabao, the secret hand you left before can be started!”

“It is indeed possible to start.”

Qin Dabao’s lips sneaked out a touch of sneer, “I didn’t expect that the unintentional move of the day actually came in handy, hoping that the fellow would be useful to that brat, otherwise, the third grade Pill Medicine of father would be true. Wasted!”


Zhao Fang was arranged to enter the inner hall of Wanbao Shop.

There is nothing Elder pays respect to.

Let him be the name of the Young Master’s residence, which is very deserted.

Zhao Fang didn’t care, he didn’t like the excitement.


The attitude of Elder to him also made him understand that the top management of Wanbao shops did not completely identify with their identity.

Zhao Fang doesn’t care either.

He did not expect it, it would be so simple, it would become the master of Wanbao shop.

“The Wanbao store is the largest store in the ghost city. The medicinal herb treasure is the most comprehensive. I hope to find what I want at the Treasure-House Ware.”

After staying in the inner hall, Zhao Fang was not idle.

Directly called Shang Lu Wan robbery, went to the Wanbao store.

“What medicinal herb do you need, just say it to Steward, they will pick it up for you, why do you come in person?”

Wanbao shophouse library doorway, Lu Wan robbery looked a bitter smile.

“The things I need are special and must come in person. And although I am a nominal Young Master, I am afraid that this identity, I am afraid I can’t live, so I need the Land Master Master to come to see you personally.”

Wen Yan.

Lu Wan’s sorrow was even worse. He heard the dissatisfaction of Zhao Fang’s words.

“The Four Masters selected Young Master. After many years of Inheritance, it has become the Young Master of our Wanbao store. However, every time selection has ended in failure.”

“This time, for the first time, someone can wake up the two statues of the founder at the same time. I thought that the position of Young Master must belong to Qin.”

“I didn’t expect you to smash out, the four gods and the glory, crushing everyone…”

Wen Yan, Zhao Fang yelled, “I can play, it’s not what you gave.”

Lu Wan robbery did not answer the words, said: “The balance of Wanbao shops has been broken for many years. As you appear, I am directly broken. I am going to coordinate with the other three Hall Masters to cope with the changes in Wanbao shops, otherwise it will be squeezed. After all, it is a hidden danger.”

“Since you have passed the assessment of the founder, it is naturally the Hall Master, and the Young Master recognized by other Hall Masters. You don’t have to worry about it. Just, there is a process in everything. Don’t worry, wait slowly.”

“I can wait, but Tongtian Xianmen can’t wait.” Zhao Fang shook his head and looked at Lu Wan’s robbery. “The assessment didn’t start before. What method did the Hall Master use to see that I was the person of Tongtian Xianmen?”

Lu Wan was silent.

“Since I don’t want to say it, then I am not reluctant.”

“I don’t want to say it, it’s just not the time.” Lu Wan sighed with a sigh.

Seeing the meaning of Lu Wan’s robbery, Zhao Fang no longer asks.

Two people enter the treasury together.

Zhao Fang This time, the Treasure-House at the Wanbao store is indeed well prepared.

“I hope to find the strange stone that inspires the spiritual root attribute.”

Zhao Fang muttered to himself.

Half a day later.

Zhao Fang, who was excited, held two stones in the view of Lu Wan, very ordinary, and came out.

“I didn’t think of it, I didn’t think that this Treasure-House of Manbao has a strange stone similar to the Cold Ice stone.”

“Blaststone, Yaojinshi…”

If the system is not affirmative, even Zhao Fang can be disabled to believe, the two ordinary, the broken stone still in the corner, will be one of the strange stones comparable to the Cold Ice stone.

In addition to the two strange stones.

Zhao Fang also took away a lot of cultivation materials, such as the third grade tiger Immortal Beast blood essence, and Zhao Fang intends to cultivate the two tigers of the nine cattle and two tigers.

After returning to the room.

Zhao Fang started two strange stones.

The process of integration is still smooth.

But compared to the previous two, this fusion process is extremely painful, just like the body is torn by an inch.

For this kind of pain, Zhao Fang is not the first time to bear, but also familiar, clench one’s teeth come over.

In the end, the success of the fusion of two strange stones, awakened the wind spiritual root, and the gold spiritual root.

Zhao Fang is very happy about this.

Because this represents, he has taken a big step forward from the footsteps of the foundation period.

Of course, what makes him happy is that the blood essence of the third grade tiger Immortal Beast did not disappoint him.

Consolidate the foundation for him, the power of the Great Accomplishment.

Fleshy Body stands proudly.

Even if it was an attack by the ordinary False Core Powerhouse, he could harden it.

It can be said.

Great Accomplishment, Zhao Fang’s combat power, Upgrade has a big cut!


His joy has not lasted for too long.

With a letter that doesn’t know which one is slamming into the door, Zhao Fang’s complexion, instantly gloomy, as the rainstorm is coming!

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