“brat arrogant !”

Black Elder Third Elder is an expression of gloomy.

The thief king Watanabe expressionless, slightly lightly raised inside the lip corner, rippling the ice Leng Wuqing’s killing intent.


Zhao Fang Just now, the two False Core Powerhouses were extremely dissatisfied.

“brat, how did you perceive the position of the cloud? Could it be that you have this Rank probe class Immortal Treasure?”

Watanabe squinted and asked.

He does not think that Zhao Fang has this Ability and can perceive the existence of the cloud.

after all.

The cloud is a False Core Powerhouse.

Since it is not based on its own Sense, the only thing that can explain it is the special class Immortal Treasure.

When I heard the Watanabe, Hou Lian also reacted, cold said with a laugh: “brat, obediently handed over Immortal Treasure, Grandfather gave you a happy death!”

“Unfortunately Ah!”

Zhao Fang shook his head and sighed.

“What a pity?”

Houlian eyes are cold.

If you don’t care about the fairy puppet, you don’t care if Zhao Fang still has a third grade fairy, this temperamental False Core Powerhouse has already taken action and killed Zhao Fang.

“It’s a pity that you have to repair it in the past few years!”

The words fall.

The opportunity not to respond to two people.

Zhao Fang 悍然take action.

The fairy puppet is naturally open to Vanguard, ‘just use your last bit of effort to help me kill them! In the previous confrontation with Hou Lian Watanabe, the fairy puppet was shaken by the ferry and several cracks, and the power was weakly weakened.

I am afraid that it will take a long time to become a pile of waste wood.

“Only with these two broken pieces of wood, do you want to kill us? It’s ignorant and fearless!”

Hou Lian sneer, figure like electricity, suddenly disappeared in place.

At the same time.

Watanabe directly rushed to the fairy puppet, waved the open knife, and slammed into the fairy puppet, look stunned, “give the father!”

at that moment.

The two Powerhouses chose to fight separately.

Watanabe deals with the fairy puppet.

Hou Lian directly kills Zhao Fang.

“Bastard, without the fairy puppet, this Elder has to look at it, what else do you have!”

The cheap figure is approaching, perhaps still in wariness, he did not directly rush to Zhao Fang, waving his iron sword, wrapped in a sharp Sword Intent, forced to Zhao Fang.

“Do you really think that I only have these means?”

Zhao Fang looked dull and sneered at the corner of his lips.

“Since you court death, then I will fulfill you!”

Hearing this, the instinct of the instinct is not good, the eyelids are more mad, as if the deadly Crisis is coming.


Hou Lian is a fat and cautious fellow. If you can’t figure out what Zhao Fang has, he can do it with Zhao Fang, even if Zhao Fang is just a small Cultivator.

“én? Reel?”

At the same time, Zhao Fang took out the Wanshang Law Volume.

The surface of the scroll is indeed like a scroll.

“What is Houlian doing?”

Hou Lianzheng was puzzled, and the Watanabe, which was not far from the smashing of the fairy puppet, had already rushed over.

He did not understand why Hou Lian would retire.

But Watanabe, who came with a big victory, imposed manner, like Rainbow, directly killing Zhao Fang.

Watanabe approached the Zhao Fang DD Wan Shang Commercial Law volume, and the Canggu Star Soul bloomed with rays of light.

A ray of purple light shrouded the Wanshang method.

In an instant.

Void trembles, the dog’s soul is broken into countless light spots, separated from the Wanshang method, condensed in the air, and finally turned into a body shaped about 100 meters, like a giant wolf dog.

“What is this? Powerful imposing manner! Can be compared to False Core!”

Watanabe’s eyes widened with shock.

Already pre-feeling bad, he wants to pull back, but it is too late.

The dog’s star soul bite over.

Poor Watanabe, murderous aura came in, even Zhao Fang did not touch the shadow, was swallowed by the dog spirit.

It’s like sending it up and being swallowed!

“Wat Watanabe!”

Houlian complexion madness.


Swallowing the star of the dog, the roar to the sky, the sound is like a lion, full of cruel’s domineering and killing intent.

Imposing manner, but the situation is not good, ready to run on the legs, the life is suppressed.

The next moment.

The dog’s star spirit raised his hand and shot directly toward Houlian.

Houlian was frustrated, but the body was pressed and could not move. He could only watch the looks at the Cang dog, which was comparable to the hill-like giant claw.


The body of Houlian, instantly deformed and twisted, eventually burst open and scattered into a pile of minced meat.

The audience was silent.

Dead silence.

But anyone who sees this scene will be shocked at the moment.

“What is this thing, there is such terrifying power!”

“After one claw, even killing two False Core Powerhouses, too terrifying!”

The scene of the dog’s star soul swallowing the side, the scene of waiting for the future, is destined to become a living person, an unforgettable memory.

That scene.

Too shocked!

吼~ After doing this, the dog’s boring roar towards the sky, turned and looked at Zhao Fang, the huge body, blasted open, turned into a billion light spots to dissipate.

Disappear directly!

The position of the Wan Shang method to roll the dog’s star soul is to leave a blank.

“This is gone?”

Zhao Fang is still unfinished.

Watanabe, the two False Core Powerhouses are dead, but there is also a False Core Powerhouse on the field.

Although this person was Zhao Fang with a third grade sneak attack, he is now seriously injured, but a starved camel is still bigger than a horse.

Even if the cloud falls seriously, it is not comparable to the general base.

It is not so easy to kill.


Even if there were no clouds, there were two seriously injured Half-step False Cores on the court.

This is also a threat to Zhao Fang.

“Han Peng, to kill the clouds!”

Zhao Fang turned and shouted at Han Peng.

“Ah ~ Oh ~ good!”

Wen Yan, who is also immersed in the shock brought by the Canggu Star Soul, wakes up like a dream.


Han Peng rushed to the clouds.

The clouds have already climbed up, and the shock and stunned face still remains.

I didn’t dare to go to see Zhao Fang, and I’m going to run away!

“I said, you are going to die, do you think that Young Master is joking?”

Zhao Fang has a cold eyes and instantly activates Kunshan.

Kunshan’s nine banned obstacles can’t be threatened, but it can bring him some troubles.

For example, lower the speed of his escape!

The cloud maddened and attacked the Kunshan nine bans, almost exhausting the last remaining Immortal Force with the body, and when Han Peng approached, it was just a knife.

It killed the False Core Powerhouse, the most bad luck player in the game.

Killed Clouds lag behind, Han Peng Ma does not stop, and even waved two knives, the remaining two seriously injured Half-step False Core Powerhouse killed.

This is the end.

Want to stop the road to kill Zhao Fang’s thief leaders, all died.

Even those elites who built the base period did not escape Han Peng’s purchase, and they gave the first prize.


After killing everyone, Zhao Fang did not receive the prompt to complete the Task.

“Is there anyone?”

Zhao Fang looked down.

The Task given by System is killing everyone.

Since the Task is not completed, it means that there are still people alive.


Soon, Zhao Fang looked and looked at an inconspicuous mountain.

And there, it is the gathering place of Qin Yuyun and others.

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