
Although I know that the probability of escaping is ambiguous, they still can’t control the thoughts they want to try.

What if you escaped?


Even the Qinse Gu Yuan, the False Core five-fold Powerhouse, was banned after using the transmission charm.

They are just two of the False Core, how can they escape under the ban?

Not surprisingly.

After the Void Hand was banned, the flame long spear was turned back and was caught in the hand, arbitrarily escaping toward the two people.



The groan sounds.

Two flesh-and-blood silhouettes, falling from the air and squatting on the ground.

By the time Zhao Fang rushed to the two people, the two people could not die any more.

“powerful !”

Han Peng whole body shudder, never thought that the three False Core Powerhouse, was easily bombarded by mysterious Powerhouse.

This kind of Strength, even the four Hall Masters in the store, is estimated to be worse.

Zhao Fang stunned Han Peng and others, who seemed to see through their thoughts, and said: “Revolving Core Powerhouse, of course!”

That’s right.

The Forbidden Strength is not the False Core, but the real Revolving Core.

Still Revolving Core is nine.

Yuan Ying is only one step away.

Zhao Fang did not think that after entering Immortal World, the first time summon will be the soul, actually it will be so powerful!

After killing two people, the banned eyes fell on Han Peng.

It was just a look, and Han Peng and others were scared enough, cold sweats came out, and they quickly waved their hands, “senior, their own people, their own people.”

Zhao Fang is also afraid of banned Han Peng from killing, start to talk, “Forbidden, don’t move them, it’s your own.”

“Forbidden to lead life!”

Forbidden hands clasped together politely, slowly came to Zhao Fang.

“This time you have worked hard.”

“Lordship is heavy, this is the last thing to do.”

After the simple enthusiasm, Zhao Fang looked at the fairy tales where the ghost eagle was, frowning.

“Lordship, is that also your own?”

“Yeah!” Zhao Fang nod.

Immediately, violently looked at the ban, “In General, can you save him?”

“At the end, I will not be good at Sendai, save him only 90%!”

“90% is still less?”

Zhao Fang rolled the eyes, a pair of ‘I did not expect that you are so arrogant in the forbidden’ look, stunned.

“give it to you!”

“End High-General!”

In front of the fairy squad, the level is not high, and the might is only the lowest level in the third grade.

But the victory is in Yin.

Once you attack the fairy squad, it is equal to attacking the ghost eagle.

You can’t save the ghost eagle without attacking the fairy tales.

and so.

Zhao Fang has been very tangled.

Until the ban appeared, Zhao Fang saw a trace of dawn.

The ban did not let Zhao Fang down.

Single palm pressure, Immortal Force condensed, turned into eight weapons, at the same time attacked the eight support points of the fairy.

Bang bang bang !

In order to ban the tyrannical to the explosion of Strength, if you don’t care about the ghost eagle, you can smash the third grade fairy slap in a slap, and it is naturally easy to break up at this moment.

Pēng pēng pēng !

The fairy smashed and the chain became a powder, which disappeared silently.

With Time, the ghost eagle that was rescued, after the chain disappeared, spurted a large mouth of blood and directly fainted.


Zhao Fang takes out the fairy, don’t want money to pour into the mouth of the ghost eagle.

The wound on the surface of the ghost eagle healed with the speed visible to the naked eye, but he did not wake up.

“Lordship, he seems to be poisoned.”

Forbidden to look at the side at the side, suddenly said.


“The toxicity is contained, but it has not been completely eliminated. From the point of view of toxicity, he was poisoned at least three days ago.”

Forbidden to say.

“Three days ago? Is that the day I separated from the ghost eagle? Is his poison from the dark nettherworld or the pre-Qin store?”

Zhao Fang looked slightly: “It should be dark netetherworld. After the ghost hawk poisoning, they were caught by the people of the pre-Qin shops. They tried to swear at me and solved the poison of the ghost eagle, but only suppressed the spread of venom, and did not really detoxify. .”

“Damned pre-Qin shops, damned dark netherworld!”

Zhao Fang is cold, but she also knows that nowadays, when I don’t think about it, I have to slow down the poison of the ghost eagle with the body.

Otherwise, waiting for the poisonous outbreak, the ghost eagle is over!


“After the search is completed, there are three ways to save and provide a Player selection.”

“One, consume 5,000 cents, and the system will take the action in person to ensure that the money goes to the poison.”

“Second, fight poison with poison, spread with poisonous hydraulic poison, need to take Detoxifying Pill regularly.”

“Three, swallow, awakening the body of poison, directly swallow poison, making it a part of its own strength.”

“The three methods, the first one is the safest and the quickest.”

“The second type of palliative is not a cure, and the third one is definitely dangerous.”


Zhao Fang frowned.

He really wants to choose the first one.

But he has no money!

In order to summon ban, Zhao Fang at the same time bought a second grade to the soul stone, the fate stone, causing the fairy edge to suddenly reduce the 13600 point.

The only remaining fairy points he has now are only a thousand.

With the 300 fairy point of summon in the restricted reward, it is now only 1200.

Even if he plundered Qin Guyuan and others, it would not be enough for five thousand points.

“I choose the third one.”

Zhao Fang has a decision.

After the first kind is excluded, the second one is more suitable than the third one.

“Please ask Player to buy the poisonous body and implant it with the body.”

When System is finished, it is directly paralyzed.

“The body of poison? Fuck, you still sell Spirit Body.”

Zhao Fang was shocked and didn’t expect System’s business to be so extensive.

After seeing the price of the poisonous body, he was dumbfounded.

3000 fairy point!


With a curse, Zhao Fang put his gaze on the body of the Elder and others of Qin Dabao.

I can only hope that this group of fellows can explode some good things.


“Congratulations Player, consumes 1000 fairy points, plunders five yuan dan, ten third grade primaries, third grade xian bing six… 1800 fairy points, 50,000 Immortal Force.”


“It’s still a little bit worse.”

Zhao Fang’s eyes fell on Qin Guyuan.


“congratulations Player, consume 800 fairy point, plunder a Yuandan, pseudo Tier-4 attack one piece, third grade, a class of black prison cents, a bottle of Zengyuanxian, 1800 fairy point, five Million Immortal Force!”


“3000 is a fairy.”

Zhao Fang secretly surprised, “System, buy me a poisonous body.”


Zhao Fang’s System package has a strange thing.

It was a green sapling, pulling the leaves, half dead, and occasionally the aura of emits, mixed with unimaginable gas.

“This is the body of poison?”

Zhao Fang is shocked and inexplicable.

This broken sapling is so dangerous with the name of the poisonous body.

“It should be wrong.”

After careful confirmation, Zhao Fang will take out the small saplings representing the poisonous body. According to the instructions, press directly above the spiritual root.


The ghost eagle’s heart suddenly shrank, and the whole man bounced off and slammed on the ground.

Then DD’s rich poisonous mist filled his entire body, the ghost eagle, became a poisonous person!

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