Through this kind of.

Han Peng has no doubts about whether Zhao Fang can heal himself.

Even a very rare root injury.

Han Peng is also absolutely confident in Zhao Fang!

“This is the nine-spot thunder, which contains the underlying Thunder and Grand Dao, and you take it to cure the roots of the immortal.”

Zhao Fang took out a test tube containing cyan liquid and handed it to Han Peng.

This nine-throwing thunder, Zhao Fang spent 3600 fairy point, bought from the System Shop, now think about it, feels painful.

“However, the power of Thunder in Jiuyisheng Lei liquid is extremely overbearing. After taking it, it will be very painful. You must be mentally prepared. As long as you hold on, your injury will not recover completely. Even, it will take it to the next level. .”

Zhao Fang Shen Sheng叮嘱.

According to the System recommendation, Jiuyisheng Lei Liquid, at the same time to repair Han Pengxian’s injury, may even have a chance to help Han Peng awaken the spiritual root.

This is an extremely rare natural property of the spiritual root.

Because it is not 100% awakening, Zhao Fang did not say to Han Peng, so as not to be happy, not as good as it is now, let it be.

“I have been suffering for so many years of pain, and I will be afraid of it!”

Han Peng is full of enthusiasm, swallowing nine thunder and thunder.


At that moment.

Han Peng within the body, there is a faint thunder.


“Forbidden, you come to Protector!”

Zhao Fang waved.

He also underestimated the power of Thunder, and did not expect it to be overbearing.

Among the people on the field, the Aura can be stabilized and regulated, and only the Revolving Core is banned.


A glimpse of the ban on figure, appeared on the side of Han Peng, for his Protector.

Ah~ screaming screams.

Han Peng is as afflicted as Inhuman.

The clothes of the upper body were directly shattered by the power of Thunder.

What is even more terrifying is that Thunder’s power is able to move unhindered limbs, and the destruction of his meridians is extremely serious.

Even if they are far apart.

Zhao Fang and others can see Han Peng’s raised blue veins and distorted face.

In the brows of the brow, one hand presses on Han Peng Tian Ling, and enters a trace of power, for Han Peng to suppress the force of Thunder with the body.

Not to mention.

It does have some use.

Under the intervention of the ban, Han Peng’s suffering was weakened.

For a moment, his body gradually adapted to this pain, becoming more and more numb, screaming and screaming, and gradually calmed down.

Han Peng’s body, but a faint Lightning.

Like a beggar, shrouded his whole person.


Upon seeing, Zhao Fang shot his thigh and smiled happily.

“hehe~ I don’t know what it is, let Young Master be so happy? It’s better to say it, let us all be happy together.”

At this time, a good-natured voice came from not far away.

Zhao Fang turned and looked.

Lu Youyu took hundreds of people and was approaching quickly.

“Hey, who is this person?”

The ghost eagle glanced at Zhao Fang and looked cold. “Would you like to be him?”

Lu Youyu just wants to talk, immediately feels a cold killing intent, locked himself, and was shocked, could not help but look at it, immediately aware that aura gloomy ghost eagle, could not help but be surprised.

‘This is who? Why have you never seen it? ‘The heart is curious, but Lu has a surface, but it is quiet, “Shaodongjia, you have worked hard, more than ordered, come to greet you back to the shop!”

Lu Youyu rushed to Zhao Fang to respect salute, the attitude could not pick up a bit of stab, and it was extremely friendly.

Zhao Fang’s attitude towards Lu Yuyu is not bad, and immediately said: “The hard-working Elder runs a sneak peek. I don’t know, who is this kind of heart, let Lu Elder come to meet this Young master?”


Lu Elder has not yet started to talk. He is a man with a knives and a sneer. “I said brat, are you really stupid or fake? You really thought, are we coming to meet you?”


Zhao Fang laughed and looked at the man who was behind the knife. Surprisingly, the other was a False Core dual Powerhouse.

What surprised him even more was that Zhao Fang had not seen this person at the ceremony to take over the Young Master.

“Your Excellency, who? I don’t know Your Excellency, what is it?”

“Shaodongjia, this person is called Sima Promise, is the Elder of my Wanbao shop security department, the end of the Jing Master Hall Master is not assured of the safety of the Shaodong family, deliberately Elder, come with me!”

Lu Youyu feared that Sima Wuji said the wrong words and quickly said first.


When Sima Promise started to talk, he was keenly aware that the Azure Armor General, who was standing behind, was indifferent to Hanpeng Protector.

Just a glance, let him have a kind of dangerous illusion that life and death are not in the hand.

To know.

Even the end of the Show Master Hall Master, let him produce such a terrifying feeling.

After blinking at the other side, Lu Youyu found that he did not know each other at all.

Before he figured out the situation, he was always cautious, and he would not take action. Therefore, he stopped Sima Pro.

Sima Wuji frowned, and looked at Lu Youyu with disappointment. If it was not the end of Zhaojing, the trip was led by Lu Youyu, who slaps the Half-step False Core.

“Protect my safety?”

Zhao Fang laughed inexplicably. “Really?”

The smile converges with a touch of coldness. “He just said, I didn’t hear a little protection. It seems to be threatening me. Also, shouldn’t I be the Young Master of the Wanbao store? You just spoke. The tone of the voice, is it wrong?”

Zhao Fang’s words, no hurry or slow, said very casual, but let Lu Youyu feel one kind of inexplicable oppression.

“brat, give you a face, right? I really thought that through the selection, it is our Wanbao store Young Master? Hey, how easy it is! Now, quickly hand over the treasure from the pre-Qin store to this Elder, this Elder brings back Wanbao shop!”

Sima Wuji said something impatient.

Lu has a complexion glimpse, it is hard to see.

Just now he even gave the other party a gesture, let him stop talking, but did not expect, but it was a blind eye to blind look, wasted expression.

“I understand… The end of the Show Master Hall Master sent you to the treasure that the Young Master brought back from the pre-Qin store.”

“I said, when the end of Zhaojing became so kind. It really is not useful.”

Zhao Fang’s remarks,ududly angered the end of Zhaojing’s loyal Ma Zi Sima Promise.

“brat, what did you say? The name of the last Hall Master is also what you can call?”

Sima has a knife, and the blade points directly to Zhao Fang.

“Sima Elder, let go, let go!”

Lu has a face that is green. I didn’t expect to go with this Idiot. This simply is a pit teammate who doesn’t pay for it.

Sima Wuji did not pay attention to Lu Youyu. After he pulled the knife, he liked to release himself. He said coldly: “This Elder Time is limited, and you will hand over the treasure, otherwise…”

“What else?”

Zhao Fang is still laughing, even if the sword is added, it will not change color.


Ghost Eagle is keenly aware that Zhao Fang’s smile is more mixed and is a cold killing intent.

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