“Old Ancestor !”

When I heard the sound, the end of Zhaojing’s whole body fat was in his throat, his head was indented into his stomach, and his voice was full of respect and piety.

Zhao Fang didn’t expect it.

Such a slick end of Zhaojing, there is also such a time of piety.

Can’t help but curious about this sudden appearance of ‘Old Ancestor’.

He looked up.

I saw a black clothed gown man, waist hanging jug, back long sword, quietly standing in front of the end of Zhaojing, holding hands, a touch of sight at Zhao Fang.

As if he was in the eyes.

The rest of the temple is worth nothing. Only Zhao Fang is barely eye-catching.

“You are the shop to choose the candidate for this year?”

Man calmly starts to talk, but the sound is sorrowful, as if speaking, not a man, but an Old Monster that is used to the sea and the stars.

“I am, dare to ask senior how to call it?”

Zhao Fang squints, slightly hands clasped together politely.

He didn’t realize how the other party appeared, even if he was banned, he didn’t have any perception beforehand. What is even more strange is that.

Under Zhao Fang Sense, there is no Immortal Force fluctuation on the other side, and the ordinary of the ordinary is not.


Such an ordinary person of ordinary, but Zhao Fang one kind of face Azure Heaven’s oppressive feeling, which makes Zhao Fang feel very ordinary.

“This Sir is the treasure, that is, the real person in charge of your store, the Manbao store.”

Man calmed with a laugh.

“It turned out to be the multi-senior senior, the junior of the day, the door of the door, the wind, and the senior.”

Zhao Fang official salute.

Man is still as usual, but when he hears the words “Tong Tian Xian Men’s Head”, the look is slightly a trace change, but it quickly returns to normal.

“What is your identity, this Sir doesn’t care, don’t care, this Sir only knows that your identity today is the Young Master of my Wanbao store.”

Duobao said calmly.


The gaze passed from Xie mad in Main Hall and finally fell on Zhao Fang. Calmly said: “The matter is the original, this Sir is already familiar with it. You have disposed of Xie mad, can you give this Sir a face and give him a Live the road?”

As soon as this statement came out, Zhaojing looked up and saw Duobao inconspicuously.

He didn’t want to understand.

As the latter, why is it so polite to Zhao Fang?

Even if Duobao wants to force people, does Chu Feng have two words?

“The Xie madman is reckless, but it is not a big sin. This Sir still needs him to do something…”

Zhao Fang thought about it, said, “Senior, he almost killed me!”

“This Sir will compensate you until you are satisfied!”

Duobao seems to see through Zhao Fang’s idea, it is very simple.

Zhao Fang is also not awkward, said with a laugh, “That gives senior a face, thank you crazy, I don’t care.”


Duobao faint nod, let go, the half-dead Xie mad, directly disappeared in place.

Zhao Fang eyes slammed.

Some horrified look at Duobao.

“hehe, don’t look at me with this look. It’s just a little more than nothing. You can do it if you really master the law of Kunshan.”

Duobao suddenly laughed.

“Kunshan banned the law?” Zhao Fang startled, “What is the difference between the Kunshan and the nine bans?

“There is no difference, the name is different than more.”

Duobao said.

Wen Yan, Zhao Fang seems to think of something, deeply looked at the treasure, “Senior was a man of the cave?”

“Not bad.”

Duobao did not hide, “I am on you, Sense to Kunshan nine bannedfluctuation, I want to come, you can successfully stimulate the four statues, it should be related to it.”

Zhao Fang is shocked.

It was discovered that the original day was able to inspire the four gods, not the merit of System, but also related to the Kunshan nine ban.

“The Wanshang method volume you got, its purpose, is not what you know.”

Duobao suddenly looked at Zhao Fang and said.

Not waiting for Zhao Fang to ask, Duobao turned and looked at Zhaojing, calmly said, “From today, Chu Feng’s position in the Wanbao store is equivalent to this Sir. Any of his orders, you must respect, heard? ”

“Subordinate is leading!”

“Well, after Lu Wan robbery, after Huang Xianer came back, you told them about it, and said that this Sir personally gave it.”


“Go on!”

“subordinate retire!”

At the end, Zhaojing with a fat body, and quit the Main Hall.

except him.

Some idlers, etc., have also been expelled.

In the entire Main Hall, there are only Zhao Fang and a group of people.

“This Sir knows that you have a lot of doubts. These questions will be understood when you go to the Immortal Palace.”

Duobao took the hand and looked at the sky outside the temple. The sound was faint, and it seemed to remain unchanged.

“How do you know, I am going to Xianxian?” Zhao Fang was surprised.

Duobao did not answer, said by himself, “Use the Wanshang Law Volume, where it will give you a lot of help.”


Duobao turned and stared at Zhao Fang seriously. “I have something to do, I don’t know if you are willing?”

“With the Divine Ability of senior, there is something to trouble with the junior? That is, there is no, the senior can’t do it, can the junior be done?”

Zhao Fang has no promise, just asks.

“You can do it.”

Duobao said, adding: “If you are the most promising to get it, there is only you.”

Zhao Fang is inexplicable.

Just want to start to talk, Duobao said, “If you promise, this Sir can give you a promise.”

“In the coming days, if you have troubles that cannot be solved, this Sir can smooth the obstacles for you, even if the other party is Yuan Ying Powerhouse!”

Wen Yan.

Zhao Fang in ones heart trembled, incredible looking at Duobao.

Dare to boast such a seaport, indicating that Duobao’s Strength is very strong, at the very least, it is also Yuan Ying level.

‘No wonder I can’t sense his aura, this fellow strength is terrifying so! ‘Zhao Fang is shocked, but some do not understand, if Duobao really has this cultivation base, can completely cross Dongzhou, it is necessary to shrink in a small Wanbao shop?

“Do not believe?”

It seems to see Zhao Fang’s thoughts, Duobao Dao faintly smiled, “This is the odd stone I got by chance, it should be useful to you, even this Sir gave you a meeting.”

While speaking.

Duobao Dao’s robes are a shackle, and Zhao Fang has two extra pieces of emits in front of him.

A whole body is bright, and one piece is dark.

Like two extremes.

“Holy Light Stone!”

“Dark stone!”

Zhao Fang was shocked. I didn’t expect it. The take-off action of Duobaodao was so generous. A meeting ceremony is two rare stones.

“The strange stone of light and dark attributes is very rare. This Sir searches for countless years and only gets these two nothing more.”

Duobaodao said calmly.

The implication is that nothing but me, you will never get such a strange stone.

Zhao Fang stared at the strange stone, his eyes were hot, but it was still under pressure, taking a deep breath, said solemnly: “Nothing is unreliable, what is the command of senior, please also say clearly!”

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