..,strongest level up The first thousand eighty-nine-seventh chapter Li Qing Lian’s shock Li Qing Lian’s violent thunder, Zhao Fang is not unexpected.

Killed myself so many disciplines by hand…

Whoever you change, you will have this reaction when you encounter such a thing.

Anger, let Li Qing lotus keep, killing intent Sword Qi, instant blowout.

Split second.

Everyone feels fear.

For example, the Li Qing lotus standing not far away is no longer a human, but a Berserk humanoid Vicious Beast, a dangerous aura that makes the countless people tremble.


In the face of such terrifying Li Qinglian, the ban is not affected at all, just faintly shaking his head: “With you, it is not enough!”


Li Qing Lian has no extra nonsense, and she is angry.

“Jianlian Qingtian!”

Sword Qi, as the note, smashed into a huge Sword Qi lotus flower.

Lotus flower blooms, emits with a magical beauty.

Can be sensitive to the senses, but clearly from this Jianlian zhong, feel the biting killing intent.


Ouyangzi complexion drastic changes.

But his reminder at the moment is still late.

嘭~Jianlian blasted, and instantly produced countless Sword Qi, shrouded in this Space.

Sword Qi able to move unhindered, Pei Li Mo Yu, full of fierce killing aura.

“This is my strongest killing move, the only thing is the fourth grade, but I want to strangle you, enough!”

Looking at the rushing Sword Qi, Li Qing’s lotus lips showed a smug smile.

恍惚already see, Zhao Fang in the forbidden and others, Jianlian contains Sword Qi strangled scene.

But the next moment.

Li Qing Lotus complexion is a stiff.

His eyes wide open and his eyes looked at the front with horror.

Sword Qi, which was produced by Sword Qi, formed a terrifying Sword Qi vortex, but no one or thing that was involved in it could survive.

But at the moment.

The Sword Qi vortex was actually caught by a pair of big hands.

As the previous sword was caught.


The same low roaring sound sounded, and the Sword Qi whirlpool was like a dead dog, and was slammed into the air by the big hands.

Pēng pēng pēng !

Sword Qi burst open in the air, producing a tyrannical terrifying air, even if everyone standing on the ground, they felt the thrifying Sword Qi, which was so turbulent.

“how can it be?”

Li Qing Lian was shocked on the spot, incredulously looking at the master of the big hand, wearing Azure Armor forbidden, “You, are you who?”

Li Qing Lian didn’t care too much when she banned the first time take action.

When he wants to come, the other party is at most equal to his own cultivation base.

But I can’t resist the Jianlian Qingtian with the Immediate Stage.

But in front of the scene, it broke his ridiculous believe oneself infallible.

The other party not only broke the sword lotus, but also did nothing!

This kind of means, even if it is some Revolving Core period, can’t do it.

“This will be banned!”

Indifferent to the ban, said, and will stand on the side of Zhao Fang.

Be respectful.

This scene.

Li Qinglian, who was not only watching, was shocked.

Even some of the Ouyangzi Powerhouses are also shocked.

This mysterious existence, which is stronger than Li Qinglian, is actually a servant of the head?

Everyone thought that Heaven seemed to have made a big joke to himself.

“Li Qing Lian, I will ask you again, where is the Qingping sword? Why not on you?”

Zhao Fang asked indifferently.

Qingping sword is one of the four swords of Tongtian. The power out of the ordinary, if it is really in the Qinglian sword, it must be Li Qinglian.

Li Qing Lian, there is no Qingping sword, which makes Zhao Fang some guess.

“If I have a Qingping sword, today, even if you have a Revolving Core zhong Powerhouse, I am confident of the battle.”

Up to now, Li Qinglian can’t see where it is. It is definitely a Revolving Core zhong period, and even a higher level Powerhouse.

This time, I have completely planted it.

“Qingping sword is not in your hands, where is it?”

“Tell you what? With you, can you get it back?”

“Where?” Zhao Fang has a cold tone.

“hehe ……”

Li Qing Lian smiled and shook her head. “Ling Sky Sword Sect! If you have the skills, go take it!”


He took out one piece and contained the power of the powerful Space, and directly activated it. The force of the fairy symbol wrapped Li Qinglian, and he was taken away.

At this time.

Looking at the drama for a long time, the old man finally got a reaction.

“Playing Array in front of me is not too old to put Old Man in the eye.”

Hong Lao thin smile said, move towards Li Qing, the direction of the lotus, with a wave, “scatter!”


Li Qing lotus body trembled.

Space Immortal Force wrapped around his body, the split second disappeared.

“how come?”

Li Qing Lian was shocked.



Hong Laoyi pointed to Li Qinglian.

Simple A random finger, but there is a mysterious power to draw the ground, directly Li Lilian is in the same place, can not move the little bit.

“fourth grade?”

Li Qing Lotus eyes wide open, shocked to the extreme.

He never dreamed of a 3rd-rate Influence of a breath, a waste of waste during the training period, and there was a Super Powerhouse not far from the Revolving Core period.

At the same time.

There is also a seemingly ordinary, but in the fairy tales, there is a fourth grade of the singer.

“How can it like like this? This Rank Powerhouse, why would it help a waste during the training period?”

Li Qing Lian didn’t understand.

At Zhao Fang Lin Behind, he was even more unable to contain his anger and asked him crazy.


Zhao Fang laughed. “Why is there so much in this world? Just like you, it was obviously the excellent kendo talent that was cultivated by Xianmen, but it steals the Qingping sword and stands on its own. Why are you doing this?”

“It’s just a matter of self-reliance. It also tolerates the Sect that has been confusing for you. Why is this?”

Li Qing Lian was said to be speechless.

“I didn’t want to take care of the things of the year, and I didn’t bother to care about those who left, but if they want to do something bad for Xianmen, don’t blame me for being mad!”

Li Qing Lian heard the killing intent of Zhao Fang’s words, and her heart sank.

He was bound by the fourth grade fairy squad, and he couldn’t move, just like the fish on the pallet, he couldn’t resist.

“Chu Feng is in charge of the door. In the past, it was my fault. I am willing to lead the entire Qinglian swordsman to return to Xianmen. Please also give me a chance!”

Li Qinglian had to bow because of the situation.

This is also his only way of life.


He is also curious as to what Chu Feng used in the end, and can recruit a fourth grade, and there is no less than the Revolving Core zhong Powerhouse.

“Li Qing Lin was surrendered?”

Ouyangzi and others heard this, one of the excited tears can be moved to unhindered.

This is the scene they dreamed of seeing. I didn’t expect it to be realized.


Ouyangzi is excited looking at Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang’s face, there is not much joy, just indifferent at the lotus, Li Li, seeing the latter’s heart sinking.

He thought it.

I will be impressed by the collective surrender of the Qinglian sword.

In fact, his actions have indeed touched many people.

For example, Ouyangzi, such as 雳擎, such as other Emerald Elder or discipline.

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