Among them, it includes Immortal Beast.

The beasts on the Continent are not all Immortal Beasts, most of them are made up of cloud beasts. Standing on the top of the cloud beast is the Immortal Beast.

The biggest difference between Immortal Beast and the cloud beast is that Immortal Beast has Inheritance memory.

According to the strength of Immortal Beast, Inheritance memory is also strong and weak.

Immortal Beast above and the Immortal Beast.

Qilin Immortal Beast is one of them!

The Immortal Beast, the king of Immortal Beast, is rare and rare, and it is extremely versatile for both feeding and killing.

of course.

There are not many people who dare to kill Immortal Beast.

Just as humans have a Cultivator organization, some Top Level Immortal Beast bloodline also have their own ethnic groups.

Immortal Beast Supreme Qilin is no exception.

They have few clansman, but Strength is exceptionally powerful.

Coupled with the extreme group, few people dare to provoke, even if some Great Influences are with them, they are only cooperative, not the master servant.

“As long as I am a hundred years old, Qilin blood, with it, my Strength, can recover more than half. By then, with the Old Man, you can make the Tongtian Xianmen stand out, no one can break!”

Hong Lao is the color.

Zhao Fang smiled, “Hong Lao, don’t take this to me, Qilin Immortal Beast can’t be met, and the Strength of the Extreme Immortal Beast is terrifying, and the Martial Artist of the same class is simply serving food.”

Seeing the old man’s gloom and low mood, Zhao Fang slightly frowned.

I quickly said: “However, since I promised to be old, I have to cure the old man, killed a strong enemy, and naturally will do it. Hong Lao is assured that if I meet the supreme Immortal Beast Qilin in Xianfu, I will definitely try to get it. It’s blood.”

Hong Lao opened his mouth and seemed to say something.

In the end, he still didn’t say anything. He couldn’t resist the temptation of Qilin’s blood to him.


“congratulations Player, triggers the Level C spurt Task ‘Hundred Years of Resentment’ of ‘Hundred Years of Qilin Blood’.”

“Task Requirements: Entering Xianfu, search for Qilin blood.”

“Task Reward: 50,000 cents, 200,000 Immortal Force.”


Zhao Fang has a slight gaze.

“Square Task? A hundred years of resentment series? It seems that it should be related to Hong Lao’s strong enemy.”

“Fifty thousand fairy points… I must get it!”

Since the Task broke out, it must be completed.

This is Zhao Fang’s persistence.

of course.

Even if there is no Task, Zhao Fang will do it since he promised Hong Lao.

This is his promise!

On the occasion of the departure, Hong Lao sent Zhao Fang out, hesitated, to tell: “Everything is careful. If, not desirable, when life is important!”

After all, he still can’t bear it.

Because he knows well, the terrifying of Immortal Beast Supreme Qilin is by no means a common one!

Zhao Fang smiled. “Hong Lao is in Xianmen, waiting for my good news!”

After telling Ouyangzi and others, Zhao Fang took the Eagle King Dafei and took it to the ban. He left Xianmen.

He did not bring anyone else.

Compared to Crisis and the opportunity to coexist in the Xianxian House, the current task of the people of Xianmen is to run and upgrade cultivation base.


Tongtian Xianmen is thousands of miles away.

Big fly on the back.

Zhao Fang squats and clicks on the System Task bar.

“There are five other Tasks.”

Zhao Fang’s eyes are slightly stunned: “‘father the world’s first activation of the physical root attribute Task, the last four or five days left.”

“I have fire, ice, wind, gold, light, dark… six series of spiritual roots, and there are more than a dozen spiritual roots, and time and tide wait for no man.”

Activate six kinds of spiritual roots with 60,000 cents.

Already is a very terrifying number.

Just as no one is too much money, the fairy point is naturally good for Zhao Fang.

But the nature of the rare stone is rare, not Chinese cabbage.

Zhao Fang is just bursting in the ghost city of Luck, and has encountered several.

Out of the ghost city, the Qinglian Jianpai and other Influence, Zhao Fang even the shadow of the strange stone did not meet.

“Zhu Xianfu is the place of Inheritance in the cave. If there is any strange stone in Continent, I will definitely be among them. I hope I will not let me down!”

Zhao Fang muttered to himself.

“The other four Tasks, Level A main line Task ‘Revitalize Tongtian Xianmen’, and Level B main line Task ‘Three Swords to the sheath’, are long-term Tasks, only ‘Soul is too virtual’, ‘100 years old Qilin blood’ and 琅琊About Xianfu.”

Task is not much more, reward is extremely thick, and Zhao Fang is hot.

“In addition, my fairy point, unconsciously, has soared to the 10 million mark.”

After two battles of the Destruction of the Qingjian School and the construction of the Task Reward of Xianmen, Zhao Fang’s fairy edge, the existing surged to more than 190,000 terrifying.

Can reach the extent of 11.

This simply is a terrifying number.

“Immortal Technique, there is a new study of the third grade Immortal Technique: Yunlong seven now, black annihilation knife, grass and wood, and fourth grade Immortal Technique Jiuyi Baoguangyin, Jianlian Qingtian, Lingtian Sword Secret Art sword The demon is forbidden.”


Although there are many Immortal Techniques, Zhao Fang does not have much happiness.

These three fourth grades of Immortal Technique are enlightened to be extremely difficult.

Today, Zhao Fang is still at the entry level for so many Immortal Techniques, and even one thousandth of the Immortal Technique can’t play.

“After entering the Xianxian House, you can only rely on yourself. You must upgrade the Immortal Technique Proficiency to the Upgrade within a short time.”

Immortal Technique is divided into four levels: entry, small accomplishment, Great Accomplishment, and Great Perfection.

Getting started is the most simple.

After ten days and a half of cultivation, you can basically get started.

Small accomplishment takes about half a year to one year.

Most of the Cultivator’s Immortal Technique accomplishments are at this stage.

Great Accomplishment, not only requires a lot of Time, but also needs a certain talent, can reach this Realm, no one.

Zhao Fang is currently the most lacking of Time, where there is time to study.


He is backed by System, and he can’t take advantage of this opportunity.

Zhao Fang opens the System Shop.

The home page, the most eye-catching, is still the four words.

Time Limit snapped up.

As early as back to Xianmen before, Zhao Fang in the Time Limit snapped up, the cumulative consumption of more than 10,000 cents, Time Limit snapped up level to Level 2.

All products are 20& off and brushed out, at least second grade treasure.

Zhao Fang gaze at the Time Limit snap and falls on the last miscellaneous treasure.

Immortal Technique experience book: third grade treasure.

After use, you can increase the Immortal Technique Proficiency.

The price is 8000.

Zhao Fang looks bright bright, “What you want is you!”


After deducting the eight thousand fairy points, the Immortal Technique experience book is quietly lying in Zhao Fang’s System package.


“Hey, please select Player to upgrade the Immortal Technique target.”

“Just Yunlong is now.”

The third grade movement technique Immortal Technique is very suitable for life-saving Immortal Technique.


The Upgrade sounds.

Zhao Fang mind suddenly had a lot of familiar and unfamiliar insights, and when he cleared headed over, he was surprised to find out that his research on Yunlong Qixian, the degree of achieve reached small accomplishment.

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