The 188th chapter leads the snake out of the hole

Female repair face shows a horrible color.

Her Strength, in the seven 9-Star Martial Ancestor, can only be counted as middle ranked.

Even the two people of strongest died under the fangs of the Jianfang pig, how can she compete.


At the moment when the sword-toothed pig rushed, she closed her eyes desperately.

What makes her puzzled is.

She didn’t feel that there was any pain in the body that pierced the weapon.

She slowly opened her eyes, and after seeing the situation in front of her eyes, her eyes suddenly shrank.

Sword Qi, who didn’t know where to drop, squatted at the two heads of the Jianfang pigs.

Blood flies between the two, directly smashing the two swords and pigs into two halves.

“It’s him!”

The female repair saw it, and the silly silhouette of the peerless in the flesh and blood, in the eyes flashed a splendid.

After killing the two sword-skin pigs, Zhao Fang looked at the woman’s repair, and did not return, and plucked the Spirit beast group not far away.

Other people see it, they are expression startled.

But quickly reacted.

Followed by Zhao Fang behind.

They are found.

Zhao Fang Strength extremely powerful, as long as he is behind him, not only does it not encounter any danger.

Instead, there will be a lot of spoils of war.

More and more people are gathering in Zhao Fang behind.

Headed by Zhao Fang, he formed a sharp spear and slammed into the Spirit beast group.

Plus the Spirit beast Legion arranged by Zhao Fang before.

Under the Internal and External, the Spirit beast group was completely rioted.

As for the golden Tiger King.

This beast is going to take action when Zhao Fang rushes.

However, it was held by Zhao Wanyue Tang Qi.

Although the five-person cultivation base is not as good as the Golden Tiger King, they are the Peak characters in the Five Great Influences, and there are many treasures in their hands.

Especially Mo Xie from Divine Artifact Pavilion.

The treasure in the hand is even more envious of the other four.

of course.

The reason why five people can trap him.

The main reason is that the golden Tiger King has injuries and the state is no longer full.


Even if the five people have twice the treasure, they can’t help the golden Tiger King.

The gap between 9-Star Martial Venerable and 4-Star Martial Venerable is too big!

“Elder Zhao Fang, this ‘Golden Fiend Tiger’ is a big loss, but with our Strength, it’s up to two hours, you have to hurry up!”

Mo Xie Long Boss of Divine Artifact Pavilion snorted and then took out a Red light cover and threw it in the air.

The Red light cover instantly became bigger and turned into a Red cage with the golden Tiger King in it.

“Dibao, the red dragon is away from the fire!”

Nangong Chu Five people, seeing the Red light cover from Mo Xie Elder, suddenly shocked.

“It’s the famous Treasure of Divine Artifact Pavilion!”

“Mo Xie Elder is also willing to take out this kind of treasure.”

“However, this treasure is an Earth level treasurer, only the Martial Emperor level Powerhouse can be activated. With Mo Xie Elder alone, I am afraid some difficult.”

This is true.

After the golden Tiger King was trapped, a loud roar was heard, and the shocking Red cage shook and almost collapsed.

“Four people take action together to help me trap this beast!”

Mo Xie quickly whispered to the four.


He squirted a blood essence and merged into the Red cage. The cage that was about to break down gradually stabilized.

But his complexion is extremely pale, with no blood.

Looked out, in order to activate this treasure, he paid a lot of money.

“Mo Xie Elder insists, my Tang Qi will help you!”

Tang Qi said nothing, playing a True Force against the Red cage.

The cage was suddenlyned to be reinforced.

“I am coming too!”

“And I!”

The other three people have taken action.

Five people are divided into five parties to take action, take full action, and suppress the golden Tiger King.

With five people coming out, the Red cage is as strong as five layers of strength.

Let the golden Tiger King struggle with the roar, and the cage is as stable as a mountain.

“én? The sleepy Treasure? is a higher level of excellence than Demon Lock Rope!”

Look at the Red cage, Zhao Fang eyes little bright.

Look at the golden Tiger King in a cage, he smiled and turned again, in the eyes is a trace of ray of light.

“Experience Value, i your father is coming!”

Big melee, at the touch of a hair!

More and more blood is being dyed throughout the Battlefield.

This blood seems to contain infinite magic.

Let the formerly awkward Alliance Army become almost crazy.

Do not kill with Spirit beast killing.

The stimulation of blood makes the Spirit beast forget life and death, and it is completely instincted!

This is a one, extremely fierce battle!

In the middle of the battle.

Zhao Fang turned into an invincible War God, killing a seven-in and seven-out in the Spirit beast group, so there is no Spirit beast to block.

Bloody, baleful qi, he is more like a return of Asil.

It is necessary to obey all the creatures in front of you!

The original spiritual wisdom was low, but in Zhao Fang, they felt a fluctuation that made them extremely fearful.

and so.

Whenever Zhao Fang appears.

Spirit beast is rushing to escape from this blasphemy.

The more you escape, the faster you die.

Most of them don’t die in the hands of human Martial Artist, but die under the same kind of iron hooves.

Time, slowly passing.

Continue slaughter for an hour, Zhao Fang also added a number of wounds, one of which, from the ribs of the slanting up, almost hurt the key.

This is caused by a Tier-6 Middle Stage Spirit beast killing.


The Tier-6 Spirit beast was seriously injured, and Zhao Fang was also extremely bloody, with an extremely weak expression.

It’s now!

A black shadow appeared on the side of Zhao Fang, and the hand flashed in the cold and took Zhao Fang’s neck straight.

“brat, your life, my Mo Chi is closed!”

The big laughter sounded loudly next to Zhao Fang.


The palm of the black shadow was suddenly caught firmly.

“how can it be! Are you not seriously injured?”

The black shadow appeared, and it was the middle-aged man with a black body wrapped in a black robe.

Man is not someone else, it is Mo Clan’s 7-Star Martial Venerable, Mo Chi.

“Injured? Hehe, if not, how can you bring this big fish out!”

Zhao Fang laughed, stood up and fell into aura.

Originally weak, he will die at any time. In less than three breaths, aura is mad at 1-Star Martial Venerable level.

Instantly return to peak!

Mo Chi eyes Microcoagulation, “Do you swindle me?”

“Bingo, congratulations you, right! As a reward, I will send you this ghost with your own father!” Zhao Fang in the eyes reveals a slap in the killing intent.

“ha ha ~”

Mo Chi laughed. “Kill me? Just rely on your trivial 1-Star Martial Venerable? If you don’t want to save some effort, do you think that this Venerable will take action now? Or, since the ready take action, let you know Insight, this Venerable Real Strength!”

While speaking.

A majestic Pressure’s Might, swept out of Mo Chi within the body.

The Martial Artist and the Spirit beast, which are close to each other, are all stunned by the imposing manner of the hundred zhang (333m), which is awe-inspiring.

“Who is that person?”

“so terrifying cultivation base !”

“It’s stronger than the aura of Clan Elder’s ancestors!”

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