“This! What is this damn?”

“It’s amazing, so terrifying the corpse, above, I actually felt Crisis!”

“Can’t get on?”

Three people complexion big change at the same time, hesitated.

“Get out!”

at this time.

Under the corpse, suddenly there was a cold anger.


Lin Qing, Gong Sun, Sun Lie, Xu Wei, three people, and Zhao Fang, all looking at the source of the sound, mind involuntarily emerged a silhouette.


Thousand zhang Under the corpse, a mysterious Powerhouse with a whole body shrouded in a black robe, slammed up and looked at it, actually went to the top of the thousand zhang corpse.

“It’s him!”

“Rainbow Powerhouse!”

Lin Qing waiting three people exclaimed.


The eyes of the three people were fascinated by the faint golden glow of the bones in the mysterious Powerhouse.

That bone, a few feet long, is not like the bones of human, it is like the bones of some beasts.

Roaaar ~ ~ at the same time in the black robes mysterious Powerhouse, the six False Core-class corpse Commander squatting, one of the corpses Commander, the nearest to the mysterious Powerhouse, the eyes flashing with violent sorrow Directly punched the past.

“False Core Six?”

Lin Qing Hou Gong Sun Lie Xu Wei, when he perceives this power, the complexity of the complexion is ugly, how ugly it is.

False Core is six heavy…

It’s okay to 蹂.躏instant kill them three.


In the face of behind strong enemy’s pursuit, mysterious black robe Powerhouse is extremely extreme, calmly grasping the animal bones with a length of six or seven feet, directly smashed the past.

When mysterious Powerhouse take action, the aura that is revealed is False Core 3-Layer.

Not a corpse Commander opponent at all.


After the Commander of the corpse in the animal bones, the Commander of the corpse was like a cannonball fired from a cannon. It slammed into the ground with a very fast speed.


“This damn what’s going on?”

“False Core 3-Layer Seconds False Core Six?”

Lin Qing waiting three people to open their eyes in an instant, the face is incredible.

“It’s the bone of the animal, it seems to restrain the corpse!”

Zhao Fang has a successful experience of refining the corpse, and faintly sees a trace.

as predicted.

The four corpse commanders that were subsequently chased were all smashed into the ground by the mysterious Powerhouse. Only one corpse Commander messed up the sneak attack, and the mysterious Powerhouse was not expected to use it, but was beaten by another hand.

“I understand, it is the reason of the animal bone!”

Lin Qing waited. “The person who was in the quicksand, with the False Core 3-Layer cultivation base, was able to resist several False Core six-man corpse Commander, relying on the strange animal bone.”

“That strange animal bones, there is the restraint of restraining the corpse!”

“In other words, the appearance and shape of this animal bone, how to look at some familiar eyes?”

Lin Qinghou frowned and said at the same time, touched his head, seems to think about something.

“The quicksand that fell, it really is another plot. Look at him, this thousand zhang giant monument top, there must be something rare treasure!”

“Can’t let him alone!”

Gong Sunlie eye reveals Qimang.

Xu Wei did not say much, and his expression was somewhat exciting.

“However, here before…”

Gong Sun Lie glanced at Zhao Fang’s back, in the eyes, passing a killing intent.

The other two people understood and sneered.

At the at the same time that he felt the cold killing intent, Zhi Fang immediately understood the three people’s minds, and the lips were also cold.

“Chu Feng, accept death!”

Gong Sunlie suddenly violently screamed, screaming at the sky, screaming and screaming, and rushed to Zhao Fang.


Xu Wei also waved a sword.

Sword Qi able to move unhindered, sharp and unmatched.

Lin Qing did not take action, figure flashed, appeared in front of Zhao Fang, locked Zhao Fang retreat.

“You are so anxious to rush to reincarnation?”

Zhao Fang The sound is cold, and the Wanshang method is suspended in front of him.

The turtle snake star spirit trembled slightly, the danger of the emits aura, the provoked Lin Qing waiting three people look solemn, more cautiously staring at Zhao Fang.

“Hey, this Secret Treasure is really amazing, but you can’t kill our three people at the same time. Once you take action, you will not die, it will be you!”

Gongsun Lie cold is said with a laugh.

“Is it? Then I will pull you back!”

Zhao Fang looks relaxed, while speaking, the turtle snake star soul really turned down to Gongsun Lie.

Gong Sunlie complexion is a stiff, look is not very good-looking.

If Zhao Fang really locked his attack, Gong Sunlie would not have to survive if he had a life-saving thing.

in short.

Want to kill Zhao Fang, Gong Sunlie three people, must have someone, take the life to change!


The three people are not the kind of people who forget to die for others.

This leads to a deadlock in the situation!

Hōng hōng !

The mysterious Powerhouse, chased by the Commander Commander, suddenly poured Immortal Force into the bones of the animal.

The hōng hōng loud noise came from inside the animal bone.

The animal bone itself, like a piece of mouth, crazy swallow this heaven and earth residual heaven and earth Spiritual Qi.

It is also this amazing phenomenon of phenomenon that attracts everyone to look up.


The bones of the animal are trembled.


The animal bones blasted.

An emims of Immortal Beast with golden rays of light, bathing the sacred mans, emits with a rich Pressure’s Might, the world!

When I saw the appearance of the Immortal Beast, Zhao Fang, and Xu Weilin Qing Gong Sunlie three people, all looked at it.

Faucets, antlers, tiger eyes, body, deer hoof, snake scales, oxtail!

Looking at the Immortal Beast, Lin Qing seems to be stupid.


He reacted fiercely, looking at the Immortal Beast phantom incredulously, the complexion was red, and the whole person was so excited.


Lin Qing waiting excited: “The bone is not the other Immortal Beast bone, the animal bone left by Qilin!”


“Supreme Immortal Beast Qilin?”

“Lin brother, are you not mistaken?”

Gongsun Lie Xu’s expression changed greatly and it was unbelievable.

But soon, they believe it!

Sōu sōu sōu !

Below the corpse, the Commander of several corpses was once again purging.

Their goal this time is Qilin!

Qilin in the eyes reveals a trace disdain, Yang Tian. Roar!

吼~ Sound like a giant thunder, turned into a golden ripple visible to the naked eye, and instantly swept to the Commander of the several corpses.

Pēng pēng pēng !

Almost in the golden ripples of the all of a sudden, the number of murderous aura temperament corpse Commander, the body of the unexploded body burst open, suddenly dying, a little scum left!

But the strange thing is.

This snoring is basically terrifying and has no effect on Zhao Fang Lin Qing and others.

It seems to be only for the corpse!

The corpse Commander was all in his body, and no corpse had blocked the mysterious Powerhouse. He coldly smiled and grabbed the Qilin bone that was once transformed into the animal bone. Like Great Peng, he rushed toward the top of the thousand zhang corpse.

“It’s actually Qilin bone!”

Lin Qing waiting three people eyes instantly red.

Immortal Beast Qilin, the supreme in Immortal Beast, an adult Qilin, is said to be the Yuan Ying level.

Their bones, for any lower infant than the Cultivator, are Supreme Treasures that break the scalp.

“In this Qilin bone, there is definitely the blood of the remaining Qilin. Otherwise, the fundamental impulse transformation is Qilin phantom!”

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