Chapter 192, Tiger King

“I am afraid that your father is alive, you have no life to take!”

The icy sound of the bones suddenly sounded in Mo Chi’s ear. Latest fastest update

Mo Chi, a stunned, turned around.

I haven’t seen the person’s silhouette yet, and I saw a few 璀璨sword lights whistling, and constantly zoomed in on the eyes.

next moment.

The chest of his limbs all heard the pain of being pierced by a sharp weapon.

Mo Chi is not aware of it.

Just stunned looks at not far away, looks at the youngster who is blood-stained and violent.

His in the eyes, there is a deep puzzle: “You, how are you still alive?”

Mo Chi can’t understand.

Even the 8-Star Martial Venerable can instantly kill the Purple Lightning Flash, why can’t kill Zhao Fang.

“Why am I still alive? Of course it is my your father!”

When I think of this, Zhao Fang still has a lingering fear.

If it wasn’t for him, take the Cloud Rising Immortal Step and use the Clear-Breeze Ring’s amplification to the limit.

I am afraid.

In that split second, it really becomes a pile of slag.

This is so.

When Zhao Fang evaded more than 900 feet, he was still swept by the afterglow of Purple Lightning Flash. He was cough up blood on the spot and was seriously injured!

After swallowing three Universe Level Top Grade Healing Medicine Pill in a row, his injury was stable and he began to recover at a very fast speed.

so far.

He is ready to recover half of the Strength.

“impossible! You are not dead, how can it like this!”

Mo Chi can’t accept the scene before him, the whole person is like crazy. Latest fastest update

“Yeah, I am not dead. Because, it is destined to die, it is you Ah!”

When the voice falls, 璀璨sword light is swallowed at Zhao Fang’s fingertips.

This time, he did not keep his hands and used all his strength!

The ten-way sword light, like the ten-hunting swords, looks at the Mo Chi complexion big change.

He did not have the slightest hesitation, turned and fled!

“Is it going to escape?”

Zhao Fang sneer, ten words of light are instantly played, turned into ten amazing long rainbow, pursuit Mo Chi.

Mo Chi yelled, “I won’t die, my grand Mo Clan’s 7-Star Martial Venerable, how can it be will die in this place.”

Mo Chi said while holding the Heavens Weep Blade in front of him.

just now.

The only thing that can be brought to him depends on this knife!


The ten-sword light, like ten breaking space sharp swords, hit the Heavens Weep Blade and made a dīng dīng MeMetal collision sound.

Until the fifth Sword Qi came, Mo Chi fingers/tiger mouth cracked, blood violently spurt, and could no longer hold Heavens Weep Blade.

Heavens Weep Blade was sixth in the sword light collapses to fly.

The remaining four sword lights, all pierced Mo Chi’s chest, and between the eyebrows!

“How, how can it be!”

Mo Chi fell to the ground, still in the eyes with a bit of unwillingness, and a touch of regret.

He did not expect it.

The little Task, which I consider to be very easy, will ruin my life!

“I am not willing, not willingly!”

Mo Chi screams, both eyes like a torch, fight for the last bite shouted, “You are going to be proud, kill me, just wait for our Mo Clan all-time purchase!”

When the words fall, they fall to the ground, and there is no aura. Latest fastest update


“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘,obtain 70000000 Point Experience Value, 7000000True Force Value Points, 7000000 Point Divine Skill Proficiency.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘,obtain Blood Devouring **.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘,obtain Heavens Weep Blade.”

“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘…”


“congratulations Player ‘Zhao Fang ‘,obtain Task :’curse ‘.”

“Task Requirements: Under Mo Clan Powerhouse, successfully survived, or destruction Mo Clan. Under the pursuit, you can survive level C or Level B Score, destruction Mo Clan, can be a level, or even s level Score. Note: The higher the Score, the more reward it will be after the task is completed.)”

“Task Level : a.”

“Task timeliness: half a year! Start now!”

“Task Reward: A lot of Experience Value, ‘Demon Slaughterer Tittle, Divine Grade Pill Recipe, etc.’


“tch tch, it seems that it is necessary to fight with Mo Clan!”

Zhao Fang complexion is calm, not because of the behemoth of Mo Clan, but with the slightest fearful thought.

” Counting the former killed Zhao Yuanzong and thus offending Heavenly River School, I am now offended by the two Great Influences that Zhao Clan can’t dare to provoke. This is really a damn.”

Zhao Fang touched the nose, didn’t know whether to cry or laugh.

“Right, Heavens Weep Blade.”

Zhao Fang retrieved the storage ring and the System backpack, and did not find the trace of Heavens Weep Blade.

Being curious.

Suddenly there was a broken diamond-like Tiger’s Roar in the ear.


Zhao Fang quickly turned and looked.

See you.

The Red cage, which trapped the golden Tiger King, already had a very deep crack.

Under the struggle of the golden Tiger King, the crack, from the thickness of the thumb, to the thickness of the arm.

On top of the Red cage, nail a Black Blade.

Heavens Weep Blade !

The root cause of the crack in the thumb of the Red cage is that the Heavens Weep Blade is nailed to the notch of the cage!

Seeing this scene, Zhao Fang suddenly face green.

“Fuck, this knife pit master, i your father hasn’t taken action yet, you damn actually started to frame your your father!”

Zhao Fang yelled.

Tiger King’s buzz is getting louder and louder, and baleful qi is condensing quickly.

In contrast, Mo Xie and others, the complexion is getting paler and will be seriously hurt by backlash at any time.

“Golden Fiend Tiger is going out of the cage, everyone is fast retreat !”

Mo Xie is inviolable and reminds four people.

Kā cā !

The interior of the defensive layer began to collapse.

Kā cā ! Kā cā !

The collapse gradually spread to the outer defense.

When this kind of outburst, reaching the extreme Time Limit, the cage ‘boom’, turned into an endless fragment dissipated.

The cage was forcibly broken!

The five Mo Xie who presided over this cage were the first to bear the brunt of the backlash.

As the master of the Red cage, Mo Xie is the most seriously injured, with the body shaking, falling directly to the ground and losing consciousnessness.


Golden Fiend Tiger, get out of trouble!

Tiger’s Roar Leiyin, shake Heaven and Earth!

Baleful qi, condensed on the Golden Fiend Tiger, is getting thicker, heavier and heavier.

Golden Fiend Tiger’s eyes, did not look at it, trapped it for a moment of Mo Xie five people.

It contains the amazing baleful qi’s eyes, staring at Zhao Fang.

Within an hour when it was trapped.

The Spirit beast group of its Commander has been wiped out by nearly three-tenths.

Escaped nearly four tenths.

Yuzhong, who was seriously injured, was dragged by the defending city coalition to carry out the final slaughter.

The one that caused this scene is the human youngster in front of him.

Golden Fiend Tiger eyes cold, golden eyes, staring at Zhao Fang, staring at the flame that made it a fiasco, in the eyes, I want to swallow him.

“Fuck, no!”

Noble Young Master Zhao has a dumbfounded face.

“I your father Luck is so bad? Just working hard to solve Mo Chi, and then rushing out of an excerce that is more powerful than him, damn, let you not let your father live!”

Golden Fiend Tiger issued a Tiger’s Roar with a rich killing intent, and then move towards Zhao Fang.

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