Strongest level up The first chapter of the nine hundred and twenty-three chapters you are not worthy!

“A good arrogant fellow!”

“Do you know who this Young master is?”

“Tell you, this Young master is the Great Young Master of the first Clan Zheng Family in Shilin City.”

“Don’t say it is you, even Wu Jing, the Old Man, don’t dare to say this to the young master!”

Zheng Zhijing raised his eyes and cold light appeared.

“Are you talking nonsense?”

Zhao Fang eyelids slightly lifted, ask at random.

I did not put Zheng Zhijing’s words in my heart.


As the head of his Tiantian Gate, let alone the little Zheng Family, even if it is 2nd rate Influence, he is not afraid!

after all.

In Xianfu, he had a hard anal with Revolving Core Powerhouse.

Compared to the Revolving Core Powerhouse, Zheng Family…2nd rate Influence…

That is exactly a slag!

But Zheng Zhijing obviously does not know this.

He only knows that Zhao Fang has a bad attitude and is more arrogant than himself.

“act recklessly, since you volunteered to die, this Young master will be yours!”

Zheng Zhijing came to Zhao Fang and looked cold.

When the two sides reacted to the depressing atmosphere, they immediately attracted a lot of attention from passers-by.


Those passers-by are not very interested in the fight during the training period.

I was aware that there was Zheng Xiaojing, the little Demon King of Shilin City, who immediately became interested.

Just a moment of skill.

On the ground outside the Wu Family large gate, dozens of people gathered.

This is because the Wu Family is located in a secluded area. If it is in the trouble area, it will ensure that the water around the existing area will not pass.

“Who is that brat? Actually dare to have a hard anal with Zheng Xiao Demon King?”

“I haven’t seen it, but I saw that the brat came out of Wu Family. Is it related to Wu Family?”

“Whether it doesn’t matter, I feel that Wu Family seems to be pitted by him!”

“Poor fellow, who is not good, but to provoke the mixed world Demon King.”


After seeing the situation, many people shook their heads and sighed, expressing great sympathy for Zhao Fang.

Even some people have foreseen that Zhao Fang was killed by Zheng Zhijing on the spot.


What makes everyone unexpected is.

This is only the brat of the training period, and the tone is abnormally tough. It seems that in the face of Zheng Zhijing, he is the party that is stable.

“If you talk nonsense, come on! I am going to Time!”

Zhao Fang did catch up with Time and rushed back to Tianxianmen.

If Zheng Zhijing just now shows him a killing intent, he is too lazy to care about such people.

of course.

This is only one of them.

The most important thing is that Zhao Fang wants to take this to repay Wu Aoyue’s feelings.

“brat, you are crazy. Just in Wu Family, Wu Da saved you. This time, I have to see, who can save you!”

Just now with Wu Da, the Cultivator, which was broken by Wu Dazhen, was staring at Zhao Fang.

He has already blamed all the blame on Zhao Fang, seeing his expression, apparently to kill Zhao Fang and then fast.

“only you?”

Zhao Fang blinked Zheng Zhijing behind other foundations Cultivator, indifferently said: “I advise you to join us!”

Cultivator is a sneer, laughter, “With you, there is qualification, let us go together? I can kill you alone!”


The whole person is like a eagle preying on the eagle, opening his claws and rushing toward Zhao Fang.


Inside the Wu Family large gate, there was a slightly breathless resentment.

next moment.

A deep blue shadow, ran out of Wu Family and wanted to stop the battle.

But her appearance, after all, is one step late!

In the blink of an eye, the Cultivator has already rushed to the front of Zhao Fang. The sharp claw technique instantly pierces Zhao Fang’s body and directly grabs his heart.

“ha ha ……”

The Cultivator was just about to laugh, but then suddenly, Zhao Fang, who was caught by himself, was scattered with the wind.

“It’s a shadow!!”

The Cultivator is a horror, and it instantly opens your eyes.

“You are this Strength?”

At this time, as always, the indifferent voice echoed in the ear of the Cultivator, and his scalp was blown up.

Turned fiercely.

I saw a finger poke.

The Cultivator is too close to the finger, and there is no chance to dodge at all.


Fingers are placed in the building of the Cultivator between the eyebrows.

The foundation of the Cultivator body was shocked, and the back of the brain spits out of the blood. Then, the whole figure was like a lost vitality, softly falling to the ground.

His eyes were round and round, and the eyes that were supposed to be cold, the extraordinarily bleak at the moment, all the vitality disappeared, and the lonely died.

Closer to the Cultivator, you can even see that the Cultivator between the eyebrows has a finger hole.

That looks like a finger pokes out.

I think of Zhao Fang’s move just now, many people are at the same time at the same time, looking at Zhao Fang’s eyes, completely changed!

The scene is exceptionally quiet.

Everyone is shocked!

In their view, the battle that was already destined for the end, but the result moves to the end of the development they never thought of!

Anti-killing foundation Cultivator during the training period!

What makes them even more worried is that from the beginning to the end, the practice period brat, only use the move!

After the shock.

It sounded loud!

It just rushed out of the Wu Family compound and witnessed Zhao Fang’s murder of Wu Da, who was the founder of the Cultivator, and Wu and others, who were equally stupid and stood in the same place.

“This, this…how can it be?”

After the interest rate, Wu Da took a deep breath, forcing himself to calm down, but there is still a shocking color in his expression.


The most shocking thing on the court is not Wu Da.

It is Zheng Zhijing!

When he took the Cultivator take action, Zheng Zhijing showed the winner’s smug smile, but his smile, which did not last long, was broken by incredible horror.

And looking to the body of the Cultivator, Zheng Zhijing still has not returned to God.

“I told you that I want to go together, so that you can save your Time and save my Time.”

Zhao Fang Indifferent looks at Zheng Zhijing, “Go ahead!”

Zheng Zhijing has an ancient straw bag, but he can cultivate to the foundation of the four foundations. He also has a bit of skill. He took a deep look at Zhao Fang and cautiously said: “Who is Your Excellency?”

“Kill your people!”

“I just had no intention of offending. I am now guilty of Your Excellency and I hope that Your Excellency will be massive!”

I heard this.

Those onlookers, surprised at the sights at Zheng Zhijing, did not expect him to be so quick to recognize.

“Your Excellency Strength is superb, myself admire, myself always likes to make friends with Strength…”

Zheng Zhijing did not finish talking.

Zhao Fang seems to know what he wants to say, faint start to talk, “You still don’t deserve it!”

Zheng Zhijing complexion is ugly in an instant.

He felt that he was very sincere and apologized, and the other party even had such a don’t give face.

Especially in the hometown of Shilin City.

“Give something to your face!”

“In Qingzhou, there is no one in the three-point land of Shilin City. I dare not sell my Zheng Family and the face of Yufengmen. Your Excellency is a big breath!”

Zheng Zhijing looks cold.

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