.. ,strongest level up The first thousand nine hundred 50 two chapters whale!


Zhao Fang speed is amazing.

Nine hundred zhang (333m) passed away.

Eight hundred zhang (333m) easily passed.

In the blink of an eye, it is seven hundred zhang (333m).

Zhao Fang still hasn’t stopped and is still going on.

“Does he still want to go to the five hundred zhang (333m) location?”

Just as someone said this, Zhao Fang’s figure is already close to the five hundred zhang (333m) range.

“Rely, there is a fairy charm is cool, it is easy to go to five hundred zhang (333m).”

Five hundred zhang (333m) is a watershed.

Among the six talent, only some famous Supreme Talents such as Niu Wudao can pass.

Most of the talents are staying outside the six seven hundred zhangdred zhang (333m).

When the sour sound has not yet fallen.

Zhao Fang once again pulled out one piece of the break, the figure accelerated, and the whole person was like a crazy horse, wrapped in the thunder of all around, and instantly rushed into the four hundred zhang (333m) area.

Zhao Fang is still moving forward.

Three hundred zhang (333m).

Two hundred zhang (333m).

A hundred zhang (333m).

After Zhao Fang pulled out the last one piece of the break, his body steadily stopped in front of the many imprints.

In front of him.

There are countless densely packed thunder lightning groups.

Like an old tree, the fruit is plunging and falling down.

As long as you reach out, you can catch those imprints.


“Nothing is Ah!”

“This fuck is hanging!”

“damn it !”

The six talent people couldn’t sit still, and they roared one after another.

Zhao Fang ignored it and ignored it. His mind fell on the densely packed hundreds of imprints.

“So many imprints, staying here is also a waste! I am going through the heavens, and I need these Immortal Techniques to introduce them, so…this Sir decided to kill you all!”

Zhao Fang is calculating…

Suddenly, a group of balls outside the top 3 outside the ball of light, slamming, wrapped in a faint Lei Mang, went straight to Zhao Fang.


Zhao Fang is slightly surprised, and subconscious is resisting.

A strange scene appeared.

After the ball of light is close to Zhao Fang, if the water drops into the sea, it disappears instantly!


Such a strange scene is not only Zhao Fang, but even the four talent people, they also look at dumbstruck.

“How can this be?”

“Thunder imprint took the initiative to send a hug? This damn has never appeared once in a thousand years.”

“Does this fellow, is there a treasure that attracts these imprints?”

“What is the treasure, what treasure!”

The crowd exclaimed, and the unintentional eyes were different. The Shangguan Heavenly Dragon was complexion ashen.

When he competed for thunder imprint, he was only close to Lei Hai and two hundred zhang (333m), and Zhao Fang stood on the edge of Lei Hai. This gap made him feel shameful.

“damned bastard!”

Shangguan Heavenly Dragon looked cold and stared at Zhao Fang’s back. He made up his mind and tried to suppress it after Zhao Fang came out.

In the crowd, many people also blinked and did not care.

Obviously, it has the same calculations as Shangguan Heavenly Dragon.

Xiū xiū xiū !

At this time, there were three thundering imprint at the same time, and they rushed to Zhao Fang.

Touching Zhao Fang’s all of a sudden, it flashed away and blended into his within the body.

Successive changes have made everyone look at it.

After the reaction, the eyes were filled with blood and stared at Zhao Fang.

They don’t want to understand how things have become like this.

When they grab the imprint, they are also rejected by the imprint, and a large amount of Immortal Force is needed to be successful.

And Zhao Fang, just to go there, there is an imprint initiative to send a hug.

This feeling, this gap, made them almost spurt blood.

“what’s going on?”

Zhao Fang is also somewhat suspicious. He doesn’t remember that he has something to be able to attract these thundering imprints. The scene in front of him is beyond his expectations.

Thinking about it.

More thunder imprint, rushing to Zhao Fang.

Falling in behind people in the eyes, they formed a picture that shocked them for a long time: Zhao Fang beckoned, countless thunder imprint rushed, and his body, like a bottomless pit, let out how many thunder imprints, Swallow.


Zhao Fang owns the thunder imprint, and the breakthrough ‘ten’.

Blinking over a hundred.

And still upgrade in one amazing way.

Everyone dumbstruck.

Even the most calm and unintentional, at this moment, the eyes shrink, in the eyes pass a touch of horror.

Unintentional and so, let alone other people!

“Breaking the record!”


“This brat wants Defying the Heavens Ah! ”

After the reaction of the people, the complexities were deep and the eyes were stunned, looking at the area where the red 霄 palace was in the middle.

“Song Wei, your Akasaka Palace is really a good calculation, do you want to swallow the entire Thunder Sea?”

Wen Yan, Song Yu frowned. “Do you think, This is the hand and foot of my Akasaka?”

“Blind can see that it is definitely Akasaka’s hands and feet. Otherwise, with the brat cultivation phase, how can I get the recognition of so many imprints?”

“So I don’t bother to refute it!”

Song Yu was unhappy, and after being yelled by the other party, he looked gloomy and coldly snorted and ignored it.

However, he looked at Zhao Fang’s gaze, but it was full of chills.

“It is indeed a small slap in the face, and it has caused me such trouble! If so, then don’t want to live out of the air and thunder!”

Song Yu’s eyes are cold and cold, and the killing intent is pervasive.

“Is there something like calling me inside?”

After a large amount of thunder imprint was absorbed, Zhao Fang had an odd illusion in his heart, and thunder sea aysss, and there seems to be something waiting for himself.

Zhao Fang is a little hesitant.

I don’t know if I should step out of this one step.

Hesitating, Zhao Fang decided to go deeper and find out.

He took out two transmission charms, just in case.

Then, under the unbelievable eyes of everyone, Zhao Fang one step stepped into the thunder sea and disappeared.

The crowd is silent.

No one expected that Zhao Fang would be so crazy, even dare to get involved in Lei Minghai, that place, but even some Revolving Core Powerhouse, did not dare to approach.

Zhao Fang trivial cultivation base, dare to step on the thunder sea, in the six Cultivator in the eyes, is tantamount to self-seeking dead end.

“damn it, I haven’t put out the secret that Brat let Thunder imprint to send the hug, he actually committed suicide!”

“Grass, die before, let’s announce the secret, good fortune descendant Ah!”

The crowd is full of buzz.

Unconsciously frowned, with his observation of Zhao Fang, he felt that the other party was not the kind of person who gave up life rashly.

“Does he have any other meaning in this move? Or, his body treasure, can you enter Leiminghai?”

If you say before, you don’t really believe this possibility.

After seeing the scene of just now evil, there is some heart and shake.


Thunder in the sea.

Zhao Fang appeared in a Thunder World, and the lightning arresters were squeezed by all around Thunder, almost all of them attached to Zhao Fang, a trend that would burst at any time.

Here, Zhao Fang feels unprecedented pressure.

Every step forward seems to be a transition in Life.


He did not move.

At the moment of coming in, his eyes saw the thunder sea aysss, the silhouette that made Zhao Fang feel familiar.

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