Chapter 179 Yan Wanjuan!

Not far from the valley, there is a mountain. Latest fastest update

There is a person standing on the mountain.

The figure is all covered in a black robe and can’t be seen.

Only when it comes up from its occasional rise, the exposed clean face judges that it should be a women.

Women stood quietly, and Zhao Fang was shocked by the scene of the hunchback old man, originally in the eyes.

She sighed and muttered to herself:

“Zhao Fang, you killed Zhao Clan’s most outstanding talent Zhao Yuanzong on Clan Gathering.”

“Supreme Talent, Zhao Yuanhao, which Zhao Clan is proud of, also died because of you.”

“In the Flame Outer City, I personally killed 7-Star Martial Venerable!”

“Now, I am also amazed at the Margaret Emperor Assassin of Slaughter Tavern!”

“You, why are you so strong!”

“You are so powerful, how can I report to you that the enemy of the genocide!”

The voice reveals deep hatred and helplessness.

Women looked up and revealed one piece of the charming face that should be fascinating. Looking at its appearance, it was Yan Wanjuan.


Not seen in full moon.

Yan Wanjuan’s temperament has changed too much compared to the original.

The youthful aura, disappeared without a trace, replaced by one kind of silent silence and surprise!

Especially at her left face.

It is even more of a black petal brand, the brand is slowly turning.

Every turn makes a strange power to Yan Wanjuan within the body.

This force has continued to grow Yan Wanjuan cultivation base.

Judging from the aura that Yan Wanjuan occasionally spreads, her cultivation base has reached the level of 6-Star Martial King.

If someone who knows Yan Wanjuan is here, they will be shocked.

Before one month, Yan Wanjuan is not even Martial King.

One month’s skill, from the Martial General climb to motivations to 6-Star Martial King.

This speed, in addition to Zhao Fang, she is the second!


Yan Wanjuan natural talent is not so outstanding, the only thing that shines is the so-called Yin Cauldron Nourishing Life Body.

But this physique, for its cultivation, is not helped by how big is it.

She doesn’t have Zhao Fang’s plug-in Divine Artifact, she can upgrade Level 7 in one month inside, which is somewhat intriguing!

“Hey, the seventeen-year-old Martial Venerable? is a terrific talent in this degraded ‘Desolate Domain’. But in the ‘Heaven Domain’, it can only be counted as middle ranked.”

A hazy voice suddenly came from Yan Wanjuan within the body.

The voice is sharp and gloomy, not at all like a human voice, more like Ten Thousand Ghost crying.

Yan Wanjuan frowned, although the already know, within the body that mysterious existence, but after hearing her talking, she still had a very uncomfortable feeling.

“Even if it’s a middle ranked, depending on your Strength, you want revenge, there is no hope!”

Wen Yan, Yan Wanjuan smiled bitterly.

The voice Master did not please her joy, but had to admit that she did not say anything wrong.

“However, there is no way.”

The hazy voice turned and smiled.

“What?” Yan Wanjuan hurriedly asked.

“You and me, as long as this Sir restores a trace cultivation base, killed the youngster of the cultivation base, it is simply a matter of course.”

Wen Yan, Yan Wanjuan is silent.

She is with the body’s mysterious existence and is not urging.

Just wait for Yan Wanjuan to think and decide.

“After you and me, I am still outstanding?”

Yan Wanjuan asked one of his biggest concerns.

“You are me, I am you!”

The answer to mysterious existence is quite mysterious.

Surprisingly, Yan Wanjuan understood.

She looked at the foot in the valley, the tall and slender silhouette, in the eyes with a deep hatred, and finally decided: “I promised!”

“Zhao Fang, you kill my whole family, and even grow slavery on me. This hate can live under the same sky, I Yan Wanjuan swears that this life must leave your first class to tell me the fate of Yan Clan Soul in heaven !”

I heard that Yan Wanjuan agreed that she was with the mysterious existence of the body, and made a faint laugh. “Oh, very good, after ten years, you will be very glad to make this decision.”

“Starting to merge now?”

Yan Wanjuan complexion was dull and asked slowly.

“If you want to integrate, there are still several kinds of treasures of Heaven and Earth. Moreover, the slaves on your body are extremely special, I will suppress them, but if they are completely resolved, some auxiliary materials are needed. So, within this month, You have to leave the ‘Desolate Domain and go to the ‘Black Devil Domain’ where we are there to merge!”

“The most chaotic Black Devil Domain? You are not saying that this place is extremely dangerous. With my cultivation base, is it a court death?”

“Your cultivation base is still too weak! But it doesn’t matter, enter the Black Devil Domain, I will let you enter the Martial Emperor level in a very short Time. As for the security issue, let it go.”

The man’s words just fell.

In the behind of Yan Wanjuan, a figure appeared.

It was a man, and it looked pretty handsome, but his eyes were a little dull, as if they had lost soul.

And the man’s looks are extremely familiar.

Although it has a petal mark on its forehead, it makes it a bit strange.

But if you look closely, you can still see some clues.

This person is not someone else, it is just, want to be against Zhao Wanjuan Zhao Clan disciple, Zhao Qing.

“Speaking, it is also thanks to this person. If it is not for him to take you to the secret room, if you want to do something wrong with you, you will not inadvertently overthrow the Lotus Throne, the blood will be contaminated, and you will fall asleep. I wake up, this Venerable wants to see the sky again, I don’t know what year and month to wait!”

The sharp voice said.

Yan Wanjuan swept Zhao Qing, even though she knew that the person had already died and the body had been refining into a puppet, but when she thought of what the person had done to her, her heart was filled with endless killing intent.

“This effect, this Venerable uses some special methods of Refining, although it can’t last for a long time, but it can play Martial Venerable ranked Strength. It is enough to escort you into the Black Devil Domain!”

“Yeah.” Yan Wanjuan nod.

Finally, I swept Zhao Fang, my eyes were extremely cold, her corner of the mouth, and even a smug smile. “Zhao Fang, Zhao Fang, I am afraid that I never dreamed, I will have this Rank adventure. Once I am infused with within the body mysterious existence, my Strength, will reach Martial Saint, even stronger level. At that time, I want you to fall down in front of me, trembled!”

“You wait, this day, it will come soon!”



Zhao Fang frowned and looked up at the mountain not far away.

Looking at the deserted mountain, he was in the eyes with an inexplicable color. “Weird, just obviously feel that there is a cold killing intent, how to split second, it disappears without a trace? Is it an illusion?”

Immediately, he shook his head, cold said with a laugh: “It wouldn’t be an illusion, it would be the Old Man of the Slaughter Tavern, still peeping around all the way, looking for opportunities! Regardless of him, first go and explode the Tiger King! ”

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