The 199th chapter of the beautiful woman goes

Zhao Fang Full of hunting hunchback old man hundreds of miles, the other side of the 恍 st if stray dog, 惶惶 惶惶 , , , , , , , , , , 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。 。

Although I really want to leave this Old Man completely.

But he also knows.

This is very unrealistic.

Martial Emperor Powerhouse, unlike Martial Venerable.

I really want to push the other side, the dog jumps to the wall, and in the end, I am afraid I will put myself in.

and so.

After a hundred miles in the purchase, Zhao Fang is just right.

“Look at your old dog, Luck. This time, let’s put a dog’s life for a while. Go back and tell your Assassin head and take care of Zi Shan for i your father. If i your father picks her up, I find that she has a Three long and two short, you must kill all your Assassin in your pub!”

Zhao Fang directed toward the humpback old man quickly disappearing silhouette, coldly shouted.

The hunchback old man was chased by Zhao Fang, and did not stop. The figure turned into a light smoke, and the blink of an eye disappeared in place.

After confirming that the humpback old man left, Zhao Fang took a big breath.

“damn, this cautious old dog was finally scared away.”

Thinking of my own move, simply like stepping on the wire, a little careless, it will provoke the mad back of the hunchback old man.

In fact.

After using Myriad Beast Secret Art once.

Zhao Fang can no longer be with him with Myriad Beast Secret Art.

It’s not that the other person knows that Myriad Beast Secret Art is so powerful, prepared, and not good.

It was in the first round of rushing.

His more than seven hundred Spirit beasts were reduced to four hundred.

The three hundred that disappeared were all killed under the hunchback old man sword.

Among them, there are more than one hundred injuries that are not light enough to fight again.

With the remaining power of Zhao Fang, you can only use Myriad Beast Secret Art at most once.

But to get the effect of first time, I am afraid it is not that easy.

Zhao Fang also didn’t want to, the Spirit beast, who had worked hard to conquer, was all killed in this battle.

So, there is this scene.

“damn, hard to conquer Xiaojin, or else, my your father is not a big loss this time?”

Thinking of the more than 300 Spirit beast that died, Zhao Fang threw it feeling sore.

Only after seeing the Golden Fiend Tiger, his mood will be slightly flattened.

“Now, it’s time to go back!”

Zhao Fang turned and looked at the direction of the Royal Capital, and smirked and activated Golden Fiend Tiger.

Golden Fiend Tiger Worthy is Tier-6 Late Stage Spirit beast.

In terms of speed, it is three points faster than Griffin, who is known for speed.

Hundreds of miles away.

Under its acceleration, Zhao Fang barely felt how Time passed, and he came to the Flame Outer City not far away.

In the city gate of the Flame Outer City, you can see it, there are a lot of people, cleaning the Battlefield at the city gate.

Zhao Fang hesitated and took a shot of the Golden Fiend Tiger’s head and put it into the Spirit beast Space in his unwilling low voice.

Not Zhao Fang low-key, want to hide the golden Fiend Tiger trump card.

After all, Golden Fiend Tiger led many Spirit beasts to attack the Outer City.

For the Martial Artist in the city, this is the extremist-like existence.

Although Zhao Fang doesn’t care what they think, how do you think.

But he didn’t want to cause some unnecessary trouble because of the Golden Fiend Tiger.

Once again, Griffin was called, and Zhao Fang stepped on his back and flew toward the Flame Outer City.

See the flight Spirit beast appear.

The man who was cleaning Battlefield was shocked. Then he picked up the fellow and came to kill Griffin.

When I saw Zhao Fang standing on the back of Griffin, many people dumbfounded.

“Stop, he is not enemy!”

A beautiful woman with a beautiful figure, a graceful figure, and a little jasper temperament, walked out and stopped everyone.

The women expression is complicated, looking at the youngster standing on the back of Griffin, eye reveals grateful, Revere, and silently recited in his heart, “Thank you for your help!”

Women are not others.

It was Zhao Fang who was rescued from the mouth of the Jianjian pig.


If in the past.

Zhao Fang is so high-profile that he enters Royal Capital.

Was long been given to Warring by the people of Three Great Clans at Royal Capital.

but now.

But no one came to him for trouble.

First, there is no Time.

Spirit beast retreats, each clans, almost all will send out to search for spoils of war, who has nothing to do in the city.

Even if there are some idlers in the city.

Do not dare to provoke Zhao Fang.

Far from saying that the aura of the emits of Griffin is enough to scare off many roadblockers.


Zhao Fang came to Danbao City and landed at Pill Treasure Pavilion before.

His arrival quickly attracted the attention of many people.

In particular, the Martial Artist who participated in the defensive war, when looking at Zhao Fang, in the eyes is more revealing the color of Revere.

They remember, Zhao Fang single-handedly broke the Spirit beast group.

not only.

Also personally killed an 7-Star Martial Venerable Powerhouse.

What is the concept of 7-Star Martial Venerable?

That’s the equivalent of Three Great Clans Old Ancestor ranked character!

Although the Golden Fiend Tiger rushed out of the cage, they were worried about the purchase Zhao Fang.

But see Zhao Fang returning safely, and in their hearts, in addition to excitement, there is shock.

“Under the Tier-6 Late Stage Spirit beast’s purchase, he can still retreat from the whole body. It’s really not simple Ah!”

If they know.

Their fiercely glamorous Golden Fiend Tiger, at this moment has surrendered to Zhao Fang, become his loyal battle pet, I do not know what it will be.

“ha ha, I know, Elder Zhao Fang is a good person, there will be no accident. Tang Qi, you don’t believe it, this believes!”

The laughter suddenly came out of the Pill Treasure Pavilion.

The two men walked quickly.

Among them, the person who walked in the front is Zhao Fang’s old acquaintance, Fujiwara.

Followed by Zhao Fang’s old acquaintance, Tang Qi.

When the two people saw Zhao Fang, they all showed joy.

But whether it is really happy or pretending, it is not known.

Zhao Fang was quite surprised that Fujiwara would come out personally.

But when I think about it, it will be relieved.

He estimated that his record in the flames of Outer City was passed to the other party’s ears. Fujiwara wanted to fix some embarrassing relationship, so he did not hesitate to personally welcome.

I figured out that Zhao Fang didn’t care much when he faced Fujiwara. He smiled nod and said hello.

There is no dissatisfaction on the surface of Fujiwara, and it is an extremely friendly attitude towards Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang talked with two people simple, after he was purged, it was a coincidence that he was out of trouble.

Not that he wants to show off.

Instead, through the mouth of the Tang Qi two people, the suspicion of some people is blocked.

A few words, Zhao Fang asked Zhao Zhengfeng.

However, he was told that Zhao Zhengfeng was invited to the Zhao family after the battle of the defending city.

In addition to him, there is Zhao Mei.

“After the battle of the defending city, Zhao Clan Great Elder, he personally came and took Zhao Grandfather away. In addition, Nan Gongling also returned to King City, as for your friend…Mu Qingxuan…”

Fujiwara hesitated to look at Zhao Fang.

“What’s up with her?”

“Before the war, she was picked up by the discipline sent by Xuanji Sect!”


Zhao Fang startled.

I think of all kinds of things that come together before, and suddenly there is a feeling of loss.

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