The glory is coming.

Like two unbreakable sharp blades, tearing the void. Falling into the nest.

Two huge eyelids appear above the nest and overlook the entire nest.

Between all of a sudden, an unspeakable repression, with infinite terrifying meaning, from the pair of eyes.

The huge scorpion stayed somewhere in the ruins, and it seemed to have discovered something, and there was a strange fluctuation.


“In any case, it was the worm that was raised by this Sir. I was with this Sir, and I was able to move unhindered. I have been infinitely fascinating.

“Now, the tiger falls Pingyang is bullied by dogs, trivial a foundation cricket and ants, can push you to this point…”

“Is it really sealed for too long, even the power is lost?”


a path of fluctuation, tapping somewhere in the ruins, until the last fluctuation dissipated, the entire ruins began to tremble.

“what’s going on?”

Zhao Fang, who had just stepped into the ruins and did not go far, noticed that after the ruins were abnormal, his expression changed slightly and he quickly looked up.

This looking up, immediately saw, the split sky, and the two deep rays of light behind the crack.

See this scene.

Zhao Fang’s mind rumbled, only the whole body pores must be blown up, a storm of the sky, sweeping from the heart.

He looked blank and stared at the pair of deep eyes.

Standing in the position of Zhao Fang, look at the crack and the gaze behind the crack.

It’s a kind of weird feeling.

It was as if he had become a dwarf, and at the window of the room, holding a giant, staring at his eyes, looking through the window, staring at himself.

The picture at that moment is destined to be shocking!

Even though Zhao Fang experienced a lot of such scenes, once again, there was a feeling of being shocked.


“Trivial builds the foundation cricket and ants, can you see the Clone projection of this Sir?”

The huge double 眸emits comes out with a fluctuation.

“Who are you?”

After Zhao Fang calmed down, she still stared at each other with vigilance.

Even if you take out a lot of life-saving things in secret, as soon as you see the machine is not good, you will immediately escape.

The two giant eyes in front of him have brought him a great threat. This feeling, even when facing the mother, never appeared!

What surprised him even more was the indifference of the emits in the two eyelids.

It seems that as long as the other party is willing, one thought can kill themselves.



The ruins of the tremor split open, and a scorpion-like object vacated, and the two giant eyes flew away.

Zhao Fang glanced at the eye worm, and immediately saw the worm inside the cockerel one breath, in the eyes cold light flashing, “The worm king did not die, this terrifying existence to take it away? What is their relationship?”

Zhao Fang can’t guess.

I don’t want to let the tiger go back to the mountain.

But the two huge eyes bring great pressure to him, let alone take action, kill the insect king, even if you look at each other, you can’t do it!

The worm turns into a flowing light, immersed in the left eye of the huge eyes.

At the moment when the insects disappeared, Zhao Fang clearly saw that the worm king of the aura cockroach in the worms opened his eyes and looked back at the wormed nest, the land full of ruins, in the eyes full of indifference.

And to see Zhao Fang, in the eyes indifferently quickly replaced by the reason of the bones and killing intent, can not wait to immediately Zhao Fang killed on the spot.

But it doesn’t have this Ability, it can only be unwilling, sinking into the huge left eye, disappearing!

“mole cricket and ants, you know sin!”

The worm king disappeared, and the two giant eyes on the sky looked at Zhao Fang. In the cold eyes, the whole world abandoned Zhao Fang’s passion and indifference.

“What the hell are you?”

Zhao Fang is also indifferent.

Although he is not clear about the identity of the other party, he understands that the attitude of rushing to the other party is by no means a friendly person.

“You ruined this Sir’s thing, and now dare to ask this Sir?”

The eyes are beating, a fuzzy silhouette, moving behind the Space Crack, seems to be a huge silhouette behind the crack, wanting to pass through the crack, and completely fall in Dongzhou.

“dress up as God, play as the Ghost !”

Zhao Fang coldly snorted, the heart of a move, Tai Chi yin and yang wings appeared in the back, turned into a black and white wings, with Zhao Fang, instantly disappeared inside the nest.

He couldn’t figure out the details of the other side and didn’t want to rush.

But Zhao Fang wants to go, the huge eyes are not going to let him go.

“Tai Chi Yin Yang Wing? Is that damned fellow left for you? If so, you can’t go!”

When I saw the Taiji Yinyang wing, the indifference of the giant in the sky on the sky was immediately replaced by the crazy killing intent, coldly start to talk.


The space within Wanli is condensed, and the Space inside it seems to be held down by an invisible hand. Anyone in this Space can’t move.

Outside of Wanli, Zhao Fang looked back at this scene and was shocked.

“Speaking with the blockade of Space ?surpass Yuan infantry’s existence?”

Zhao Fang complexion becomes extremely ugly.

Unexpectedly, the other side of Strength is so terrifying.


Zhao Fang can’t feel the distressed yin and yang wing terrifying’s ‘sucking crystal’ Ability, successively activate the Taiji yin and yang wings, and after the opening of the Void in the yin and yang gas holes, Zhao Fang appears in hundreds of thousands of miles away.


That huge eyes are still there.

“Can’t escape!”

“Today, this Sir took your head, and it was a sigh of tens of thousands of years for this Sir to be suppressed!”

The volt came and contained an extremely cold chill.


Zhao Fang found that the sky of the World where he lived suddenly sank.

You must know that before the count, the place is still bright.

He quickly looked up.

Just looking at it, the eyes suddenly contracted.

But when I saw the sky above my head, I don’t know when, there was a huge palm.

The palm of the hand pressed down, and there was an endless storm brewing in the palm. It was not near, so Zhao Fang felt the terrifying Crisis.

“damn it, the law of falling from the sky? Are the roads closed?”

When Giant Palm fell and the sky moved, Zhao Fang was also shocked by the power of this palm, with the slightest hesitation activated the teleport on the colorful serie.

Coupled with the power of Taiji Yinyang, Zhao Fang figure disappeared hundreds of millions of miles away.

Can still be in the scope of this palm!

He clench one’s teeth, forcing the blood from his mouth, wanting to move again, but already late, the seemingly slow palm, like Wind-Thunder, rushing.


The huge palms crashed down!

The hundreds of millions of miles of mountains and rivers covered by the palms, countless creatures, turned into fly ash at the moment when this palm fell.

Even Dongzhou, by this palm, directly smashed most of it!

that moment.

The entire Dongzhou Powerhouses were clearly and keenly aware of the changes in Dongzhou, and they all changed their minds and looked at the palms of their hands.

“Dare to move this Sir, this is your end.”

Gloomy’s voice sounded: “This time, I will give you a lesson. Wait until this Sir breaks the seal. It is necessary to wash the Continent and let all the souls bury!”

With a sneer, the cracks slowly closed, and the huge eyes would disappear.

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