The second thousand and twenty-four chapters of the riot mountains!

Fujiwara City.

Inside a shop under the name of Mizusawa Castle.

“Young master, is there a hope for the resurrection of Huang Er?”

After several times of overjoyed Qin Yueshan, after the great sorrow, the mind was unprecedentedly peaceful, looking at the hidden soul, and asked not to lift his head.

Zhao Fang Wen Yan, who is next to him, said: “I can’t be resurrected. I’m not sure, but in the Tibetan soul, as long as I don’t die, her soul will be innocent.”

“And it’s not me who really decides her life and death, but you, Qin City Lord!”

“I?” Qin Yueshan stunned.

“Qin Feihuang died because of the undead phoenix bloodline. If she wants to resurrect her, she also needs the undead phoenix bloodline. At that time, she will re-cast Fleshy Body with the blood of immortal phoenix. She can not only live but also get rid of the previous cultivation. Shackles, start over!”

Wen Yan, Qin Yueshan eyes shined.

It quickly faded down, and smiled and shook his head: “There is no such thing as a bloody bloodline. How do we know.”

Zhao Fang glanced at him and looked indifferent and did not answer.

Qin Yueshan hesitated for a moment, and looked up fiercely. “Zhao Young master, can you please help me again?”

Zhao Fang gaze shimmers , calmly said : “Please say, if you can do it, you will not deny it!”

“This thing, you may not be able to do it now, as long as your cultivation base reaches the Revolving Core, you can do it.”

“Oh?” Zhao Fang suddenly became interested in what Qin Yueshan said.

“The news of the undead phoenix bloodline, I have a relevant record in the water city, but it is not detailed, it can only be counted as a scale and a half claw. I did not say it before, nor did it intentionally conceal the Young master. It is because it is of great importance. We also uncertain.”

“And, that place is extremely dangerous, and its degree of danger is no more than that of the country.”

Zhao Fang was shocked. “Is it more than the waters of the country?”

It is important to know that the name of the Mizusawa Kingdom is far-reaching. In addition to the dozens of False Core Great Perfection’s sea monster Overlord in Blackpool, it is also related to the spirit of Mizusawa.

Sea Beast Overlord…Zhao Fang can not care.

The strength of the spirit of the water, he is hard to ignore, it is a super-existence of the Great Expert!

If the non-defense demon is just forbidden to restrain the spirit of the water, Zhao Fang can live out of the spirit of the water, or an Unknown number.

“I know that after this incident, I have sent Powerhouse to explore the city many times, but in the end there is no news, and those people have never returned.”

“Later, I sent Revolving Core to investigate, and the Revolving Core did not return. Just before I died, I was given an intermittent order.”

Upon hearing this, Zhao Fang frowned slightly.

“Even the Revolving Core can be ruined, and that place is really dangerous, and it is also in line with the characteristics of the undead phoenix bloodline hiding place.”

“What is the fit? Even the Revolving Core can kill, even if you know the exact location of the undead, Qin Family can’t get it back.”

Qin Yueshan looks a little sad.

Immediately, seeing Zhao Fang looks different, it seems quite a bit different, Qin Yueshan was shocked, and quickly dissuaded: “Zhao Young master, I know that you have a lot of means, comparable to Revolving Core, but that place is really dangerous, if you really want Go, please upgrade the cultivation base to the Revolving Core, and at least reach the False Core.”

“I understand this, I will not make fun of my own life.”

Zhao Fang nod, “However, where is the place that Qin City Lord said?”

Qin Yueshan is silent, looking up at Zhao Fang, one word and one sentence: “riot mountain!”

Words fall –


“congratulations Player, triggers the Level B spurt Task ‘Huang Huang Inheritance’.”

“In a month’s Time, find the undead bloodline from the riot mountains, reward the soul of the undead, 300,000 cents, and continuously promote 3 levels.”


“System is more anxious than I am.”

Zhao Fang has a smile on her lips.

He was not surprised by the sudden explosion of Task.

The only surprise is the level of the Task and the reward of the Task.

Level B, branch Task.

The Retreat of Task Reward can be compared with the ‘Three Swords’ of the main line Task.

“Even System has determined that the risk of this Task is b, it seems that this riot mountain is really dangerous.”

Zhao Fang suddenly curious about the riot mountain, gave birth to a trace, I really want to know, what is the riot law here.

See Zhao Fang is not because of the name of the ‘riot mountain’, revealing any fearful look, Qin Yueshan slightly raised his eyebrows, hanging heart, unconsciously also relaxed a lot.

He first concealed Zhao Fang. In addition to the lack of intelligence, Zhao Fang was scared by the Fearful Might of the riot mountains and dared not go.

But now, he can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

After thinking about it, Qin Yueshan once again looked at Zhao Fang, and said: “Zhao Young master, there is one thing, I need to explain with you.”

“You want the town of Yue Jian, I am afraid that Qin Family can not give you!”

Zhao Fang looked up, his eyes were sharp, his eyes were bright and the sharpness of the aysss, even Qin Yueshan felt uncomfortable.

He was a little shocked and quickly said: “Zhen Yuejian was a few years ago, and the existing is not my Qin Family. In Qin Family, only the strength of Zhen Yuejian left by Zhen Yuejian.”

“This is my Qin Family owe you. If you have other requirements, please start to talk, as long as Qin Family can do it, even if you do all the treasures, you will be satisfied!”

Qin Yueshan’s words are true and bitter.

Seeing it, he really wants to compensate Zhao Fang.

Zhao Fang calms down, calmly said: “Where is Zhen Yuejian?”

“Imperial City , Fujiwara Clan !”

Qin Yueshan bite the clench one’s teeth, and the eyes of the hate look like a trace of the hegemony, which seems to have a deep hostility and hatred towards the hegemonic Imperial Clan that ruled the whole of Wuzhou.


Zhao Fang sighed. “The news that I got before is really not a hole in the air.”

Qin Yueshan Zhangkou, still want to say something.

Zhao Fang waved his hand and said: “many thanks Qin City Lord tells the truth, since I know its whereabouts, I am relieved.”

Seeing Qin Yueshan is still a fidgety look, Zhao Fang got up, indifferently said: “About the hundred great war, Qin City Lord, although rest assured, since I promise you, I will not regret it… In addition, I would like to ask, Have you heard of Tongtian Xianmen?”

Qin Yueshan raised his head fiercely, his eyes protruding, like a fierce tiger who found prey, staring at Zhao Fang.

“What the hell are you?”


The next day.

It is bright.

As the powerhouses of the city entered the martial arts stage, the city was quiet and it was once again boiled.

“Zhao Young master, please.”

Early in the morning, the waterfront city’s participating soldiers were also led by Qinyue Mountain to the martial arts stage.

However, the Qin Family talents such as Qin Ming are amazed that Qin Yueshan’s attitude toward Zhao Fang has changed dramatically.

That attitude is ardent, with a touch of respect and revere.

“What is the situation?”

“Even for gratitude, friendly attitude, don’t need such a revere?”

Qin Ming and others can’t figure it out.

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