The second thousand and twenty-six chapters of my words are the rules!

As for their behind…

The famous city’s talents, while looking at the young silhouette of the robes, looked at the look of solem or wariness.

“Is it rumored that this person is not ready to step into the Revolving Core? How did the Royal Family send him out?”

The ghost of the City Lord, a big-faced big man, quite unexpectedly looks at Fujiwara.

“The rumor is really a rumor, you look at his cultivation base, obviously did not take that one step, he is still at False Core Realm!”

The ghost of the City Lord is not far away, a heroic middle-aged man in Jinyi, his eyes slightly picked up, said solemnly.

That is the town of Nanwang.

Strength is extremely powerful. It is one of the few cultivation bases in the city of 108. It reaches the existence of the Revolving Core.

His words are naturally authoritative!

“That said, the Royal Family’s previous story about this person’s killed Revolving Core Initial Stage is also rumored.”

Yuhua City Lord, a figure is relatively thin, short man thinks.

“Do not.”

Zhennan Wang shook his head. “This rumor, I am afraid it is true. I feel an extremely powerful aura in this child, compared to some Revolving Core four or five existence, not too much!”


Wen Yan, whether it is the City Lord or the City Lord, is complexion greatly changed.

A heavy Realm is a heavy day.

The general False Core is nine-fold, can be proud of the same level, and is already extremely powerful.

Want to challenge the Revolving Core, basically impossible.

There is not necessarily one in 10,000 False Cores.

Challenge Revolving Core without losing, it is the presence in the legend.

In a million False Core, it is difficult to have such a peerless talent.

As for the False Core, the Volvo Core is a two-fold existence, which is like a mythical legend.

In the 100 million False Core, there is no such a peerless Supreme Talent.

No matter how they don’t admit with wariness, the front of the dragon robes youth, the greatly standing at that height, he has this capital with Strength.

“If you kill the finals, you must admit defeat if you meet this person. This person is not your enemy.”

Hesitated a lot, the Great City owners have voiced each of the talents, be careful to guard Fujiwara Zuo Jun, can not be matched.

“Zhao Young master, this Fujiwara Zuojun rumored to have cultivated more than one Yuan Dan, Strong is far from very human, you… be careful!”

Qin Yueshan wanted to tell Zhao Fang, if you meet this person, avoid the concession, you can think of Zhao Fang even the waters of the country can come over, trivial Fujiwara Zuo Jun, and why not hang? This was temporarily changed.

“Cultivating more than one Yuan Dan? It’s a bit interesting.”

Zhao Fang’s gaze, faintly smiled, didn’t care too much.

Old man The left is present, occupying the middle of the martial arts stage, overlooking the audience, without any nonsense, directly into the theme.

“According to the level of the trial land, stand in a row.”

In front of the old man, there are four signs on it, which are written with the words ordinary, difficult, sinister, Hell, etc., which corresponds to the level of the trial land.

The city’s tallen Wen Yan was buzzing, and most of them flocked to the ordinary difficult two signs.

Compared with the two signs of the bustling ordinary difficulty, the number of people in front of the dangerously ranked sign is quite cold and lonely.

Liangliangcheng and others of Daliang City are among the eleventh cities.

“Let’s go too!”

Zhao Fang first stepped out one step, with a look of pride Qin Ming and others, walked to the Hell ranked sign.

Only a city of Shuize City, standing alone, is more cold and lonely than the eleven cities in front of the dangerous level sign.

Their movement has attracted many people’s attention.

Fujiwara Sato’s lips are smiling and his eyes are indifferent.

He behind a group of Fujiwara city talent, also have different expressions, doubts, disdain, and also solemn.

The five middle-aged men of the five Revolving Cores were also slightly gazing and looked at Zhao Fang and others.

Even the left-handed eyes, a listless, left-body who was hollowed out, also lifted his head slightly, his eyes swept over Zhao Fang, and the bright glow flashed in his eyes.

“Hell, a city.”

“False, eleven cities.”

“Difficult, forty-two cities.”

“Ordinary, 50 Four Cities.”

The left apprentice glanced at the number of cities in front of the four signs, and immediately became clear.

“Now, this Elder announces the list of guards.”

“Zhennan City, Yunxiang City, Daliang City…”

The selected ones were basically the dangerous city in the eleventh city. After the ninth city pool was reported, the left apprentice paused slightly, and the muddy eyes swept toward the direction of the water city.

Upon seeing it, Qin Yueshan’s heart ge-deng jumped and suddenly gave birth to one kind of restlessness.

as predicted.

The left is slow and spit out the last city: “Shuize City!”

The crowd is quiet.

Many people seem to have expected it, staring at the drama, staring at Qin Yueshan.

Among them, it includes Liang Kun, who is extremely uncomfortable with Qin Yueshan.

“Left Elder, I have dissent!”

Qin Yueshan strode out, his eyes have not been exposed to the left-hander Elder, the left-hand Elder behind’s five Revolving Core eight-year-old middle-aged man, at the same time looking at Qin Yueshan.

Qin Yueshan immediately felt Gravity pressing, complexion slightly changed, he calmed his face, calmly turned to the left, said: “According to the Imperial City Law, through the Hell-level trial of the city, in the guard, there is the right to choose the order .”

“This City Lord Qin Yueshan, the resolution is not kept, and left the left elder Elder to recover!”

Said, Qin Yueshan slightly hands clasped together politely a gift.

Whether it is directed at the opponent’s old Patriarch identity, or the fake baby cultivation base, it is worthy of his solemnity.

“Qin Yueshan, are you questioning Old Man?”

The left eyelids were slightly lifted, and the sound was so chilly.

Hearing this, Qin Yueshan, who bowed his head, frowned immediately. He heard the dissatisfaction in the voice of the left, but now he has to stand up.

Because, according to the ranking of the left, he has no chance to keep ten times.

after all.

In terms of background, there is only one group of False Cores in Shui Zecheng, which is impossible to compare with the same guarded town of Nancheng City.

If you choose to be at the end of the battle, when the attacker is lacking in mind and body, there is still some hope in the city.

Qin Yueshan has no confidence if he wants to be a full-fledged attacker.

“Don’t dare, this City Lord is just doing more than the rules, but also hope that the left-hander Elder will complete.” Qin Yue Shantou did not lift, still squatting.


The left applause laughed, the voice was a little hoarse, and there was a bit of ridiculous ridicule. “You said the rules, don’t you know, in this Fujiwara city, my Imperial Clan is the biggest rule?”

This is the chop nails and sever Iron, overbearing exception.

The people who heard it, bowed their heads, but did not dare to refute, apparently the default.

“The rules you said, that are old rules, this time, the great war of the hundred cities is hosted by Old Man, so this rule has also changed, everything comes according to Old Man’s mind, so that you can understand?”


For a moment of silence, Qin Yueshan’s voice was low and back.

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